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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. Damn dude. What a way to make a first impression! [brains] Nice strat, and nice vid. I like your quality and style. Welcome to the site
  2. Damn I turn 31 this month. You guys make me feel like I've been around since the Last Supper. :lol:
  3. More of that Elitist attitude I was talking about.... :roll: I will continue to contest that I have brought much new information to this site on the topic. Besides the link I posted earlier to the other "Dragon Lady" thread, here's all the previous information that was given during the Live Drop season.... CoD: Black Ops Pre-Order Poster Zombie Speculation/Info TRANSMISSION #5 IS UP ON GKNOVA6! TRANSMISSION #5 IS UP ON GKNOVA6!
  4. Maybe I'm beating a dead horse here... I know the swastika is an ancient symbol adopted by the Nazis. I'll agree, the Nazis or even Group 935 didn't likely built the stone door. But it wasn't just randomly placed in the game either. Seeing ancient depictions of swastika's in Shangri La, fits perfectly within the context of a Nazi Sci-Fi story.
  5. Call my work 'old news'! I find your posts rude, elitist, and I am offended by it. :evil: Linking the "Dragon Lady" to the U-2 spy plane might be 'old news'. However the information that I have presented here is much deeper than any other reports on the subject thus far on CoDz. I'm presenting the forum new material that is relevant and insightful. This is an obscure piece of GK evidence that has been much overlooked. Here is the only other thread we have dedicated to the "Dragon Lady" that I know of. It doesn't cover any of the same material I do: viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1158 Seeing how I am the only one who does GKNova6 research anymore, I'd recommend you not discourage me from doing my work here. No one complained when I made a GK Vitruvian Man thread, and there's like a dozen of those. So why are you getting on my case now about a dedicated Dragon Lady thread?
  6. Let me rephrase then.... Exchange "nazi style" with "Der Riese style". I see a lot of things in this map that are like ancient versions of stuff going on at Der Riese, such as burning massive amounts of corpses. You can't deny that Der Riese is a fictional depiction of the worst of the Nazi's war crimes. Blur the lines between Hitler's Nazis and Group 935 and you should get my point. Here's a link for you. Notice the nagas in the formation of a swastika on this stone door...
  7. I'll spell it out clearly. This is blantant Illuminati imagery here. There's a whole lot of serpent worshipping in occultism. And this logo tells you straight up, Big Brother is watching you. Make no mistake about it, this spy plane is a tool of the Illuminati to establish their New World Order. I'm not sure if there is any link to the emerald green color between this dragon and the naga on the jGB. My only guess is that it may be a nod to the Emerald Tablet of Hermes which contains thee secrets of alchemy on it. But I'll fully admit, that last bit is a wild guess on my part.
  8. My guess is that the developers decided against having 4 variations of a "Shrink Ray". Keep it simple Looking at the evidence that some nazi style holocaust type of stuff went down in the tunnels, I think the green caste for labor might be appropriate. The Nagas add much historical and cultural value to the map, so picking the naga statue was an easy go-to Looks like the Green artifact to me...
