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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. Hey Covert, have you decided anything on solo groups yet? I think it would be a smart idea to just add on 10 rounds to each group requirement. Ie to get into Takeo, you need to have gotten to either 20 co op or 30 solo, for Nikolai, 30 co op or 40 solo, etc.
  2. Okay guys, so I just died on my first legit high round attempt at 97 on Ascension. I know it's no 161 or whatever, but I was proud of it. I didn't regret anything about it—I played well. But alas, I digress. Both times I went down (I lost the other revive to monkeys) was because I had Mule Kick and I was trying to get back my Thundergun midround, and I couldn't pull out my Awful Lawton in time to save my butt. There were really only two spots I ever had trouble with: power room spawn, and the Mule Kick spawn. I could imagine on other maps, there are similar box spawns to these as well that would be a pain in the ass to hit midround. So does anyone have tips for hitting a box midround? I'm thinking that, as I do more of these high round runs, this will be my Achilles' heel. Thanks! -perfect
  3. Okay guys, so I just died on my first legit high round attempt at 97 on Ascension. I know it's no 161 or whatever, but I was proud of it. I didn't regret anything about it—I played well. But alas, I digress. Both times I went down (I lost the other revive to monkeys) was because I had Mule Kick and I was trying to get back my Thundergun midround, and I couldn't pull out my Awful Lawton in time to save my butt. There were really only two spots I ever had trouble with: power room spawn, and the Mule Kick spawn. I could imagine on other maps, there are similar box spawns to these as well that would be a pain in the ass to hit midround. So does anyone have tips for hitting a box midround? I'm thinking that, as I do more of these high round runs, this will be my Achilles' heel. Thanks! -perfect
  4. That would be unfair. It needs to be like a roulette thing, where after you complete the easter egg you go up to this machine thing that gives you a random wunder weapon. Once you pack a punch it and you run out of ammo with it, you can put it back and get a new random wunder weapon. But you can only do this three times per game, so be careful... But there would also need to be wunder weapons in the box, because I think it's unfair that you should be required to do an easter egg to be successful.
  5. Just PM a mod and ask if they'll make a global announcement about it! They'd prolly say yes...
  6. Yeah, of course. There's no denying trains can get boring. Very minor improvements on the behavior of the zombies when getting kited could fix that. It would bring an entirely new aspect to the game. However, it's just that I couldn't stand it if they completely messed with their mechanics so much that training would be impossible. That would take a lot of the fun away from me. Anyways, back to the original topic!
  7. I would quit Zombies. Trains are what separates Zombies from Left4Dead or Deadrising. It just wouldn't be the same. really? because i thought the fact that it was a survival mode is what separated it from every thing else. how do trains constitute a significant difference besides an easy tactic to survive longer. the circle tactic makes it funny to watch the AI fail, but hardly adds a realistic feel. I don't play Zombies for realism. Again, if I wanted a 'realistic' zombie game, I would play Left4Dead or Deadrising. But Zombie trains, having to dodge a zombie blocking your path and then spraying into a big wad, praying for a max ammo or 2x, that is what separates Zombies from the other games. Not the endless rounds.
  8. I would quit Zombies. Trains are what separates Zombies from Left4Dead or Deadrising. It just wouldn't be the same.
  9. Ehh... can't do RPG's. Well, I can, but it would take the fun out of zombies. I've said this before, but I play FPS's to bash in skulls, not be an economist.
  10. Definitely Moon, then Shangri La, and lastly COTD, with Ascension being a close fourth. On Moon, it's NML that gets me every time. 1/2 my games, we don't even get past round 1. I have yet to PaP on Shangri La in a random game. Can't tell you how many times I've died when I've literally been on the other side of the map (like, they were whoring the box on the far ship, and I was running the spawn, when George comes their way and they unload their Spectres on him, so we all get stunned and everyone dies. It's BS. I hate that map. And as for Ascension, it's the damn monkeys. I always cover Mule Kick and Speed, and I've downed myself with Mustang and Sally because the guy with the Thundergun can't handle the monkeys taking Flopper. Smh. RAAAAAH.
  11. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MY COMPUTER CRASHED! I LOST EVERYTHING! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ONLY HAD MY NOVEL AND MY COLLECTION OF POEMS SAVED EXTERNALLY!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guys, I'm so sorry, but I lost Sinking. I was writing the rest of it so I could post it all at once and I'd stop feeling obligated to put out subpar work for yall every week, but it's all gone now. I'll try to rewrite it sometime down the road, but I'm not making any promises and I'm really, really busy as well. No!!!!!! I'm so upset! These stories are my life! All gone down the drain! SHIT! RAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! I HATE TECHNOLOGY SO MUCH!!!!!!
