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Everything posted by Lizizadolphin

  1. These look fantastic! Really can't wait for them to be implemented :D
  2. Fantastic work!! I love how you tied the Wonder Weapons into a war situation and did it through storytelling. Was definitely worth the read. :D
  3. Yay chapter 6 is finally done!! Took a long time to write due to writers block, which absolutely sucks :[ Also, I plan on ending Sinner soon as to have it focus on what caused the zombies and the storyline, as well as the events of World at War zombies, but I'll be picking it up where it left off in a sequel persay to this. Anywho, enjoy Chapter 6 Moments after the Der Riese incident “Schuster, report.” Schuster skimmed through the notebook in her hand. “Most are buried outside of the base, the live ones we’ve sent back to...” Laughing half-heartedly, Phoebe nodded and smiled softly. “Yes, and we should try-“ A garbled message came through the receiver. Sherrie and Phoebe looked at each other, a look of curiosity on their faces. “Can you repeat?” Both doctors spun on their heels to spot Sam speeding towards the pyramid. Attempting to stop him, Phoebe dashed at the boy, hurtling over desks and even people. “Get him, get back here!” Her words came too late. The boy, frightened, stumbled on the edge of the pyramid. Sam lurched forward into the blue light spawning from the base of the pyramid. Security guards, as well as Phoebe and Sherrie stared in shock as the pyramid closed it walls around the boy, now suspended in midair. “What?! Doctor Schuster, find a way to get him out of the pyramid. I will contact Doctor Richtofen, let her know know we need instant...” ***** Hours later “I hope this works. Schuster, power it up.” Doctor Schuster stepped toward the machine. She placed a paper into a receiving slot on the machine. It accepted the paper and began making loud beeping sounds. “Analyzing NPD, creating profile, profile created.” Once again Phoebe entered a code into the machine, activating the teleporter end of the pad. “Target located.” “Bring her here, immediately.” Bewildered, Leitta darted her eyes between both doctors, then scowled. “Schuster, I should have known. Where is that rat Evelyn? Where are we? How did you get me out of that wretched te-“ Leitta stepped closer to the machine, trying to break through to Sam. She touched the panel, trying to keep herself from breaking down as she spoke. “Liebling, mutter knows she’s made some mistakes, I am truly sorry you were put through so much. When your vater died, I could not bear the thought of losing you, that’s why I kept you so close. I did not mean to neglect you, I just wanted to know you were safe from harm.” Tears streamed down Doctor Maxis’ face. She fell to the ground, overwhelmed by emotion. “I love you, Sam.” Leitta’s emotion began to change suddenly, as her voice became even and tempered. “Can you do something for me, something very important?” Leitta, surprised by a strange clicking sound, whipped around. Her face lit up in horror as Doctor Schuster held the pistol up the her face. She fired, splattering blood over the floor. Doctor Maxis corpse dropped to the floor with a sickening thud. In that moment, a horrifying laughter filled the cavern as the pyramid panels closed up once again. Doctor Groph ran up to the pyramid and slammed on the walls in a failed attempt. Slowly she turned, and staring at the ground, began to mutter under her breath. “We are doomed.” ***** “R-4808n 37 14 06 115 48 40. I hope you’re receiving this transmission Peter. If you are not, then all hope is lost. You must know by now that we failed to contain the asylum, that we had to move the experiment here. Location. The numbers will guide you. The Giant must remain contained-“ “At all costs, repeat, Der Riese must be contained at all costs. The DG-2 experiments continue. You’ll be our only advantage now. Find Doctor Richtofen and Doctor Maxis, they may know what’s going on. The use of one one five is dangerous at best. I’m not sure if we can continue here. We’ve lost most of our best-“ “I hope you get this. I hope it hasn’t happened there too, but I’m all out of hope. 60 54 06.96 101 55 44.94.” Miles away at another testing facility “-But I’m all out of hope.” Ignoring the frantic plea of the scientist, Yena unlocked the safe and pulled out a shotgun and a pistol. He proceeded to the door and, turning, bid his friend farewell. “Auf Wiedersehen, my friend.” Taking long strides, he walked over to the rope and grabbed it. His hands, now on autopilot, knotted and strung the rope up. Stepping on a nearby chair, he wrapped the rope around his neck. Tears streamed down his face as he looked once more at the door, knocking the chair from underneath him. “God forgive us all.” Both of his weapons were dead empty. A large hoard of zombies darted toward him, slowly creeping down the hallway. He dropped the empty guns, and pulling out his knife, ran toward his death head on. “Fuck this, if I’m going to hell then I’m going to be the first martyr to fight his way in. Bring it you undead bastards!”