  9. This might have something to do with their purpose... The Nagas are also divided into a fivefold caste based upon the Hindu caste division or social order. In the east are the white kshatriya or warrior caste, in the south the yellow vaishya or merchant caste, in the west the red Brahmin or priestly caste, in the north the green shudra or laborer caste and at the center the black chandali outcastes or 'untouchables'. This color placement corresponds with the traditional directions of the Five Buddha mandala, with blue-black Akshobya at the center. Source: http://dharmasculpture.com/naga-kanya-buddhist-goddess-serpent.html - Mix
  10. I thought we were all way past the idea of using the guns as evidence to decipher the date of the maps? As far as the two notes MMX posted, It's the same exact texture map on both notes. I've no-clipped the Kino map on PC with my GFX setting maxed out, and got as close as you possible can to it. It says 75'
  11. I thought we were all way past the idea of using the guns as evidence to decipher the date of the maps? As far as the two notes MMX posted, It's the same exact texture map on both notes. I've no-clipped the Kino map on PC with my GFX setting maxed out, and got as close as you possible can to it. It says 75'
  12. Definition of "Dragon Lady": An American slang for Asian women among the powerful, deceitful, mysterious type Lockheed U-2 TR-1 Spy Plane nicknamed: "Dragon Lady" The U-2 "Dragon Lady" is a single-jet engine, high-altitude reconnaissance spy plane. It was originally in use by the CIA, and has since been reissued by the United States Air Force and NASA. It is still in use today. The first recorded flight occurred at the Groom Lake test site (Area 51), on August 1, 1955. The U-2 first came to public attention when CIA pilot Gary Powers was shot down while flying a mission over Soviet territory, on May 1st 1960. This historical event is referred to as, the U-2 incident. On October 14th 1962, a U-2 piloted by Major Richard S Heyser, photographed Soviet military personnel installing nuclear warhead missiles in Cuba. This event sparked the Cuban Missile Crisis. On October 27th 1962, a U-2 piloted by Major Rudolf Anderson, was shot down over Cuba, by surface-to-air (SAM) missiles. Major Rudolf Anderson was killed by the attack. I can't describe to you how incredibly hot tensions between the US and Cuba got at this point during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This was as close as we've ever gotten to engaging in full-scale nuclear war. Thankfully President Kennedy's wisdom and diplomacy saved us all from allowing this event to snowball into Armageddon. The CIA continued to perform U-2 reconnaissance flights over Cuba into the 1970s under the code name OLYMPIC FIRE There have been several other missions "Dragon Lady" has been deployed on as well. A reoccurring theme among missions involving the U-2 include spying on the nuclear capabilities of foreign nations. (Shot down engine of a U-2 plane (1962) on public display at museum in Havana, Cuba) Lockheed's promotional video for the U-2 and TR-1 9jET9Wh_PJ0 U-2 & TR-1 Spy Planes: "Dragon Lady" US Air Force Reconnaissance Pilot Recruiting Film _OvFDEei7Nc mKMoAFEKarw This two part training video is oozing with propaganda from the era This is the logo for the "Dragon Lady" You can buy t-shirts, patches, etc with this logo from the Museum of Aviation Online Gift Shop More information about the Lockheed U-2 TR-1 "Dragon Lady" can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_U-2
  13. The common theme I'm finding in all of these concept Shrink Rays, is that they use the gun stock from an existing gun in Black Ops, and retro fit it in a way so it's powered by an ancient magical artifact. It's steam punk mixed with fantasy.
  14. I'm currently in a weird transitional stage of my zombie slaying career. About a year ago I started to think I was 'good' at playing zombies. And now I'm much better than before, by leaps and bounds. However, this journey of progression has done more to humble me, than it has to boost my ego. I'm proud of what I've accomplished. Yet the journey has given me greater perspective and respect for what I have yet to accomplish. Gaming with guys the likes of SuperHands, Tom852, and IISteveII, has been a very humbling experience for me.
  15. IISteveII did it again. New No Mans Land World Record is 356. Someone beat his record with 355, so Steve was nice enough to let them hold onto it for an hour or so before promptly putting said person back in their place and pulling out 356 kills. I believe Zeratul DT also holds the record for highest round on Moon solo. Did that right before his Ascension world record. What a beast
  16. Next time I have time to put in a good solid run, I'll record it, and upload it here on codz for you guys to tear apart.
  17. That's misinformation on your part. The Earth's atmosphere actually obscures our vision of some stars. There is a reason why Hubble Space Telescope is placed in space 2XY5ExzlIOY and now you've learned a little something about astronomy...
  18. I'm starting to get a bit discouraged. I hit 280 yesterday (my new Xbox record), ranked 201 on the leaderboards, and yet it didn't feel like that big of an accomplishment. I know it is. But around these parts, and in my circle of zombie slaying friends, it really isn't. I feel like I'm consistently improving my game. But so is everyone else. At this point in my NML career it feels like there's two types of zombies slayers: those who have hit 300+ kills, and those who haven't. And I'm still in the boat of people who haven't :? *sigh* [/rant]
  19. I feel you on that. I'm getting fatigued on the same ol' thing with MP. The main reason I plan on getting the next COD game right now is for the zombies.
  20. Isn't there a prison map in Dead-Ops Arcade? Maybe we'll get to escape the Zombie Labs in the next Treyarch game.
  21. I'm sure Alpha already knows this, but the concept for Trioxin 2-4-5 in Return of the Living Dead, is based off of Agent Orange, which is a herbicide used during the Vietnam War. It's nasty stuff. My step-dad is one of the many vets who suffers from cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange during that war.
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