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Mule kick should be a perk

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First of all having 3 guns is way over powered.

This is why there is a limitation.

You can keep your first two guns even if you go down. However the gun that you buy after you get mule kick will be your third gun. You will only lose your third gun once you go down.

Ex: Lets say you have mp5k and m14.

You buy mule kick.

you hit the box.

you get thundergun.

Now, in this case if you go down you will lose your thundergun.


To avoid that.

Do this instead.

Before you hit the box get a dummy weapon.


lets say you bought m14 and mp5k already.

Buy Mule kick.

Get olympia for 500.

Now remember any gun you switch for olympia will be gone once you down because it is your third gun.

So keep hitting the box until you get weapon of your choice.

Lets say you got thundergun, just buy it over your mp5k or m14, one of the first two guns.

You will not lose it even if you go down.

In simple words, you will only lose your third gun, so choose your first two weapons wisely :) Third gun should be a point maker or for temporary reasons.

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Having 3 guns is not OP, and you actually DO lose a random gun. Not necessarily the one after mule kick.

That was from my experience. And I am not a huge fan of mule kick because I like to switch to Mustang and sally quick enough so I dislike having more than one gun. But out of my limited experience with this perk, I have lost my third gun 100% of the times. Can you please prove this to me ZOTD. or at least quote where it says its random.



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I also am 90% positive it is your third gun. Sometimes it appears to not be, but it is also possible that I could have forgotten which was which myself. Generally I have MS, Lawton, and a point spammer, and usually the point spammer (mule kick weapon) is the one I lose, and it is usually right before MS if I cycle through my three. I believe. Can't say I have ever lost MS when I downed.

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First of all having 3 guns is way over powered.

This is why there is a limitation.

You can keep your first two guns even if you go down. However the gun that you buy after you get mule kick will be your third gun. You will only lose your third gun once you go down.

Ex: Lets say you have mp5k and m14.

You buy mule kick.

you hit the box.

you get thundergun.

Now, in this case if you go down you will lose your thundergun.


To avoid that.

Do this instead.

Before you hit the box get a dummy weapon.


lets say you bought m14 and mp5k already.

Buy Mule kick.

Get olympia for 500.

Now remember any gun you switch for olympia will be gone once you down because it is your third gun.

So keep hitting the box until you get weapon of your choice.

Lets say you got thundergun, just buy it over your mp5k or m14, one of the first two guns.

You will not lose it even if you go down.

In simple words, you will only lose your third gun, so choose your first two weapons wisely :) Third gun should be a point maker or for temporary reasons.

While all of this is correct, I do have to point something out though. There is an about 1% chance at any time that when you get a weapon that your weapon order will jumble. I've done this test numerous times. I'd have my order completely figured out. [Weapon A > Weapon B > Weapon C] Then I get a new weapon and it is [Weapon B > Weapon A > Weapon C]. It is uncommon (1%), but it DOES happen sometimes. Whenever this happens to me with my power weapon, I usually just end up getting rid of it and then getting it back again in the proper place, so no harm done. It's just annoying.

EDIT: DO note however, that minus this small inconvenience, way's explanation is TRUE.

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I could be wrong but here are the scenarios. You have weapon a, b and c.

You PAP weapon b essentially moved c up a slot.

Same thing with pentagon thief. He takes weapon a, weapons b and c move up becoming a and b, going down will make you lose a.

Hope it makes sense.

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While all of this is correct, I do have to point something out though. There is an about 1% chance at any time that when you get a weapon that your weapon order will jumble. I've done this test numerous times. I'd have my order completely figured out. [Weapon A > Weapon B > Weapon C] Then I get a new weapon and it is [Weapon B > Weapon A > Weapon C]. It is uncommon (1%), but it DOES happen sometimes. Whenever this happens to me with my power weapon, I usually just end up getting rid of it and then getting it back again in the proper place, so no harm done. It's just annoying.

no comprende.... please clarify..

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Having 3 guns is not OP, and you actually DO lose a random gun. Not necessarily the one after mule kick.

