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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. Everytime you help Maxis, you generally lessen Richtofen's amount of power. His voice is much heavier and more sinister in Moon because...well, it was the finale of Black Ops. Nevertheless, we can easily suggest that over the time span since the missiles impacting Earth, he has been continuously losing power. This is why he is still trying to form factions in creating human-made energy transmitters so he could obtain more power (radio broadcasts in Tranzit). There is indeed some kind of dark presence lurking inside the Aether and/or MPD as Samantha claims. What this power is, I am not entirely certain. It could possibly be the remnants of the ancient Vril-ya, or something else. Richtofen used to hear these voices telling him what to do, and it might still be occurring now that he's in control. The power obtained by doing the Side Quests could give him so much power, that he can restore the Earth back to its original state like he claims he will, only to plague it once more. This kind of power is beyond what even Samantha could obtain. It might even mean distorting time and free will, or perhaps re-creating history to he sees fit. Maxis, on the other hand, has a different agenda. Does he truly want to restore the world back to normal, or does he actually use it as a scapegoat so once the energy is transmitted to him, he can gain revenge on Richtofen by removing and destroying him, only so he could be Aether's new landlord? Only time will tell. I can guarantee you that he will eventually become mad with power. If Richtofen does indeed have the power to bend time, it would only be in a brief gap. In this case, the time span that the new crew was in Great Leap Forward could have been anywhere from a couple of minutes to a few hours. Just as you said, his powers are quite limited and he can only distort the time flow just by a bit. Now that's given if Richtofen has to power to alter time. If he doesn't, then we could only imagine that there is some other event going on that we have yet to fully determine.
  2. The name was recently changed to persistent upgrades. Simple enough, you could continuously obtain these "upgrades" of particular skills that will enhance your abilities in different fashions. Here are some threads regarding the skills: Persistent Upgrades, obtaining, functions and losing
  3. "Epic boob bounce"...bahaha. What really caught my attention in this was the fact you said "hit the wall". There have been some accounts in which the wall can act as a no-damage barrier in which you will not take fall damage if you are close to a horizontal/flat surface. The rock glitch in Moon's Biodome allows players - who had Phd Flopper - to create impact explosions while diving against the rock. In this case, I'm assuming it acted as a safeguard so you wouldn't receive any form of fall damage. And welcome to the community, friendo! :)
  4. This also applies to the Colt M1911, unless you were lucky enough to slug around two clips into zombie's head. If you are a human and you are weary of cycling through weapons, may I suggest that you constantly move in a zig-zag formation. Standing still is never an option when changing weapons, and going in circles allows for another zombie to get you from the side (given the other is at the opposite side). When you move in a Z-formation, you are causing the zombies to be confused on where you're going. Their movement is 2.5x than a human's speed, and almost 4x more when sprinting. Rotating your camera around rapidly doesn't affect them like AI zombies. If you are a zombie, learn to focus on the weapon cycling period. As said before, have one zombie go out to be a decoy, then follow up from a different angle. They'll least expect it, and won't be able to escape since their weapon is not loaded yet. Here are some interesting techniques I found in regards to human spawn locations: - If a human spawns in the diner, use a decoy to go down one aisle while you go down another; if you decide to go solo on this one, I'd suggest that you take the aisle near the side opening (where the clock is). - If a human spawns near the back lava area right in front of the diner, run through the diner, hide behind the cars, and dash in a zig-zag formation to eat some flesh successfully eliminate the opponent. - If a human spawns between the garage and diner, run through the garage (staying close to the wall) and sprint out of the door to take him/her down. You may want to time this while another zombie comes after them. - If a human spawns in the field by the shed, run through the garage. You have two options: rush the human while zombies come after him/her on the other end, or wait diligently behind the truck until they are clearly not facing your general direction. It's the perfect position for any occasion.