  4. Chapter 5 The door to the testing facility burst open abruptly. Two guards walked in, dragging someone in. They struggled to keep the prisoner under control. A third guard walked in behind them and looked at Evelyn, giving her a strange look. The test subject abruptly whipped her head up, knocking it into the guard on her left. “Get your hands off me you damn dirty Nazi.” Evelyn stood behind her chair, her hand grasping the knife at her hip. It was a good thing that all Group 935 scientists were forced to wear Nazi uniforms, after having been taken over by the Nazi’s. She didn’t mind having to wear the uniform, actually. Many scientists fought the rule, but Doctor Richtofen accepted it, finding the uniform something worthy of respect. “Yeah, that’s right! You want some of this? I’m taking you home in bags, freak!” Furious, the captured woman raised her head, staring at Doctor Richtofen. “Okay, now I’m mad!” Turning her head, the American scowled at Doctor Richtofen, speaking in a harsh voice. “I can still hear you!” The guard on the woman’s left lifted his arm above his head while holding his pistol, and slammed her in the back of the head. She dropped to the floor with a loud thud. The guards then proceeded to drag her the rest of the way to a chair seated in front of a plain table. “She may be problematic. My my, what to do.” The guard looked down at Evelyn and nodded. “Ja, along with four other marines. From surveillance, we could tell that she was their leader, per say, and that she was the asset we needed.” The soldiers quickly left, leaving Evelyn alone with the American. ***** “Griffin Station, this is Eagle’s Nest. Status update. Over.” Finally focusing on the situation at hand, Sherrie grimaced. Blood was splattered over the floor and the wall. Men, women, and children all stood together, crying and yelling. One by one they were pulled out of the crowd. Before the pyramid structure stood a soldier with a Kar98k in hand, his clothes stained red. One by one, the fearful people were led to the pyramid and forced to get on their knees. As soon as they knelt, the soldier fired his weapon into their skull, killing them instantaneously. Suddenly, the glass jars would fill the slightest bit with more blue liquid. As Doctor Groph flinched, her eyes darted over the slightest bit, spying Doctor Schuster. She glanced away as fast as she could, unable to take the site of Phoebe’s face covered in innocent blood. “It is grim work Doctor.” She choked on her words, but eventually spoke. She couldn’t let her feelings get in the way of her work. “Yes… Doctor.” Evelyn sat at the desk of her office, looking over several files from her experiments spread out on her desk. Her recorder was already humming softly, reading off notes from previous days. “Log 1474. Date: September 20, 1945. It would seem that the OSS realized that we have captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team to Wittenau Sanatorium that was already over run by the first batch of test subjects. I suspect that there are others in the Organization, Doctor Harvey Yena and Doctor Peter McCain to be precise. Doctor Maxis doesn’t want any Americans in Group 935, no matter how much genius they have. Stupid Americans, with their apple pies and baseball and children, but I digress.” A sharp shriek sounded from the recording device. Evelyn slammed the machine against the wall, having had enough of its shenanigans. Noticing what she had done, she slapped her hand to her face in disgust. ***** “Eagle’s Nest, this is Griffin Station. We have an update. Over.” On the other end of the line, Sherrie snickered at the stupid question. “Well that was a redundant question, now wasn’t it? Uh, I mean, yes Doctor. The machine is ready and awaiting the conduit.” Gathering her things, Doctor Richtofen began making her way out the door, but remembered that the radio was still on. She quickly walked back to the transmitter. Doctor Groph’s voice was barely audible now. “Security Protocol 935?” The time was coming to finally get rid of Doctor Maxis and her son for good. If everything went smoothly, this would be the day. Leitta and Evelyn were once again working on the teleporter, which would work to Doctor Richtofen’s advantage hopefully. “Initiating