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Everything posted by Blamco177

  1. Well as cool as it sounds, I wouldn't want that in zombies. The fact that all the wonderguns, Monkeybomb excluded, are scientificly reinforced. Meaning, it's existence is plausible.(In the Cod zombies universe anyway.)
  2. That looks like a familiar russian that we know. Maybe one from black ops and waw's storyline, "coughs, REZNOV, cough".
  3. Yeah, you should be glad that your not banned.
  4. You know the drill people Gknova0 is fake,so Is HL, Blah blah Bloody Blah!!!
  5. He is reliable, He is very reliable.
  6. I'm a fan of syndicate, but i'm not gonna sit here and say he just found it. It has been found for a while, but still it's a my favorite easter egg.
  7. The only reason he's still being talked about is because of pointless posts like this.
  8. If he is alive I have a feeling that he isn't human.
  9. Welcome to the forums, don't hesitate to ask for help.
  10. Well, wow that simple. Thanks I needed the help.
  11. Let the metal release wrath upon these treacherous zombie scum!!!!
  12. Fallout 3 I think . And that makes SOOO much sense! There hasn't been a rocket launcher yet and the only elements not used are "rock" and "water". That would be awesome! It's about time you are amazing. Now, rock, water ,and nature are ther only "main" elements that we haven't used Fire-flamethrower Ice-winters howl Wind-thunder gun Thunder/lightling-wunderwaffe dg-2 metal- Lead, plenty of that isn't there?
  13. Besides, I have an explanation: Time travel. Branching timelines. Alternate realities. And of course the fact that we still don't know how this is all going to end. Plus the fact we have to come up with several theories just to find out one or two things doesn't help much.
  14. All you have to do is go to the user control panel and you will see. I hope you enjoy your time on the forums.
  15. Off topic: Is your name Bryson? Just asking because I have a friend on XBL with the gamertag Legit Waffles. On topic: I think it will relate to "earth" because the freeze gun was "ice", the dg-2 was "electricity", the ray gun was "explosives" or "light", the flamethrower was "fire", and the monkey bomb was "explosives". Im just throwing it out there but it could be a "Rock-it Launcher" You are amazing if you know where i got it from.
  16. Thats unessesary, and it is a little slower.
  17. Not really, unless you count Doa's Cosmic silverback and Five's pentagon theif than no.
  18. I'm sure as unfair as it is you ps3 owners will be able to withstand the time, now for the moment instead of fighting about having it first I think both of the systems have to work together when it comes to the site, now lets get back on topic shall we?
  19. Yeah good luck buddy, with all the flak your gonna get you need it.
  20. Very intresting, I should start a coversation with a couple of friends of mine with this. Now let's hope i just don't get driven insane with that face beforehand.
  21. all i want is all of the zombie types being able to be in one map,, same with power-ups.
  22. *starts pointing and laughing at ps3 owners* *ps3 owners pulls out uncharted and resistance 3 preorders* OWNED
  23. Nope, this is 12 days, Kings of carnage made zombie bells.
  24. Were do you get these from, i've seen your prestige emblems post also.
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