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Everything posted by Shooter

  1. I'm quite sure he's talking about the Multiplayer side of things. Treyarch was trying to stick to a certain time period when developing the game (as with any other COD), so the choices had to be kind of limited. Guns like the Commando and G11 are just some of the prototypes they already used for gun variety in the game. Personally I wouldn't want to see an ACR or P90 or anything like that on the game as it just doesn't fit the time period. Some of the older guns from W@W yeah, but no modern weapons. Zombies on the other hand, give us everything!
  2. So that's a no right? It's just not suiting to a zombies map.
  3. Shooter

    Best LMG?

    Stoner63 FTW!! Fast and accurate, she's the complete package!
  4. Ghost gets such a bad wrap it's ridiculous. You don't think Ghosts get pissed when they throw a nade right at someone face and they don't die cause of Flat Jacket? Or the fact they can't run as fast as Marathon, or they can't pick up ammo like the Scavengers. There's downsides to using the perk, as with any other perk. That's just how it works. If you're flanking and anti-flanking abilities are up to par, Ghost isn't that big of a deal anyways. Though I will say that a Ghost using a Suppressed weapon and Tactical Insertion to camp your teams spawn is a pain in the ass and quite annoying.
  5. :facepalm: Tell me you're kidding.
  6. You look like you were either completely stoned or extremely tired after just playing 50 rounds when recording this :lol:
  7. Shooter

    Best pistol?

