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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. Last week I was gaming with OstonedshooterO, and one of my subs, and we spent a lot of time trying to find the wire spawn (it was in AK74u area). It was getting aggravating. So a couple of us looked up on Youtube for the wire locations while the other dude kited the last zombie. And I'm searching all these crappy youtube videos thinking "WTF!! Why hasn't someone put together a HD video showing every wire spawn location yet!!!*rabble rabble rabble....*" :evil: So I decided to take matters into my own hands.
  2. I made this video in hopes to help those who are in need of some assistance in finding that ever elusive wire needed for the Big Bang EE. y_jtwUaAlbg Enjoy *UPDATED Video* because I missed one wire location ;)
  3. Absolutely Brilliant strategy guide! It's a little long, but that's okay because it' just jam-packed full of well thought-out information. Thank you. I'm subbing to your channel now [brains] for you BTW, I much prefer your term 'Conga Lines' over 'Rape Trains'..... just sayin'
  4. Does anyone here know how to activate the musical brick EE in Kino der Toten? If so, please share the details on how to unlock it? From my understanding, you have to shoot/knife the brick by the generator in the center of the room. Then shoot/knife all the other loose bricks in the room. Then come back to the original brick by the generator and shoot/knife it again. Once you've done so, the brick should play some classical music. I've been trying this, and can't get it to work. Maybe I'm missing a brick? I've heard there are 13 brick in the room, yet I only find 12. Here are some threads I've found this EE mentioned in: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=3160 viewtopic.php?t=5702 viewtopic.php?t=4137 I've also seen this EE mentioned briefly in PTG's Kino EE video @ around 4:50. This is the only video I've found regarding this EE. yHH6T4bS-H0 I've tried contacting Benn numerous times, in numerous ways, to try and get more details about this EE. So far I've gotten no response back at all, and at this point am not really expecting one. So can anyone here help out with this one?
  5. Hellhounds love to fetch them nades and M&S rounds
  6. I used to go top route, but have switched up my strategy to opening up the bottom door just to get the MPL. The MPL is just the best point whoring SMG weapon ever, and will serve you well for several rounds until you feel like upgrading to something else.
  7. Before I didnt' think this was possible, but I recently had a max ammo drop from shooting a DG-2. I recorded it, but haven't uploaded it anywhere yet. I can't remember if any of my zombies were electrified or not. But I do know my zombies weren't anywhere around water. When it happened, I unleashed two shots into the train of zombies. The second shot is the one that produced a max ammo.
  8. BOOOOO!!!!! Treyarch forgot to put a quarter under Mule Kick
  9. Wow, that's definitely going to make me rethink about putting on a PES suit, just to hit the two mystery boxes out by Mule Kick and Pyramid. After learning about how much points I'm potentially throwing away by putting on that suit, I think I can do without it
  10. Please do post your strategy video when it's done. The pentagon thief can be such a buzz-kill. And there's a few tight corners on this map that really make me dislike it as a whole. Yet I'm always envious of those who do really well on this map. This map takes a ton of unique strategies to do good. I'm sure if I knew some of the nuances on mastering the loop on this map, and handling the pentagon thief every time he pops up, I'd enjoy it much more than I do now.
  11. You should watch Carbonfibah's youtube videos.... acdCMCmzg3o
  12. Exactly. Furthermore, I highly doubt treyarch would do such a good job with George Romero's rage animations, and then just completely half-ass the animations for the Moon's boss character. That just doesn't make sense to do.
  13. I can't cite any sources, but I believe I heard the same thing too somewhere. The fact that the red phones are ringing with quotes from the FIVE crew make it more than obvious to me that the two events are happening simultaneously.