That was from my experience. And I am not a huge fan of mule kick because I like to switch to Mustang and sally quick enough so I dislike having more than one gun. But out of my limited experience with this perk, I have lost my third gun 100% of the times. Can you please prove this to me ZOTD. or at least quote where it says its random.



I can do neither, because although I have experienced this, I have nothing to be able to prove it. Nothing to record. The most I can give you is my own word for it. I will, however, look for a video of it on the interwebs.

Having 3 guns is not OP, and you actually DO lose a random gun. Not necessarily the one after mule kick.

It ALWAYS takes your 3rd gun.

Then explain why I have experienced it. It is not me mixing up them either. Several times this has happened, and I always remember which gun I have 3rd.

EDIT: Here's a few other people's word for it here

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Lets say you started your game with a pistol.

That makes pistol as your Primary weapon.

Lets say you buy MPL after that as your secondary.

Anything you buy after that using mule kick is your third gun. Ok, you already know that.

Lets say you hit the box and you got a cz75.

Later you got a crossbow, you press triangle and switch until you get mpl and obtain crossbow from the box. THIS IS NOT YOUR THIRD GUN NOW, you just switched your secondary for a crossbow. So it makes sense to only switch out your third gun if you don't see the gun you like. Once you find the weapon you want to keep, switch it with your primary or secondary.

Trust me its hard to keep track of which gun is your third if you are using the box and not keeping tab of when you are switching out your secondary or primary. Go ahead and test this out when you get a chance and let me know what you find. You don't have to record or do anything, I'll take your word for it.

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Lets say you started your game with a pistol.

That makes pistol as your Primary weapon.

Lets say you buy MPL after that as your secondary.

Anything you buy after that using mule kick is your third gun. Ok, you already know that.

Lets say you hit the box and you got a cz75.

Later you got a crossbow, you press triangle and switch until you get mpl and obtain crossbow from the box. THIS IS NOT YOUR THIRD GUN NOW, you just switched your secondary for a crossbow. So it makes sense to only switch out your third gun if you don't see the gun you like. Once you find the weapon you want to keep, switch it with your primary or secondary.

Trust me its hard to keep track of which gun is your third if you are using the box and not keeping tab of when you are switching out your secondary or primary. Go ahead and test this out when you get a chance and let me know what you find. You don't have to record or do anything, I'll take your word for it.

I'm just going to say it again: I did not forget my weapon placement. It was completely random.

Had Wave gun and ray gun. Bought mule kick. Got RPK from the box. Died within a few minutes (is it just me, or do you die more easily w/ mule kick?) When I got up, my wave gun was gone. This has happened several other times. It is really the only reason I don't like mule kick.

However, I'll try what you said some other time, or better yet, someone else do it, because I'm still seriously bored of zombies. I will admit, most of the time, maybe 60%, it does end up on the 3rd gun, but it still is random a lot.

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Guys. I reiterate. Mule Kick gives you a third slot. It will always hold true except for the unfortunate 1% of the time. Here is a fictional game right here.

Start game.


Buy a Kar98k.

M1911 + Kar98k

Buy Mule Kick, and then go to the Mystery Box. You get an AUG.

M1911 + Kar98k + AUG

You get downed and revived.

M1911 + Kar98k

You switch your M1911 for a M1 Carbine.

M1 Carbine + Kar98k

You go to the Mystery Box. You switch your Kar98k for an HS10.

M1 Carbine + HS10

You buy Mule Kick and then a Thompson.

M1 Carbine + HS10 + Thompson

You go to the Mystery Box. You switch your M1 Carbine for a Thundergun.

Thundergun + HS10 + Thompson

You go to the Mystery Box. You switch your HS10 for a Ray Gun. Uh oh! Like I said, 1% of the time, it will switch on you. It is rare, but it happens. Let's say it happened this time.

Ray Gun + Thundergun + Thompson

You go to the Mystery Box. You switch your Thompson for a HK21.

Ray Gun + Thundergun + HK21

You go down and get revived.

Ray Gun + Thundergun

You buy Mule Kick, and then you go to the Mystery Box. You get a Spectre.