test number six. Subject is within test chamber. Activate power.” Doctor Richtofen, surprised at the doctor’s rage, backed up in shock. “Yes Doctor, as per your specifications.” A small spark light up the test chamber, and the sound of a ferocious howl mixed with the crack of lightening exploded within the room. “Do you hear that, Doctor?” Curiously, Doctor Maxis turned towards Doctor Richtofen. What had come over her once obedient colleague? Finally, Evelyn moved towards the door, unlocked it, and began tugging on the handle. “Open the door NOW!” Unaware of the child’s presence, Leitta whipped around. The child’s face was frozen in shock and horror. Attempting to stay calm, Doctor Maxis motioned for Doctor Richtofen to escort the young boy out. “Damn it, Sam! I told you never to come in here! Evelyn, get him out of here.” “Yes, Doctor.” Leitta walked into the room, easing towards her son. She carefully grabbed a hold of the boys shoulder. “Come back here Sam! Stop him! Easy. Come here Sam, good boy.” Pulling the boy close to her body, she looked up at the dog, then began to spoke in a calm, hushed tone. “Gently Sam, that’s not Fluffy anymore. We must get out of here.” Sam, overcome with fear at the sight of the dog, now inching closer, began crying and clutching onto his mother. “Mutter, I’m scared.” “Damn you… Stay by me, Sam.” [tab][/tab]Moving back to the control panel, Evelyn reworked the settings. She reset everything to more than the specified configuration, causing the system to become overloaded. She pressed the button, activating the machine. Sparks flew everywhere, and electricity struck across the room in wild flashes. The mutant dog moved closer to its prey. Doctor Maxis and Sam began walking towards the teleporter pad, out of the way of the dog’s reach. The faint sound of a maniacal laugh from the small control room echoed throughout the glowing cavern. “Goodbye, Doctor Maxis.” Another chapter down, quite a few more to go! This was the easiest chapter to write so far, only spanning two days of actual writing time.
  5. I was always afraid of zombie mode and whenever someone invited me to a game I declined. One day I decided to see if zombie mode was really all that bad. I did quite decent for my first time on Nacht, and played a few games after the first. I eventually got hooked a bit and would play zombies often. Eventually it became a daily thing, and I would sit playing xbox for hours just playing zombies. When I heard of GKNOVA6, I started googling it what do you know, I managed to stumble upon CoDz, which I would just read for a while cause I couldn't figure out how to register >.
  6. Chapter 4 About 6 years later Doctor Maxis walked towards her son and their newly adopted German shepherd. She knelt down next to Sam, petting the dog under her chin as the young boy wrapped his arms around the dog’s neck. “Yes, mutter. Oh, I love her.” “You must feed her every day, and walk her, and be very careful when you play with her. You know, she’s going to have puppies.” Leitta turned and playfully ruffled Sam’s hair. She smiled softly, speaking as she stood up. “We’ll see Sam. One step at a time” ***** The onlookers began to applaud wildly. “I bring you to what this project is all about. What I have worked to keep from my enemy.” Blushing, and with a large smile on her face, Sherrie turned back and hugged Doctor Richtofen, but then immediately regained her composure. “We first must discover what it does.” Sherrie’s jaw dropped at the mere words. “Preposterous!” Contemplating the statement, Doctor Groph cocked her head to the side and tapped her lower lip. “I suppose not, how do you know what it does?” “I found many interesting Vril artifacts here. I have decoded some of their language, all signs point to this device being a stable gateway to the Aether.” Evelyn focused her eyes on Phoebe, talking a tad louder. As her sentences drove on, her voice escalated. “As am I. I am going back to my port at Group 935 to continue the charade. I will be finding out just how much information Doctor Maxis has on Vril. Once the machine is operational, I will enact my plan and return. Gentlemen, let the games begin.” Merely days after returning back to the testing facility without Doctor Groph and Doctor