  12. Chopper, Activision made a level where you're slaughtering thousands in an airport. What's the difference?
  13. These people are not Noobs/Newbs they are assholes no amount of L33T speak lables will change that. Noob derived from Newb which derived from Newbie which means new/inexperienced player that is all. Newb/Noob should not be considered a derogitory term as it simply denotes a players experience level. The above mentioned players fit better under the troll/griefer label. ...Touche...
  14. Well said. The zombie animations without gravity is an insane undertaking considering it is a DLC map. The Samantha character is as well. Moon might as well have been another game.
  15. No, no. Like what people have already said, we should help NEWBS. These are the people very new to Zombies and just don't understand it yet. Our job is to make these players better. Then, there are n00bs. These players just do not care. They refuse to listen to what anyone has to say. They live to troll. They don't open doors, they hog the box for a wunderweapon, and when we let them bleed out and have to clutch, they rage. They don't get on teleporters, they go into someone else's training spot (biggest pet peeve I have in Zombies. Don't mess with my horde, or you'll feel my wrath), they piss of George, they like taking floating insta kills with 1 zombie left in a round, they break the windows on Moon. I could ramble on all day but alas, I believe I have gotten my point across. So... help newbs, not n00bs.
  16. I had a game a few days ago, round 37, where I threw all 3 of my QED's because I just got Gersches. 1 made more zombies spawn, one made me lose a perk (Quick Revive) and the other teleported me to Tunnel 6. Yeah, done with those now. I'll take dependency over chance any day.
  17. Yeah.....**Holocaust gas** I'm not really into these crazy theories that much, but perhaps 3arc is trying to get across a point with this that maybe Nova 6 has a similar chemical makeup as Zyklon B? Do we know the molecular formula of Nova 6? Okay, I've embarrassed myself enough. **waddles away**
  18. I'm starting work on a thread that examines what makes Zombies so addictive, that no other game has really created before. There's three main things I've come up with: 1) The depth of the characters 2) The unreality of Zombies 3) Kiting There's more, but this is basically why, IMO, Zombies has the replayability it has. Survival can't hold a candle to Zombies because of this.
  19. Too true. It's like Abercrombie, except with cool stuff. Like CODZL shirts. That's cool, made-for-Oompa-Loompas stuff.
  20. It crashes on my Ipad 2 every time. No Thundergun, no Raygun, no crossbow. This is a horrible app. I hate it. This was the worst failure I have ever seen from Treyarch. I mean, God. This is the worst gaming app in a while.
  21. I play to be as far away from my teammates as I possibly can. Nothing gets me more pissed off than a kid running into my train and killing us both. Now, that being said, I have two questions: 1) Why do I have the urge to say "I accidentally the whole thing?" 2) Why is this in the Kino section?
  22. Hey guys, perfectlemonade here just wanting to ask a quick question about handling the excavators on Moon. The excavators are really the only thing that ever gives me any trouble on Moon, because they force you to step out of your comfort zone and make a mad dash for safety. But yesterday, I tried a casual game on Moon just to try out new strategies, and I found the best one for handling it, IMO. So what I do is teleport, hack the machine, then wait until a majority of the zombies are spawned in. After that I get a space suit and slowly make my way through tunnel 11, taking my time to make sure they're all hoarded up. Then I go past the MDT and chill for a few seconds in the labs to make sure they all get caught up. Then it should be smooth sailing from then on out, whether you want to get back to the 74u area or the Biodome. And if you run into the astronaut at the top floor of the labs, he shouldn't be a problem to get around, as you can go the long way around (ie going through the 74u area to get to the Biodome, or vice versa). I was really surprised by how well this worked! But keep in mind, that for it to work, you should have all areas oxygenated, but that really shouldn't be a problem anyways, as it's the same strategy with all three excavators. But I want to know, do yall think this way—or a different variety of this strategy—is THE best way of handling the excavators? Or is there another way that I'm just missing? Oh, and one more thing, since the excavators have revolutionized Zombies by bringing in a third party as a threat and basically giving Zombies an 'objective', how do you think Treyarch will follow up with this? If a Paris map is next, do you think they'll have something similar? Like cave ins, or flooding, and you have to do something to stop it? I think that could be a possibility. Anyways, thanks guys! Hope yall have a great weekend!
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