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Everything posted by Shooter

  1. You are right, it is in the mud room looking towards the water slide, not the spawn like I said previously. Just wanted to brains you for providing that pic. Helps solve the issue! [brains]
  2. Nothing's for sure yet so I wouldn't jump to conclusions on this map. Kinda like how Cubetown and Icebreakers was suppose to be levels for Map Pack 2, but we all know that never happened. And people have been mentioning Cargo since Map Pack one because of some stupid glitch in theater mode. Plus I'm doubtful it'll be called Quarantine of all names. It's just not suiting IMO. Groom Lake maybe, but even that doesn't seem right. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying don't jump to conclusions. I'd love some new weapons like the AK and the Stoner, but it's unlikely it'll happen. We all asked for the AK on Shangri La, but we never got it.
  3. I didn't see any new area or anything special in the pictures. What's beyond me is how they consider the spikes and mud pit to be "traps". All those traps do is screw you over most of the time and kill NO zombies. The spikes can help with herding the zombies, but they are by no means a "trap" compared to say a fire trap or flytrap from previous levels. The only true "trap" in SL would be the temporary fire trap created by the Napalms. The spikes and mud pit do nothing for me except hurt me.
  4. They were noobs Holy crap :shock: Why can't I get put with noobs like that! That's ridiculous dude, just tell me you weren't using Second Chance, cause that's sick! hahaha. How is your K/D not up higher though? 102 KD,19 KD,20 KD on your last 5 games there. Seems like it should be much higher than 1.53 overall. We gotta play MP sometime! I could really use some other skilled people to play with. K/D - 1.98 (2.34 on Deathmatch) W/L - 1.10 Accuracy - 23.xx% (Famas) Assists - WAY too many Best Kill Streak - 32 And I'm almost always the MVP of the game, even when I'm on a losing team. It can be frustrating not having many skilled people to play with, so send me a request man! [brains] for that EPIC game!!
  5. 102 k/d?? Well either you're lying or you got the worst CoD players EVER on the other team :lol:
  6. Hahaha that's a pretty funny glitch in the game. Haven't experienced that yet, don't think I'll ever get that lucky . Oh Treyarch when will these glitches stop? And you think that's bad... Ct3Jnz2Xy4o
  7. I know, i had a problem with that a couple of days ago. 1 team mate died and we couldnt pack a punch till the next round but we really couldn't because he kept dying. This is the downside of it. If someone doesn't want to PaP at the same time as you, you gotta wait. And if they die you're pretty much screwed. It's too hard to do it any other time than the end of a round. Even worst is if you get some stuck up brat that just refuses to PaP. It can be frustrating.
  8. Let's keep it on topic, but... Yes, Takeo is getting his memory back. He has been since Ascension. He has a quote on Ascension when you PaP to support this. He says something about Dempsey and Nikolai not remembering, and making Richtofen pay for what he's done. Takeo is much more significant then people think. ANYways, I think they nailed it with the Shrieker and Napalm zombies. I like the idea of taking something bad (fire boss) and turning it into something useful (fire trap). And the Shriekers keep you on your toes. Pretty good stuff Treyarch.
  9. Treyarch did an amazing job with Black Ops IMO, regardless what some people might think. If you want to complain about how bad the game is then go play something else and bitch about that. Black Ops usually has around 500K people on Live at any given time. I don't think the majoirty of them hate what they're playing. Otherwise, they just wouldn't play. Black Ops does have it's problems and glitches though, I will give you that. And yeah, you're title is a bit misleading. I thought you'd be defending Black Ops, but really you're just another one that hates it. (BTW I think you're kind of hating on yourself in your post )
  10. Welcome to CoDz KinoD! First off,I get the point you were trying to make, but you really went about it terribly wrong. You're new here so I'll let you know now we're some HUGE zombie heads here, and have scoured Kino since the drop of Black Ops in search of some secret extra film reel or 3rd hidden audio clip.We've looked through the code and know there's nothing left. You may not have fooled as many people as you assume. We are open to ideas here, and to abuse that fact to prove some point just assures your point falls on deaf ears. Also, there is no "NO HOAXING" rule in the CoC, correct. It also says nothing about No Trolling on there, but some things don't have to be written down to be understood and complied with. This site looks forward to getting more Zombieholics like yourself, but starting off your membership by betraying the trust of our regulars is not a good way to make introductions.
  11. Yeah I haven't seen the thread since the member lounge was still up. I think the free brains was sort of an incentive for actually looking in the member lounge and not just browsing the level forums. Too bad he couldn't get that thread back up. It was a great start for new members to get motivated about the whole brains concept. Btw OP, here's some more [brains] to get you motivated!
  12. See how SoleToaster now has a +1 on the top right box of his reply? I brainsed him for giving an informative, helpful response. He will recieve 10 brains for the one point (+1 = 10 brains, +2 = 20 brains, etc.) You do have to wait a little bit between giving brains, but be sure to give them if someone helps you out or you think they're making a good post! Just be sure not to ask for em. You'll get them if you're making good posts. Oh and Carbon did have a thread for Free Brains awhile ago to get you started. Anyone know if that thread is still active?
  13. Last night I had 32 revives with 1 down on Shangri La. Having that Focusing Stone turned me into Mr. Revival!
  14. Yes, I remember hearing Sam's laugh afterwards as well.
  15. Ascension is gonna be highest for the majority of people as it's an extremely easy map. High round of 46 with two people. Ascension - 46 w/ 2 people Kino - 42 w/ 2 people Call of the Dead - 40 w/ 2 people Five - 38 w/ 4 people
  16. Shooter

    easter egg

    Completing the Easter Egg and picking up the Focusing Stone will give you all 7 of the perks. Also, if you happen to go down when having them, you will keep all 7 perks after being revived. Keep in mind this is only if YOU pick up the stone. The Egg can be done 4 times so everyone can get the perks, but it is time consuming. Check out the Teammate Finder section here and find some guys to get it do e! The rewardvis definately worth it!
  17. Unfortunately, there is no Solo Easter Egg in Shangri-La.
  18. Awesome find man! I didn't even know CJ put up these Etc quotes. I wonder where they were going with this Wonder Weapon machine... And the audio only supports the fact that the Scavenger IS a wonder weapon. Which some people questioned. [brains]
  19. I give em $20, they give me the classic maps. End of transaction. It should be that easy.
  20. I run this same setup. Great minds must think alike! 8-)
  21. Very nice! I'll have to try it with a buddy. [brains]
  22. possibly a bit of both Hahahaha, THAT's whats up!
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