Schuster, Evelyn was dragged into working alongside Doctor Maxis. Immediately both women were in a lab, attempting to work with the teleporter. Without her knowledge, Doctor Richtofen tampered with the teleporter, sabotaging Leitta’s plan to work the large machine. “Initiating test number 3, subject is within the test chamber, activate power.” Doctor Richtofen faked amusement at the partial success, but Doctor Maxis, in a fit of rage, slammed her hand on the small desk in front of her. “Get a hold of yourself and clean that up! Test number 3 unsuccessful, test subject has been reduced to the same state as previous subjects. Clean up the test chamber and re-calibrate the system! Let’s do it again.” Three days after Doctor Maxis’ failed test, Evelyn found free time to work on Leitta’s extra project for her, controlling the minds of live specimens. It was nearing ten at night, and Doctor Richtofen had just finished cleaning up after her day of experimenting. She reached over her desk for a microphone to record her notes from that day. “Log entry 1471. Date: September 2nd, 1945. Dear diary, another day, another failure. This time subject N3WB just slightly improved. The Russian subject still smells like urine, even after she was given a bath and deloused TWICE. I think I might have killed the specimen from Mexico. His spleen is on the floor and he’s not moving anymore. I can verify with certainty that the barrier is not located in the spleen. Doctor Maxis must continue no matter the cost. I wonder what she might think of the experiments on the little boy.” Unknowingly, the wire from the recording device had tangled itself around her foot. As she started forward, the wire tugged at her leg, causing her to fall. Evelyn crashed to the floor, a sharp pain shooting through her arm. She looked at her shoulder, which was now swelling up. “Mein gott! Stupid monkey!” Sitting in the chair she had now become accustomed to from hours of studying, Doctor Groph made a vocal record of her and Doctor Schuster’s findings on how to activate the pyramid. Suddenly, Phoebe came crashing through the door, chasing after a small animal that was scurrying towards Sherrie’s chair. “I’ve got you now rat!” With a shoe in hand, Phoebe leapt forward at the rat, but instead barreled into Sherrie. Both doctors crashed to the floor. Doctor Groph’s chair flew from underneath her, crushing the rat under its weight. Suddenly, one of the glass containers filled slightly with a glowing blue liquid. “Did you see that?” Doctor Richtofen sat at her desk again, eight days after her last experiment. Her shoulder was bandaged and her arm was placed in a sling. “The swelling has subsided, the ice helps. They made liverwurst for lunch, it was delicious. I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens.” Doctor Richtofen looked down at her desk again, spying a letter that was just delivered. She read it, a small smile forming on her face. She chuckled lightly. “Oh, apparently someone in security found a spy today, they are delivering her from the asylum, to replace the one that I broke.” Well it took me long enough to finish this chapter! Anyway, this is the fourth chapter in Sinner, as you can obviously tell. I plan before March to have at least the fifth chapter completed, and there will be a little surprise following the completion of the fifth chapter.
  7. Seeing all those bands named, YESSSSSSSS! But I'd still rather just hear the songs done by Elena and Kevin, unless there's another map like CotD, or included with an achievement, like Nightmare was.
  8. I have to say that all of the EE songs have grown on my except for Coming Home, I just couldn't get into that one. I think that having a different artist's song in the maps was a nice break from the songs we usually hear on the maps.
  9. Welcome to the site!
  10. Yeah it's like during a round you see it and it's just "Oh cool, new easter eggs!" then you look at it closely and you realize it's written in blood. Also the dentist's chair is creepy.
  11. I'd have to say that to me Verruckt is the creepiest map, followed up by SNN. I mean the sounds in Verruckt alone are enough to make everything more eerie, but then there's the writing on the wall that gets a bit freaky sometimes.
