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Everything posted by jtgossett

  1. what if our "Richtofen" killed the real one on his way to the rising sun facility?
  2. aren't there matkyroshkas in shangri la? if so theres the proof of it being post ascension
  3. little big planet,bro nuff said :lol:
  4. alright, so everyone's psyched for shangri la and i've been seeing talk of bo2 zombies (dunno why). but i've had some ideas abut it for awhile and i'd like some opinions on it. ok so, you get your normal maps and map packs but as a special feature to the game....... the ability to create maps. now i know it sounds kinda stupid, but imagine this ... you can have every material and object in game and from past games, every weapon from the games and choosable character models from every map and mission meaning you can build your team individually without a problem (i.e dempsey, englund, richtofen, and space richtofen((for good measure lol ))) now i'm not saying it would be forever but imagine character models on the network for your maps from different games and other characters from the game that youve only heard of such as maxis and an adult sam now as an addition to the music easter eggs you can pick any song from the past maps or use something from your hard drive that's my idea, and my first long post in a while so please refrain from tearin me a new one thanks -warm regards, jt-
  5. just saving someone the trouble of wasting their workday, her is a thread to post the radios screenshots and extra little goodies that you find around the map (explanation of thread for new members)
  6. you forgot both killed during a covert op, and both shot in the head
  7. i say give us an option to customize our characters appearance, and starting pistol (asp, colt, or makorov) treyarch can give us that much so we can at least develop our own character and backstory just like they for us did in W@W and then let us have a go with new storyline
  8. HOLD IT.....May 5th? That wasn't too long a wait. I pray to god that we get some more good maps
  9. Kind of, but take a look at their collars... The blank man's collar sticks out where as Richtofens is different. Maybe its Richtofens even more evil twin brother I'am the hunter, my brother is the butcher. That was said by the Bloody red baron(red baron for short). Him and his brother started flying together after his success during ww1. The Red Baron's last name? Richtofen. EPIC FIND :mrgreen:
  10. well if it's first strike, i'd think it's like Reinforcement Map Pack or somethin along those lines
  11. well there's dolls and portraits so perhaps it can be assumed that because of the events at der riese they became famous,or infamous
  12. at this point it seems possible everyone has that quote because i've heard everybody say that a dif. character says it
  13. :shock: creepy... as ....hell :shock:
  14. found him :ugeek: CLICK ME, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!
  15. why is richtofen bald? :lol:
  16. me and my buddy actually came up with a upgraded version of the bowie knife , we called it the napalm blade it was a large red sword with spiked knuckle dusters ans when you knifed a zombie it would set it on fire and be a 1 hit until ~ round 28
  17. can they plz put a bolt action rifle back as a the 200pt weapon ? i know the olympia is a good gun but for the love of god its too overpowered to be a starting gun,the return of the PPSh-41 would make this debatably one of the best zombie maps ever :mrgreen:
  18. what if edward's just coming out of his insanity and becoming more like the edward in the transmissions? it would also fit why there is a need for 2 edward accounts in the DR server
  19. has anybody seen takeo? he don't even sow up once in the trailer
  20. :facepalm: if you guys are gonna argue over who "revolutionized the gaming world" you need to go back a bit further, back to 1992, when id software produced the VERY FIRST WWII first person shooter, ten years before call of duty was even a thought, and to go step further , the very first "iw" call of duty worked on an id software engine used on the game quake 3 , rant and flame war over because argument is are invalid :lol:
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