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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Purhaps a dimensional crank that squeezes zombies together inbetween dimensions? Sounds nice right?
  2. Sorry mate! Alcatraz... No clue WHEN! Or HOW, but Alcatraz... With people we've never seen before...
  3. Wow that is quite interesting.. my first comparison is medusa.. but that's a completely different type of thing. So would that make them (weeping angels) a diversion or just a scare tactic to insert into a map? Both... Why yes it would be scary as hell to be pack a punching only to turn around to find a zombie, frozen by your gaze, it may as well also be a diversion, like say, the weeping angels work like a causmonaut and teleport you to another area of the map (Minus 1 perk) when your grabbed... 4 spawn in different areas of the map... The way to TRUELY diffuse a weeping angel, is to have one statue look at another.. So if one team mate got one of the four to fallow him down one side of a hall and the other to fallow him down another, the two W-A-Zombies could look at each other and permanently freeze themselves... Acheivement Unlocked: DONT BLINK! 5Gs... Where as otherwise they could REALLY get in your way of training and cause many problems...
  4. Well... I think that trayarch will lead us to BELEIVE the dlc spells "Russ" but will actually then turn to spell something even more mysterious... Ruby... Runs... Ruh-Ro Raggy!... R-U-XP (dead)...
  5. Oh, the zombie isn't actually weeping.. See the weeping angels from doctor who are what is known as "Quantum locked" meaning once they're seen, they become stone... Very interesting stuff.. Look it up... Very progitave..
  6. W-O-W Trayarch you are NEVER displeasing (although I would have hoped you would bring back F-ing Tank Nikolai takeo and RichtoSam.... :Evil: ) I can't wait to waist 20 more bucks on you in 12 days! http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/04/black-ops-2-uprising-dlc-adds-new-maps-zombie-adventure-on/ Now if you a-looks eh here.., you see we've been given 4 all new Multiplayer maps that look absolutly KICK arse! But skipping that.., we move on to MOTD! (Call of the dead was COTD, mob of the dead will be MOTD) it looks fantastic, although I'm a BIT peived we arnt seeing Old Nikolai tank takeo and RichtoSam Whatever this is... I'm COMPLEATLY lost.., WUNDERBAR! :twisted: Why are the zombies eyes red? Who are these people? What's goin on in alcatraz? Ooohhhh and the BIG one NOT revealed in the video (Which bTW was released by Blackops 2. Com so its NOT a leak), but is mentioned by this joystick description: What... Is purgatory... VERY lost-ish I'm seeing... What was with the zombies piling on at guy? Was that Just the intro cut scene? Or a better zombies animation!?! (Likely just the cut scene) I'm doing research on the charracters now! Ooooohhhh I can't WAIT! I feel like a little zombie on brains-giving! Alright I'm back... And he first thing I noticed, was the actor's ages... Every one is over 50 years old, TODAY!... So WHEN is this map taking place? It's a bit far back for the prohibition era... But remember: They're actors! And therefor, this movie could be taking place at any time! But... Is it before the nuclear event... After the event... Or DURRING the event?!?!... Could this be the first spire were building? Or the last one? SER MERNER QERSTERNS!!!! (So many questions--> emerged-ified) Alright, I watched the trailer again, and again, and this time I noticed something right after we see the close up of the first character: A scarry-as-Hell jet-black dog-like creature.. And I noticed something: as visious as this thing looked, it didn't seem to be advancing TOWARD the player... Purhaps it can't move while being looked at? Or maybe it is confined to a specific area.. Also guess who's back! Our good old pal: The thompson! Yeah! As well as one of the MGs from nuketown, I'm no good with names... Now many people are asking: When is this map? Why are these actors here? Well here's my theory: What if... There was a pair of MTDs somewhere.., on some set... Somewhere... (possibly in Alcatraz), there was a REAL life working MTD (COTD revisited?) And these four stepped into it? Then somehow, they're sent forward, PAST the nuclear event into the Alcatraz of the red eyed zombies? That would make more sense then either having a map before the nukes, or a map centered around a movie production after the apocolipse... Or purhaps they survived the explosion...but are now trapped on Alcatraz? Stuck in their cloaths of the movie? Idk, I guess we'll find out in about 11 days.... Four hours... 45 minutes... Ooohhh how exiting! What do you guys think?
  7. What are you talking about? I know alcatraz was from the leaked info... So that's problem A... Problem B is what? Where did alcapone come in? Just because this is MOB of the dead doesn't mean that there are actuall mobsters... It may just mean random gangster zombies are about... And purhaps a boss could be alcapone... But it's certainly not going to take place in 193? That just wouldn't make any sense... Because A: There has been no evidence of backwards time travel yet... And B: It wouldn't connect to the storyline at all...