  12. Chapter 3 “Schuster! Doctor Schuster wake up!” The confused doctor opened her eyes slowly, her sight blurred. She looked around and found herself in a jungle like environment, with palms trees surrounding her, and the sound of a waterfall close by. As she raised her eyes, Phoebe found herself staring up at Doctor Richtofen, who was lurking over her unconscious body. “Mein gott, Phoebe, you worried me half to death. Are you all right? Is it the change in the weather?” Evelyn knelt on the ground nearby, holding out a small, clay bowl filled with water. Doctor Schuster reached for it carefully, drinking what she could while she tried to grasp the situation she was thrust into. “Evelyn, what’s going on, what are we doing here? And what’s this, this… this structure we’re sitting in front of?” The two women stared down the hill at the large pyramid being rapidly constructed. “Ahhh, that. That is just a mere temple that they’re building. For me.” The now shocked doctor gagged on the water in her mouth, coughing and sputtering as she tried to speak. Phoebe wiped away the water dripping from her mouth, her eyes bewildered as she glared at Doctor Richtofen. “What do you mean for you?! What the hell is this! Evelyn you had better have a good explanation for this. You’ve been here only nineteen days and they’re building a temple for you?” Evelyn stood up and smiled down upon the scene in front of them. She seemed almost peaceful, yet there was a crazy brutalness hidden behind her eyes. “They think I’m a god. Can you believe it? After that test, I wound up in an odd cave, and then wound up here. They didn’t know what to think, a pale skinned woman falling from the sky, so they believed I was sent down to earth to watch over them. They’ve taught me stuff that I can use, that we can use, to our advantage.” Both doctors looked at each other. Something was different, almost wrong, with Evelyn. She had gone from being obedient and brilliant to manipulative and cruel. Doctor Richtofen cocked her head to the side and glanced down at Doctor Schuster, who was rolling her sleeves due to the heat. “By the way, what has Doctor Maxis been up to since I’ve ‘vanished’, per say?” “Oh, she’s been busy with test after test, same as always.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a dark office lit only by a desk lamp sat Doctor Maxis, winding down after a brutal day of testing. She looked over a small stack of papers piled on her desk, containing reports from that days experiment. A desk microphone connected to a tape recorder was placed near her. “The test subjects have been undergoing treatment for five days with little progress. I have been assured that given time, the programming will take hold.” She finished recording, then with a sigh of relief, pushed her office chair backwards and stood. Grabbing her things, she turned off the desk lamp and closed her office door. As she turned to walk down the hallway, the sound of someone speaking disrupted her and she turned around, her hand grasping a small knife she carried with her always. “Sorry for scaring you, Leitta. I didn’t know you were still here, you know, with having to care for Sam and all.” Stefan walked up next to the startled doctor. He smiled down at her with that cheerful smile he always wore. Leitta relaxed and laughed at herself. “It’s fine, Stefan. I had to finish some work regarding today’s experiment. Actually, I’m going to be taking the next few days off to spend with Sam. I feel like I’ve been neglecting him with all this work.” “He’ll be excited about that, I don’t doubt it. He’s a good kid, and you should cherish that.” As they stepped out the door to the street, Doctor Maxis began shivering violently. The winter was brutal, leaving snow and ice everywhere. Noticing her shivering, Stefan wrapped his free arm around Leitta, holding her close as they walked. “Let me walk you to your apartment, it’s not too far from mine. Anyway, there’s so much ice, don’t want to hurt yourself.” Leitta smiled as the two continued walking for another minute, finally stopping at the porch of her apartment. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys, then turned slightly to wave at Stefan. “Well, good night Stefan.” “Good night Leitta.” **** Doctor Maxis’ vacation with her son had come and gone quickly. She had already been in her office for about five days, working as hard as every to finish her crucial experiment. She was once again stationary at her desk, the microphone close at hand. She began reading off notes left by her colleagues from her absence. “In the past weeks, we have made great strides in breaking through to their subconscious. I have had the projectionists make edits to a few. These changes have been very effective.” She felt joyful. The recent experiments were quite successful compared to past tests. Their new mind control technique, using a projector and specially crafted slides, was effective, with new subjects having positive results in the last couple of days. Doctor Maxis just hoped that now in only a few days time there would be at least one subject that could retain their training. **** “Subject two-six has had a breakthrough, he is responding to the treatments and following basic instructions, violent outbursts have been greatly reduced, and given time we feel this method of treatment will be 100 percent effective in most cases.” The results that Leitta had been looking for were finally sitting in front of her. The subject in question was a fresh one, just brought in only two days ago. In under