  14. Here's a vid of me combining #1 & #2 of Hydroz's strategies, so you can get a visual idea of how it's done. qE6pNvZN2XM
  15. I'm not discounting the idea that the 3 rockets in the Ascension loading screen may be somehow related to the one's on the Moon. Maybe they are the test rockets for the ones eventually installed on the Moon base. On that note, I believe the scientist in the Ascension loading screen may be the same scientist in the FIVE / Nacht der Untoten loading screen. (And that scientist is the Pentagon Thief, but that's a whole other theory) Notice the soviet symbols on the cargo in the upper right caption. Also, the CCCP logos on the zombies' uniforms on the moon can also be found in several spots within the Ascension map. So there is some clues linking them together. And as far as what business does the Russians have for installing weapons of global devestation on the Moon... The Moon base was likely installed during the beginning of the Cold War. I presume the Area 51 teleporter and Moon base are controlled by Group 935, not the American government. Group 935 is made up of scientist from all over the world, so their bases don't necessarily have borders. Also, there is an Illuminati note in the Ascension note that says "Moon" on it LSmEQCByDqM
  16. I'm cool with it. When I saw that they included both areas for the last map, I was pleasantly surprised. And then that's when it hit me... "Oh so that's how the Americans were able to secure a large stockpile of element 115! They were using the teleporter to excavate it from the moon!" :idea:
  17. My old strategy was I'd get the Bowie Knife and then turn the Power On. I got to a point where I was grabbing the Bowie Knife first try, every time. Nowadays, I turn the Power On, and just leap at the Bowie Knife like a boss. Usually takes me about 3 tries to get'r done. IMO, throwing a nade out the window is the absolute worst strategy at all. Don't decompress any area on this map if you can help it.
  18. Yup, I got all that. I think the sticky points for me right now are... - After the first nade goes off, cleaning up all the crawlers and runners. I know what has to be done, but WOW is it sketchy trying to clean up efficiently while everything is spawning in on top of you. Sometimes I'm still dazed from the cooked nade going off right in front of me, and because of all the sudden death and destruction the game gets laggy for a second. This is maybe the trickiest part of the whole thing. - Then immediately after that getting the zombies grouped up tight again, and getting that second nade off ASAP. How many you kill off, and how many crawlers you make right here with the second nade, is a make or break point for me on whether this is going to be a good run or not. I find myself improvising a lot at this stage to get my swarm back together for the second nade, rather than having a solid go-to route. But you got to get that nade off quick before the zombies get stronger, so you can kill more of them. At this point, sometime I have more than enough point, and don't bother wasting the rest of my M1911 ammo before PAP'ing. And other times I use up all my ammo and kill every crawler, yet I'm still a couple hundred points shy of PAP'ing. - Assuming everything is good to go, and I PAP my pistols, I feel as though I'm taking too much time to build up my points for the Jugg perk. But at the same time, I'm still squishy, and those hellhounds are quick to intercept my M&S rounds so they explode in my face. And I also want to use my ammo efficiently. So it's a challenge to juggle all those factors. - Also, I think I could use improvement on my judgement of when I fire 1 M&S round, and when I fire both guns at the same time. Whats the most efficient way to gauge when to pull the trigger(s)?
  19. I'm not quite there yet. If I get enough points for M&S, then I'm going to try and make a leaderboard run out of it. Otherwise, in a normal Solo game, I'll use up all my M1911 ammo and both nades, get jugg, and then teleport to the Moon. I usually have 1500-2000 points when I start on the Moon.
  20. My name is MixMasterNut, and I approve of this message. Brains for you my good sir [brains]
  21. Why kill your astronauts if they will just come back stronger than before?
  22. The only source I've found that mentions the musical bricks is this Kino EE video done by Playthegameco. At 4:50, Benn briefly discusses it, but doesn't show the actual bricks and steps you have to take to play the music. yHH6T4bS-H0 Maybe I haven't found all the light colored bricks or something, but I've never gotten this to work myself either. I've left a video comment, and have PM's playthegameco's channel as well as Benn directly, to ask if they could go into further detail about this musical brick EE. Unfortunately no one ever responded back to me. *UPDATE This theory is complete utter B.S. Wangtim3 confirmed for me over on the PTG forums that Benn put this easter egg in the video as a joke.
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