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Everything posted by Shooter

  1. Wakenbaken, quick breakfast, zombies, zombies, and more zombies.
  2. If there's anymore new posts saying they're not sure what time it comes out on here I'm going to freak! Good thinking Liam, hopefully this will clear up some confusion. Maybe change the thread title to "List of Annihilation release times" or something like that so people know you're not asking what time it's released, but rather stating what time it's released. Just a thought for people viewing the forums...
  3. It's been up there for almost a week now. I made a thread about it about a week ago with the pic. Funny thing was in the description for Annihilation on my pic, it said it included the all new Zombies map "Ascension" It's good to see they're ready for the release though.
  4. Entry submitted. Check your Inbox Liam. By the way, for any CoDz member attempting this challenge, make sure your Auto Aim is DISABLED. It'll be ALOT easier.
  5. That seemed unnecessary. And yeah I'd just mute the audio on that clip as it's not really that important. Funny how Treyarch is now purposely putting in the floating apple that they got so much guff for as a glitch in the first days of Black Ops release.
  6. That's definately the noise that mario makes! I'm thinking they threw it in their just for laughs. Pretty funny stuff Treyarch.
  7. The apple is back!!!! q0zVL8IRRvo How you like them apples :lol:
  8. I believe the helicopters and airplanes are there to give us a better idea of the time period. To show us we're not actually in ancient times, though our surroundings would make it seem like we are. I don't know just brainstorming here... Oh and that look's more like a military helicopter then something they'd use for a rescue mission.
  9. I love it! I'll be contributing tonite. Hope I pull the balistic knife on the first box :D
  10. To give brains, just click on the green thumbs up button to the top right of someone's post. When you find a helpful or informative post, be sure to give positive brains to the poster. Welcome to the site! Here's some [brains] for you as well!
  11. I think it's still too early to tell, but I suppose anything's possible. Oh and the youtube insert didn't work. You only need to enter the id text after watch= from the link into the area. It should look something like iMDNi9WqxVk
  12. Yeah I'm thinking the same, big circles around the entire map with a group. Hit a trap, hold off the area for a bit, then keep moving. Do that up until Round 30 or so until you have to run smaller circles independently. It looks like this maps gonna be pretty tricky in the higher rounds. I can't wait!
  13. Actually, that makes alot of sense. I never thought about it like that. Maybe the claymore is upgradeable?
  14. Shooter


    Quick Revive can be seen in one of the videos.
  15. Upgraded monkey bombs. That'd be nuts! Monkey Bomb ===> Gorilla Bomb. :)
  16. It is just an opening cut scene. Alot of it doesn't make sense, just go with it. I've seen too many of these same threads on the forum lately. Sorry to be so truthfully honest :(
  17. Wasn't that newest Indiana Jones movie all about those crystal skulls? I'm thinking the guys at Treyarch are HUGE Indy buffs.
  18. I'm pretty sure that's a bird. EDIT: OK, just watched it again in 720p Full Screen. That's a damn helicopter!! Good find man here's some zombie food.
  19. I suppose they might just come that way off the wall? Whatever it is, I'm just glad the claymores are getting a much needed upgrade.
  20. I was thinking the same thing, it's gonna be a challenge! They said it was gonna be a tighter map, and they really weren't kidding. I'm extremely happy they've brought the traps back into the mix though! This is going to help me immensely with running circles around the map with a group. Hit a trap, camp out for a bit, then keep moving. Reminds me of playing Kino with my buddies. And I was kinda bummed they didn't have any in CotD, so I'm glad to see them returning!
  21. New Inside Xbox video shows a fire trap as well. Also I paused at one point and saw Deadshot Daquiri in the background. LiamFTWhas a post up right now with this video and discussion. Zombies preview starts at 6:05... FZeHs-vv1Hc
  22. I know everyone's super stoked about Shangri-La and all, but these multiplayer maps look extremely promising too. Cannot wait til Tuesday! And floating apple whhhaaaaat? Sounds crazy.
  23. I think you're spot on with your theory.
  24. Well you know what they say..."Monkey see, monkey do."
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