a day and a half, reports of a breakthrough were being seen. “Hey Leitta, I was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat? You’ve been cooped up in here for about three hours, let alone been in the facility for about seven.” Doctor Maxis jumped. Stefan had a way of scaring her, even when he didn’t mean to. The previous incident aside, she got up off her chair and grabbed her coat as fast as she could. She whipped around and smiled at Stefan. “That sounds wunderbar! I haven’t had a proper meal all day, and I think it’s time for a little celebration, with the fabulous results. Would you be up for a drink? My treat!” **** The tape in the recording machine made a strange buzzing sound as it ran. Once again the faint sound of a microphone switch clicked repeatedly, as Doctor Maxis began detailing the report for the previous days test. “The timeline for deployment can be accelerated. Given the progress we have made in the past two weeks, if patient two-six can retain the impressions longer than thirty-six hours, we will have the process perfected.” She clicked the microphone off. The tape came to a sudden halt, as Leitta stood up and left the room, excited to see the progress made overnight. She walked into a long, dull room. At one end there were guards stationed surrounding a secure door. Behind it the sound of someone pounding violently on the door erupted. Doctor Maxis motioned to one of the guards near the door, signaling them to open it. The subject sat on the floor now, exhausted from its protest. “Stand up. Stand up! Good, look at me.” Leitta snapped her fingers, agitated by the subject’s lethargic state. She barked out orders , each one echoing off the walls. “Over here! Good. Now walk forward. Excellent. Further, keep coming.” The sudden sound of fire alarms and blaring lights from the next lab over penetrated the silent room. Doctor Maxis waved it off, knowing it was just a mishap from another experiment. As she turned back around, she noticed the subject becoming aggressive. “It’s all right. Stay there. Calm down, I order you-“ It lashed out a hand, striking a nearby soldier. He fell to the floor, clutching his arm as the other soldiers aimed their guns at the thing. Leitta stepped back in horror, as the sudden look of disappointment shadowed her face. “Kill it!” Blood splattered all over the floor as one of the guards shot a round into the subjects head. It fell to the floor with a sickening thud. Every eye now rested on Doctor Maxis, who now showed no emotion at all on her face. She quickly turned and began walking towards the door, the anger building up inside of her like a wild fever. Before she stepped out of the room, she turned her head the slightest bit and scowled out something almost inhuman in nature. “Bring me another.” **** “Another setback, patient two-six was killed this morning in a field test. He lost control and attacked one of our handlers. His injuries were minor but patient two-six was destroyed. The break in programming coincided with the flashing lights and loud noises of the fire alarm in the test facility” Doctor Maxis’ voice came to a halt as the sound of someone at her door distracted her from her notes. “One moment!” The knocking grew more urgent. Finally, she got up and dashed to her door, tearing it open only to have Stefan fall into the room. Doctor Maxis stumbled back, catching him before he hit the ground. “What is it? I’m not in the mood for one of your cheery lectures.” The dazed assistant got up and dusted himself off. He was holding onto a stack of files, each one with a stamp of completion. Leitta ripped the folders from his grasp and quickly skimmed through them, looking at the results. “Geez, could have warned me that you were opening the door. Anyway, I just came by to drop these off for you. Heard they weren’t too good.” Stefan looked at Doctor Maxis, then pivoted and walked towards the door. “Also, I’ve noticed that both Doctor Schuster and Doctor Maxis have not come into work recently. A few of the others are getting worried about them. They said it’s almost like they just disappeared into thin air.” He reached the door and outstretched his hand to grab the antique knob. Suddenly, two women burst through the door, nearly knocking him off his feet again. Leitta looked from the women to Stefan, then back at the women. “Doctor Richtofen and Doctor Schuster! What the hell do you think you’re doing?! You dummkopfs!” As if by magic, Evelyn and Phoebe were standing in her office. Doctor Maxis stared at the two of them. Evelyn had a minor gash under her right eye, a new distinguishing feature. “Doctor Maxis, please calm down. We’re both fine. We had a little business to take care of.” Evelyn stepped forward, a mischievous smile spread across her face. Something was different about her. Leitta, resisting all urges to throw her fist into her colleagues face, stepped back and sat on her desk. “I wasn’t worried in the least bit.” Her expression was tense as she stared directly at Doctor Richtofen, her eyes empty. “Right now I don’t care about what you have to say, Doctor Richtofen. You and Doctor Schuster need to get back to what you were working on before you left immediately. I have no time for your idiocy.” NOTE: took me almost forever to get this one single chapter done, but it's finally complete so yay~~ Any who, I had a bit of difficulty with writing the parts with Maxis, wondering how to work with the radios and other scenarios that could possibly happen.
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