    Python with an ACOG. Sounds a bit crazy I know, but the accuracy's pretty good.
  8. 2 kids told me the same thing on one of the first matches I played on SL. They told me if I killed em,alot more would spawn when trying to steal your powerups. I went ahead and killed every monkey I could find on the sidelines. Those kids were pissed! :lol:
  9. Unfortunately that Waterfall "trap" can be pretty much useless. All it does it knock them over, but doesn't kill them. It would have been awesome if it swept them over the rocks to a watery grave. As it sits right now, it's just a minor inconvenience for the zombags. Seems like it's only useful for the Easter Egg. The napalm zombie can make a good temporary firetrap when camping, but never lasts long enough to make a significant impact. Am I the only one that misses our beloved flytrap???
  10. Hahaha I use this EXACT method to get my Ghost Pro after prestiging. People use sentry guns few and far between, so I always have to get my own and let them take it and then destroy it. Also, I just realized yesterday you can actually shoot a turret enough times and complete that challenge pretty easily. Good stuff Carbon!
  11. Everytime I run by that Elevator shaft in the basement it gets me wondering. But that's about it.
  12. What you overlooked is the fact that in order to compete with the Famas or AUG the submachine guns REQUIRE an attachment to even the kill time. This makes the Famas or AUG superior to an SMG, as those don't require an attachment. And with Rapid Fire, you sacrifice whatever middle range ability that you had for only marginally better ability in close quarters. And you said put on RF with Grip. You put yourself at a disadvantage as well as you sacrifice Steady Aim and Sleight of Hand, both of which are far more useful perks for SMG's. Clearly you're misusing the SMG if you're using it in mid range battles. Common sense says an AR, Famas or another AR, will always win against an SMG in mid range battle. That's just a given. You should be using the SMG for flanking situations and close quarters, NOT mid range. Don't be upset because you're not using the gun's effective range to get kills. And having the two attachments means that yes, you will sacrifice something else, but that's how the games suppose to work. I don't use suppresors, so I sacrifice my position. I use ARs, so I sacrifice my mobility. I use SMGs, so I sacrifice my mid-long range effectiveness. You've just got to learn how to work around these problems to optimize the guns potential. But what's done is done. The update has happened. The Famas is still just as good as it use to be. I'm still getting the same amount of kills as I used to. I'm sure people will still complain after being outskilled by a Famas user and it'll be nerfed again.
  13. ? The only way an SMG can be the Famas in close range is with rapid fire. The FAMAS kills in 3 shots close range, same as the the MP5k and 74u, but fires nearly 200 rpm faster! Who's gonna win? rapid fire just makes it equal. The only win in hip fire, but a good FAMAS user can counter than with a quick reaction. And snipers? The famas takes a shit on snipers unless they are really good, if you burst fire it it's like a sniper. I've died plenty of times hitting someone with a sniper but getting bursted by a Famas in a fraction of a second. And not well in close to long range? It excels in CQB and can be rather effective at long range, so I don't know where you got any of that last paragraph. Famas takes a shit on snipers? On long range shots? Are you freaking crazy?!!? Play a match on Hazard or Discovery and put a Famas shooter on one end and an L96 sniper on the other end and the sniper will easily get more kills. Honestly if a Famas is killing you from across the level when you're sniping, you're sniping skills aren't that great. Next time he starts to shoot ,just change your position like snipers should do. I can't coun't the number of times I've lost when going up against a sniper for a longshot with my Famas. BTW the accuracy is shot to hell on long range shots for the Famas, so I have no clue why you think it's got some sort of great long range advantage and a "burst fire sniper" And yes, you might have to put a rapid fire on the SMG to compete with CQB, but once that's done the SMG is far more deadly than a Famas in closed quarters. Plus you're completely forgetting the fact that ADS and Mobility stats are higher on an SMG. It's much easier to run and gun with an SMG over an AR, but no one ever seems to bring that point into the argument. SMG's are better for flanking, and always will be over AR's. Yes, Famas will win in close quarters more than any other AR (maybe not the AUG?), but that comes down to skill. You can't say the gun is overpowering and go and change it when it's really the player's quick reation that gets him the kills, and not the gun itself. That's just BS.
  14. That is not a button above Quick Revive, it is the timer for the eclipse when doing the Easter Egg.
  15. The S-L Egg is the most rewarding egg so far IMO. Ascension's reward sucked, CotD's wasn't bad, but not very useful for a long period of time. Getting to keep all the perks after going down and getting revived is incredibly helpful when it comes to surviving. I'd say 90% of the time I go down, it's because I'm trying to get Jugg after being revived. It's always a frustration trying to get Jugg back. Having the combination of permanent Jugg and Revive could be extremely strategic if your whole team has the permanent perks. It does take some time to do it for all four people, and it stinks that you have to have four people. I think that was Treyarch's biggest mistake. But I'd say the reward is definately worth the trouble. And you must remember it's just an Easter Egg. It's not the main objective of the game, and thus it does take some time do. It's totally optional.
  16. There's already a reward for playing as a team, you win matches. I rarely get all my buddies on at the same time to play, but when I can get six guys that are all communicating, we destroy the other team. Giving an advantage or perks to a squad only makes it easier for them to run things. If anything, the Lone Wolf should get some sort of perk or advantage against a whole crew of people. TBH I like it the way it is now.
  17. Holy crap That's awesome! Now that's one Easter Egg reward that's worth the trouble!!
  18. Perhaps the next map doesn't follow the chronological order the last two did and is not next in line. Maybe the next map they release takes place before Ascension and CotD? Just a thought.
  19. Very nice! Snapped this pic when I logged on this morning ... BTW somebody's already hacked their way to 99? :lol:
  20. What do you think of it thus far Carbon? Honestly I love it. I'm always on the move, running and gunning, but it makes it very entertaining to play. I can tell it's gonna have some replay value for quite some time to come.
  21. I can play in like a half hour. I gotta eat some breakfast and then I'm down. I'll send you a message after on XBL after I'm done. I got a capture card to just in case. I agree, we gotta get this thing solved before anyone. GT: ostonedshootero
  22. Yes, this map is huge! But VERY tight quarters. I've played it a few times and it's still very easy to get lost. I'm very impressed by the map so far. I'd say the map is challenging, yes. Teamwork plays a huge role on this map. The "shrink ray" is amazing! Helps when you're running with a group and zombies start pouring in. Gives you a chance to blast em and kick em out of your way. Trust me you're gonna laugh when you see it for the first time! I have not seen any new non wonder weapon guns thus far. The "Spikemore". Honestly I love the things. They seem to do the same amount of damage as regular claymores, but I was in low rounds so it was hard to tell a difference. I believe they are still priced at 1000. No, you cannot Pack-a-punch equipment. All perks are on this map (7) I have not seen any new perk, and will spawn in random locations each time you play. The detailing on the zombies on this map is great. The gasmask zombies in paticular look very clean and detailed. The new shrieker and napalm zombies are a great addition to the mix. Shrieker zombies will temporary blind you when chasing you. Napalm zombies will damage you with fire as you try to kill him, and will leave a fire on the ground after being killed, which can damage you. Shrieker zombies seem to run faster, but die faster. Napalm zombies are much slower, but tougher to kill. There's no specific dog or monkey type rounds. The new Easter Egg song is an Elena song. Not sure of the title. It's alrite if you're into that kinda music. Monkies sit on the sidelines in this map. When a power up is dropped, the monkies will run in and try to steal it. Once stolen the power up will cycle on his back. WHen you kill him, you get the power up that was shown. If you are Richtofen, you will start with the Golden Rod. Thus proving that this map is indeed the "Paradise" we sent them too. There are many dials of different varieties scattered throughout the map, most likely associated with the Easter Egg. The ray gun is in the mystery box. I'll try to update it more when I play again. Gotta take a smoke break.
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