  8. I would love a stalker zombie or a weeping angel zombie... A stalker zombie would constantly hide from a players sight and scare the livi hell out of a player who is coming around a corner! Brilliant! And a weeping angel zombie is a zombie that can fallow the player as long as the CLOSEST player is not looking at it... If he looks at him, he freezes and his defence goes way up! But he can't hurt you...
  9. Shame... Quick revive is so helpfull when playing with noobs... it makes it SOO... Much easier to revive mid-rounds...
  10. Not proof... Simply a guess formed from information that may or may not be true...
  11. The game may be fine, but the wii-u system is just terrible IMO...
  12. Alright.... Fair point... There should be a second activation switch for this though, so that players have to go arround the ENTIRE map before they can warp randomly....
  13. Well no, the baby maker shrunk the zombies but didn't kill them, the thundergun obliterated all the zombies caught in the blast... And the wave gun microwaved the insides of the zombies in line with it, they're all pretty different weapons, where as your gun fires almost the exact same as the wave gun... Red pistol, blue pistol, combine for a purple wave...
  14. I like to play on 10-13 sens on a normal lay out with _____Lt-Aim. _______________________Rt-Fire_____ ____LB-Tactical___________________________RB-leathal___ Ct stick normal_________Select-Stats________________________Y-Swap guns X-reload ___________________________________Start-Menu____________B-Crouch A-Jump ___D-pad (Up equipment, Down Claymores, left attachments). R-Ct normal And I can make it at least to round 30 if I try and dont do anything stupid... This is also a good mode to start in as it is very versitile and the controls can be used in many other shooter games....
  15. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=30082 THAT,would be epic, a new way to hold a weapon, as well as a return of a much loved perk... Despite the fact it was almost useless in BO1...
  16. I see Paris as the second dlc, and the final spire map.. Then the 3rd dlc will consist of some other epicness and the last dlc to have one HUGE GIANT unsuspecting event that will have us talking for another year!
  17. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=30177 A map like that would suffice... However just returning to old maps? BORE-ING! Even if it is a devistated version...
  18. Please read the WHOLE post before begging please... There of COURSE will be a new map, I'm simply saying there's no harm in adding a new game mode AS WELL.... Also what does a prison map have to do with anything?... (Walking dead much?) if its about that pic from NGT zombies that they did a vid about... Im pretty sure that's fake... Or incomplete at the very least...
  19. P85e2pb4W-4 Alright, so that was good ol, spider's take of the numbers, but here's what I think we've been given this info for... :geek: (Sherlock Holmes voice) Let's review our clues: We have a possible game dlc called "MOB of the dead" that was leaked, and I'm not going to consider this a "LEAK" because: A: That gives us VERY minimal information, we still wouldnt know the Characters in the map, the weapons, new features, or even where the map would be... And B: Its likely going to be announced (OR something else will be announced) soon enough... Back on subject, we have MOB of the dead, as well as tweets of numbers in the Fibonachi sequence... Well here's what I suppose: MOB of the dead is NOT the new map, but rather, a new GAMEMODE! Here's how it would work: Say this map takes place at the diner (we only have one Gamemode there and it wouldnt make sense to put it in with the die rise area), It would start off with 1-4 players and there would be a few wall weapons and the box, as well as galvas on the roof, and 4perks and pap, (Juggernog-In foggy area opposet the lava pit, Double tap: In shead, Speed cola-In diner, quick revive: In garage, and pack a punch on the roof), as well as four buyable doors: The diner, the garage, the shed, and the roof access... Now what makes THIS mode unique is that no matter how many players you have, the zombie count will ALWAYS be the same on every round, and as well, the zombies health NEVER changes, no matter how high you go... It will always be the same amount of health as in turned... Here's where it all starts makin sense! On round 0 (yes zero, the zombie is asleep until a player kills it), there is one sleepy zombie, then once it dies, round 1 begins, this time there is one running zombie... On round 2 there are 2 running zombies, on round 3 there are 3 running zombie's (Somebody feels smart for catching what's going on here...) And on round 4... Five running zombies spawn... The zombie rate goes up by the fibonachi sequence! Then, by round 12, 144 zombies will start spawning in! And soon you just get over whelmed, and die! This seems PLENTY logical to me, how about you guys?
  20. Try playing in local mode: Origional... Or headshots only... Both are pretty flipping hard...
  21. What if mob of the dead is just a new mode? That would make sense to me...
  22. Then you managed to buy past the glitch... Lucky you..
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