  5. Hey Pieter, welcome to the community! It seems we really are getting a variety of age groups in Zombies - I love it! Y'know, my cousin is a truck driver as well. I guess nothing feels better than to come home and slay some freakbags after a long day's work, yes? Enjoy your stay, and I hope to see you around often friendo! :)
  6. Welcome to the community, friendo! It's great to see that you've been formulating theories on your own; perhaps you'd care to share with us those ideas soon? I'm sure we'd all love to hear them. Enjoy your stay, and I hope to see you often! :)
  7. That is exactly what I saw yesterday on my Elite page as well. It's sensible to believe that High Rise would be the name for Die Rise, but Skyscraper for Tranzit? I've seen the file name error call it "Transit" and "Town", but not that. I believe the file names are originally a beginning setup before the map is anywhere near completion, and that we aren't supposed to know what the original file was coined as. Interesting find though, friendo! :)
  8. If you consider this method foul play, then you must not really like the concept of camping. I understand it seems like a cheap way to blaze through the rounds, but let's face it - you can't train forever. This slayer found a perfectly executable setup and used it to his advantage. Zombies still come up after him, and he is still being required to shoot. Like death mentioned, he is still in a dangerous position if he runs out of ammo. Utilizing the structure of the map is not in any way cheating, especially if you're using a Wonder Weapon with what it's designed to do. If the layout was designed so that zombies would not come out of particular areas and only areas where they are allowed to spawn, I'd say that finding a Z-Free Zone is the equivalent of striking pure gold. This is excellent for solo play anyhow; if you have others with you, go into, say, the back of the roof near the NavCard table or the Enlightenment Room and have fun digging into the fight.
  9. Some pretty nice connections here, friendo! Mind if a take a gander at some possible solutions? Gersch is somewhere in the heavens - not that I can allude to one in Zombies, but let's just call it the afterlife to be safe. Before you free Gersch, it's suspected that he is trapped in the Kassimir Mechanism by Yuri in Ascension [correct me if I'm wrong on this one, veterans]. Once the crew repaired it, the device freed Gersch, and you can see what appears to be a faded orb rise into the sky. His soul is essentially released into the afterlife, or where most souls go to - think of it as Heaven if you're religious. I too thought that there was some kind of large beast around Kino der Toten in one my first threads here at CoDz: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=16084&p=142968#p142968 Apparently, it's just a theatrical [what a pun] entrance for the Nova Gas Crawlers to start swarming in. The large holes on the roof are due to deterioration from the destruction of the zombie outbreak. As for the quotes heard, it is because our original crew has never seen nor heard the likes of Nova Gas Crawlers before, and it's a brand new concept that catches them off guard. They also produce heavier/louder noises than your average freakbag. Die Rise's ending audio is a bit perplexing at the moment; it actually sounds more like someone walking in an empty hallway, opening a gate, going inside/outside, then shutting it with a lock. I honestly don't know what to make of it.
  10. Well, that is much better than Electric Nova Zombie Phaser Crawlers. :lol:
  11. I think it's quite possible; Black Ops contained 71 Achievements (including DLC ones) and hit that total of 1,700G. Black Ops II is only at 60 Achievements, and it's at 1,250G. If you are correct on the 250G per DLC package, then we should have perhaps anywhere from 1,700G - 2,000G (being the maximum). Now I'm going to do some quick and broad number calculation to test this theory out. 5G per small and easy Achievement (x2) = 10G 10G per small yet focused Achievement (x3) = 30G* 15G per mediocre and relatively difficult Achievement (x3) = 45G* 25G per "gain x number of ______ in one game" Achievement = 25G* 30G per "do _____ before round X" Achievement = 30G 75G per Side Quest Achievement = 75G Total: 215G per DLC *amount of Achievements with given Gamescore points will vary This is a very rough estimate; however, being that there will be two more DLC packages definitely, this amounts to a broad 430G - 515G range. Unless we obtain another DLC pack along those two, we are stuck with precisely 1,680G (or 1,700G if you want to count the difference). If there is another package to be included, we will actually be near the 2,000G mark.
  12. As beautiful as a theory that is, you forget one thing: we had to kill the turned-zombie. Plus, the now-human corpse was sucked into some kind of portal at the top of the lighthouse. I sense that it had to be some kind of Vril portal. According to Vril Society legend, the ancient race would require human sacrifices when the Nazis wanted assistance in manufacturing superficial technology and hidden powers. In the same sense, the human sacrifice in Call of the Dead is used to obtain the Vril generator.
  13. We call some instances in zombies that are not exactly related to the story non-canon. But to say that taking parts of the game is "too serious" and not relevant to the storyline is more opinion-based, really. For example, would you ever expect Wonder Weapons to be crucial in helping us determine a particular time period or even propose short backstories of our characters? Or even grab something is simple as a poster/mechanism blueprint to display why we are in the setting we currently are in? I don't believe the original four is dead; it could be possible, but then again, they may as well be finished off. They could have easily just left via teleporter back to Area 51. If you grab the SVU (PaP'ed helps a lot) and scope at the Moon, you can see a cluster of red dots in a particular spot. Supposedly, that's Griffin Station.
