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Everything posted by heillingalj

  1. I think it's more about why the uncontrollable ones (eg Cobras, AH-6) don't do anything to enemy aircraft. And to be honest, most people who play CoD will use their killstreaks to get more kills, instead of shoot other stuff down.
  2. Hey, nice to meet you. Pity about you computer not woking and you having a Wii, you miss out on a lot of zombies and maps, but oh well. Not too sure about Richtofen being "lovable", but perhaps that's just me. He's just a bit too creepy for my liking, whereas you just have to love Nikolai! If you need any help with anything, feel free to ask (although you've been here a while so may know what you're doing. I didn't have a clue when I first arrived!) See you around
  3. I definitely want more stat tracking than simply Round, Points and Kills. The super speedy guys on Verruckt were crazy, I mean above about round 20, you could be surrounded within seconds of them getting through a window. It also didn't help that they would glitch and just jump straight through a fully boarded window :evil:
  4. These are brilliant finds. [brains] to you!
  5. Problem I have with Mars is that there would need to be a whole lot of explaining how, why and when zombies and the characters got there. Also, if there were buildings etc there, that would be even more explaining needed. I'm sure Treyarch could just about pull it off, but I'd prefer not to have another "off-planet zombies experience" as the first BO 2 map. I think it would be better to do a couple of maps on Earth, either years before the missiles hit or in ruined cities after the missiles have hit perhaps. Also, by keeping it on Earth, it's easier for Treyarch to do, especially as they're having to concentrate a lot on getting all the new game modes up and running.
  6. Magna, I know it's a survival game, but having them as faster than the player would just make it impossible. I mean, could you imagine NML if the zombies were faster, or the narrow maps like Verruckt and Shang, it would be impossible for people to get above 30 in most cases. What I'm saying is to make zombies a challenge, but not so difficult that only the best players enjoy it because they're the only ones who can get anywhere in it.
  7. Quantum, there are many people who don't like the sound of it, but what we have to do is keep an open mind and try it out several times before slating it. I mean, people used to say "Oh, but zombies on CoD will suck", and look at what's happened since ;)
  8. Mm, time travel does eem like a vible option here, but at the same time, the poster has the girl standing atop ruins etc, so it could be that the story will take place on a post-apocalyptic Earth (I know, just a little bit clichéd). As you said though, absolutely everything we say at the moment is pure speculation. I mean, we could actually be talking about the storyline without even realising it :?
  9. IFQ, don't worry about it so much - after all, it's hard to beat some of the people on here simply because they are World Record holders. There's also no need to get frustrated with zombies, just chillax and try and enjoy it. Remember, zombies is there to be played however you want - you can try shooting for high rounds, but you don't have to. You can just as easily ignore all the stuff about round 80 or round 90 on here and just play the game the way you want. And by the way, getting into the 30s is most definitely above average. My proof: do what you're doing and play with randoms, they are all the proof you need ;)
  10. Problem nowadays is that everything is a bit too cliche. A few years ago, it was all about WW games, now it's modern/futuristic. American civil war just wouldn't work IMO. Not enough technology to really offer a wide range of weapons/attachments/perks, and virtually zero killstreaks, IMO. If you want an American Civil War game, wait for Assassin's Creed 3 to come out later this year.
  11. They could also be in some kind of club together where you would get that tattoo... LOL I get the feeling there's slightly more to it than that!
  12. I'll be able to do some of these after exams, so from about the 23rd June. Based in UK, at weekends available from about 6pm GMT onwards for zombies, or earlier if wanted. GT etc is in my signature :)
  13. Haha at least if there is also a ak74u and Juggernog i will be fine... That will come later (: But I will throw in a movie director to keep you company Whether he'll help you, I'm not too sure, he's a little bipolar LOL
  14. All very interesting, and am sorta looking forward to how Treyarch pulll this off. There's no point judging at this point in time, simply because we have no idea what it's gonna be like. I mean, there were people who, when everyone first learned about how zombies had been added to WaW, were like "Oh, this is gonna suck, I mean it's got nothing to do with CoD". Look how that turned out ;)
  15. It's not that big of a deal if randoms play it more than once - simply turn down the music level in the games's audio options.
  16. I think that if they're faster, it would be too difficult to survive, as you would never be able to outrun them. Saying that, you could always get Stamin-Up.
  17. Nice idea that's been seen a couple of times, but I think that it would need to cost closer to 10,000. Otherwise you could have your 3 other perks as Jugg, Speed and Mule Kick, which have a combined cost of 9500, which is a fair bit more than 6000. Also, could you imagine how OP this perk would be in solo - get loads of points and you can have Jugg and Quick Revive pretty much forever as long as you keep rebuying Gregor Grip.
  18. So a little girl trapped in a pyramid on the Moon controlling hordes of zombies and hellhounds, controlling a Mystery Box that can randomly move, and also drop things like insta-kill is completely and utterly believable? :roll:
  19. Every time I play Verruckt, I get creeped out. It is just so creepy, what with the rubble etc and just the random sounds that jump out at you
  20. I would love for this to happen, it adds more competition to zombies
  21. It's fine - just go back to the post we're talking about, at the top there is a greyish button that looks like a cross.Click that and all shall be forgiven! If for some reason the cross isn't there, click the edit button and use that to remove the stuff that needs removing This may help clear any confusion: viewtopic.php?f=115&t=19980
  22. Hey Doz., if you think that something is a leak DO NOT POST IT. This isn't me being angry because you've ruined a surprise or anything, it's just one of those rules we have on CoDz, because Treyarch often look at this forum, so we want to keep them onside, and we do that by not posting any leaked stuff. But anyway, rant thingy over, this sort of thing has been seen before, and it is most likely fake, so it's best to just ignore it.
  23. Yeah, but what we're saying is that there will be multiple game modes for Zombies, as confirmed by Treyarch's Mark Lamia, and the Classic Zombies (i.e the zombies we currently have) we still be available, and this is a suggestion for a new gamemode. So you would still be able to have that sort of "fending for your life" feeling in zombies if you so wished.
  24. Think this could be the best way of doing things IMO.
  25. Well, we'll definitely be getting Campaign at E3, and almost certainly some multiplayer of some sort. Zombies is a different matter - I doubt there'll be too much zombies info at E3, or even too much gameplay, but we should probably be getting a bit of new stuff. The really big, new, cool stuff though could be kept back as a surprise for later. :cry:
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