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Tankeo Dempsaki

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Everything posted by Tankeo Dempsaki

  1. Hey, I was just wondering why no one's really looked into the astronaut zombie? I always thought there was more than meets the eye to him. (which is very little). For example: -why does he explode like that upon death? -why is he so powerful? -how can he headbutt you, and teleport you somewhere else, while stealing a perk? Very odd. -why does he spawn in a flash of lightning? I'm not very good at researching things, so can my friends here at CODZ help me out with these mysteries? If these have already been answered I apologize.
  2. You forgot "smashed" in the middle of your name. :D
  3. I don't think that would work. One zombie maybe, but if you're getting swarmed you probably wouldn't be able to jump. Plus, you couldn't jump over objects, as some kind of coding thing prevents you, even in low-grav on moon. Also, people would simply jump onto a spot where zombies couldn't reach them. Knife-aid FTW.
  4. Some pretty good ideas in here. I like the part about camping in WAW. I personally like the background music they've been doing on the newer maps.
  5. Mine won't get you kills, but It'll get you Juggernog indefinetly. Knife as many as you can at the start. When the buzzer goes off, stand in the top corner at the left half of the hangar. (if that makes sense) Knife as many dogs as you can near the begginning. Start running right, in front of the hangar. If it looks like you are going to die/get swarmed, cut through the pool in the middle and continue to train by running a circle around the outside of the map. Make sure you have all (or most) of the zombies behind you, cook a grenade for 3-4 seconds, and throw to the side of the horde so it explodes in the middle. If you don't have enough for Jug by now, knife the crawlers you made. Continue to run the circle and knife ONE crawler once each time you loop around. Since it's still early, (presumably) they should die and give you 130 points. Wash rinse and repeat with your 2nd grenade. And remember to fire your M1 into the horde for 30 points a shot. I'm not a strategist but this should help. :D
  6. I be Tankeo, lord of the flies! Welcome!
  7. Whenever I play, people hit the box before me and ALWAYS , I repeat ALWAYS get that map's Wunderweapon. Then at least one person will get a Ray gun, and sometimes someone will get the grenade. When I finally buy the box after defending all three of them, I will then get either a gun I am not very good with, a crappy gun, or the bear. ALWAYS with the damn bear. Strangely, this only happens with Randoms...
  8. While on texture glitches, I just played a game where PerfectLemonade's P.E.S. was completely black, and we could see Dempsey's head. It looked so awesome!
  9. I've had that happen on multiple occasions. Nikolai will say it rarely when he makes a crawler. It's probably just a sound file screw up. For the unnamed marines.
  10. Maxis said (hinted?)it would kill the zombies... But it seems he lied.
  11. Hey, nice to see a new member, but we usually don't put @ in posts. K? :D
  12. I remember seeing those! Didn't think much of them at the time.
  13. It would be unlike Treyarch to just put in random animal sounds, I mean, they do a Staggering amount of research into stuff they don't even officially release!
  14. Seems a little farfetch'd. (however you spell it) I always thought the thing in the sky was some kind of signal. As for the Astronauts, well, it was obvious from the start there's more there than meets the eye.
  15. Ah, the MP40. Me and that gun go way back. First gun I'd ever bought, first I pack-a-punched. I can still remember parroting Richtoffen's line: "vat could be better zan ze MP40? Plus add Speed Cola+Double Tap, that thing is a MONSTER!
  16. I made this thread awhile ago, but it wasn't as good and kinda faded out of existence. You worked harder on yours though. I can tell. ;)
  17. They could have just based the design off them, but there's probably a method to this madness... The mystery is, what's the method?
  18. I REALLY want to help out with this, but I don't have the money for a capture card... Also, on Nut's point, instead of Damned, what about the opening riff from Abracadvre? The instrumental part after the Piano. (If you know what I mean) or the music from that part that goes like :"these shackles they come," just some thoughts.
  19. So, while they were on the moon and stuff, since they were traveling through time and stuff, their descendants are fighting zombies on earth! I get it.
  20. Do you mean descendants or anscestors? Cause if they went BACK in time then... Never mind, I'll just stay out of it. I'm off the ball today.
  21. I like the descendants idea, but I would hope they had won by then! :D
  22. I be Tankeo, lord of the Flies! I wish I had something to offer, but I really don't... :cry: Bienvenue!
  23. Indeed it was. That was when I started to hate GLaD0S
  24. Dual wield American Cowboy style! I'd l0ve more Dual-wield weapons. Especially SMG's. Dual wield Death Machine, welcome to Godhood.
  25. Welcome to CoDZ. I be Tankeo, Lord of the Flies! (as you can see in my badly written theme song in my sig) We've pretty much covered the stuff we give every new member. I wish I could play with you... But I have an Xbox... :cry:
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