  14. Welcome back friendo! It's good to see you return right as things are becoming more intriguing in our new mode, Die Rise. We're still the awesome community when you first came, and I hope you enjoy your stay once more. :)
  15. Hm, it is interesting to say the least. The zombie is not attempting to attack the player, so I don't think there's any God-status conspiracy here. It looks like he/she/it knifed the zombie and failed, thus the zombie swearing allegiance to the player.
  16. Not to sound rude or anything, but what exactly does this have to do with the map? No doubt, it's great that you found a binary code connection relating to a possible perk machine (based on why you say it may be in reference to Juggernog(z)). I would like to know how this connects to anything.
  17. I don't believe the other T.V.s can be activated; only the one above the Sliquifier workbench. You have three different radio transmissions in one T.V., and I don't think there could be any more hidden in the others. I tried to see if any of them would activate some kind of audio file or...well, anything really. Unfortunately, those are just there for aesthetics. :(
  18. Welcome to the community, friendo! I'd suggest you take a look into this lovely thread by Rissole25: "We All Fall Down" Analysis From what I can understand, it seems that "Coming Home" is more of Samantha's final perspective into what will come before Richtofen takes control in the Aether. "We All Fall Down" is placed into the shoes of Maxis and how he questions whether or not his experiments were worth the betrayal from his assistant and the demise of the world. Here is something to ponder: "sacrifice the vermin martyr" "the martyr's brethren were not to be set free" Let's take that into consideration. What is a martyr first of all? It's defined as a person who suffers persecution and death as opposing to renouncing a belief or cause that is not true to their morals and values. Now that the basic concept is out the way, the songs are figuratively speaking of someone who was sacrificed and were wrongly killed. Yes yes, you got the right idea - a dead person. Who's brethren could possibly belong to that of a dead person? How about more dead people? Essentially, Samantha believes she will return to her father's side and gain vengeance for his death, yet she does not understand the magnitude of which Maxis' destruction of Earth. There is no justification for him; had he not continued the experiments while he was still in Group 935, zombies would have never existed and his death would have been prevented. What was presumed to be a successful conclusion turned into havoc and chaos known as zombies. The amount of destruction placed upon the world gradually increases more and more, and it will only continue. I understand that this isn't the most stable connection between the two songs, but I hope it placed you on the right track. I'd like to see what reels Kevin Sherwood states; they're audio files, but perhaps they better explain the connection between father and daughter as to fit a link between said songs.
  19. Ah, yes - ever since the update, you can lose your persistent Quick Revive if you cut the revive time before successful reviving someone. You can also lose the upgrade if you allow your teammates nearby to go down too many times.
  20. Actually, it's "mend the rift"; to repair some kind of bridge or form a connection to a particular instance. When I think of the the revival step, I automatically think of the opening cutscene where Russman basically sacrifices himself to cover Samuel against some of the horde. Unfortunately, he gets taken down by the Phaser Jumpers and the rest of the crew leave only to be surrounded again. Richtofen mentions "Accept your fate - begin anew", and thus resets them back to the beginning in some fashion. Perhaps it belongs in Maxis' steps in order to correct what happened in the future (which no longer exists once they return back to the start). Kind of a way for Stuhlinger to repay Russman if you want to look at it from a different perspective.
  21. Wow Jeager, you really stepped into new territory on this one. I must say, Die Rise is one of those maps that are quite difficult to map out, let alone navigate by memory or written guide. This is what I call some grade-A material. If you could complete the whole set of all the floor levels and their objects (perk machines, wall guns, etc.), then I believe this will be one helluva guide. Keep up the amazing work, friendo! And if you ever need help on anything regarding this, don't hesitate to ask. :)
  22. Great setup! This is actually a very simple, yet effective guide to obtaining the persistent upgrades. I hope someday, this list will be 100% full. Keep up the great work, friendo.:)
  23. Please use the Teammate Finder when needing potential slayers: viewforum.php?f=13 I understand everyone is excited to complete the newly found Side Quests, but it does help the forum become more organized. :)
  24. Die Rise is a beautiful mode; Great Leap Forward in general is just an amazing map structure with a layout that's suitable for any form of slaying. Ever since the release, I've been studying the map inside out too much to the point where I fall in love with it every time I play it. To survive in this map is to be a true slayer. The reward was far better than Tranzit's without a shadow of a doubt. And having a Solo Side Quest is really a privileged aspect of zombies; teamwork is better anyways. I think it'll be a map/mode to treasure for the zombie trilogy. It won't die out quickly because there's still so much to explore in it.
  25. Everyone thought that it would be the water cooler found upon going down the lobby elevator. Unfortunately, that's not the case. But having no banks or fridges make the game...well, back to old school Zombies. I love it.
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