Ray Gun + Thundergun + Spectre

You Pack-A-Punch the Thundergun.

Ray Gun + Zeus Cannon + Spectre

You go to the Mystery Box. You switch your Spectre for an L96A1.

Ray Gun + Zeus Cannon + L96A1

You upgrade the other two weapons.

Porter's X2 Ray Gun + Zeus Cannon + L115 Isolator

Pentagon Thief steals your Zeus Cannon.

Porter's X2 Ray Gun + L115 Isolator

He gets away. You buy an AK74u off the wall.

Porter's X2 Ray Gun + AK74u + L115 Isolator

He comes back later and steals your L115 Isolator.

Porter's X2 Ray Gun + AK74u

You get your gun back.

Porter's X2 Ray Gun + AK74u + L115 Isolator

Space Monkeys attack the Mule Kick machine, taking it.

Porter's X2 Ray Gun + AK74u

I don't think I can spell this out any further.

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Lets say you started your game with a pistol.

That makes pistol as your Primary weapon.

Lets say you buy MPL after that as your secondary.

Anything you buy after that using mule kick is your third gun. Ok, you already know that.

Lets say you hit the box and you got a cz75.

Later you got a crossbow, you press triangle and switch until you get mpl and obtain crossbow from the box. THIS IS NOT YOUR THIRD GUN NOW, you just switched your secondary for a crossbow. So it makes sense to only switch out your third gun if you don't see the gun you like. Once you find the weapon you want to keep, switch it with your primary or secondary.

Trust me its hard to keep track of which gun is your third if you are using the box and not keeping tab of when you are switching out your secondary or primary. Go ahead and test this out when you get a chance and let me know what you find. You don't have to record or do anything, I'll take your word for it.

I'm just going to say it again: I did not forget my weapon placement. It was completely random.

Had Wave gun and ray gun. Bought mule kick. Got RPK from the box. Died within a few minutes (is it just me, or do you die more easily w/ mule kick?) When I got up, my wave gun was gone. This has happened several other times. It is really the only reason I don't like mule kick.

However, I'll try what you said some other time, or better yet, someone else do it, because I'm still seriously bored of zombies. I will admit, most of the time, maybe 60%, it does end up on the 3rd gun, but it still is random a lot.

If time permits I will test this and tonight. Are 10 test cases enough or should I do more just to check the probability.

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I have had this happen alot. It is NOT 1%, it is at the very least 20%, but I would seriously think more. I do keep track of my third gun, and again, this has happened at least 5 times (and I don't get mule kick often any more). There is nothing you can do to persuade me. I have experienced this a ton.

@Way, sure, 10 cases should be decent. It doesn't happen every game though, so IDK.

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Oh please. Think about it. 1% of the time. In a game Round 30+ while having Mule Kick all the time, it is nearly a certainty. That 1% kicks in every time you grab a weapon. Every time you go to the Mystery Box. Switch weapon loadouts 100 times and you're at the mean proportion. Honestly, I think 1% is a bit generously high.

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You go to the Mystery Box. You switch your HS10 for a Ray Gun. Uh oh! Like I said, 1% of the time, it will switch on you. It is rare, but it happens. Let's say it happened this time.

Ray Gun + Thundergun + Thompson

You go to the Mystery Box. You switch your Thompson for a HK21.

Ray Gun + Thundergun + HK21

You go down and get revived.

Ray Gun + Thundergun

Sorry I am slow, Isn't this expected scenario. How is this different as you said 1%?

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Oh please. Think about it. 1% of the time. In a game Round 30+ while having Mule Kick all the time, it is nearly a certainty. That 1% kicks in every time you grab a weapon. Every time you go to the Mystery Box. Switch weapon loadouts 100 times and you're at the mean proportion. Honestly, I think 1% is a bit generously high.

I'm not following you right now.... most of the time I barely even switch weapons. Maybe once or twice, but really, this happens maybe every other time I get mule kick.

Well, at the least you agree that it CAN be random, so I guess maybe could we agree to disagree on the rest?

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@way2go: When you switched the HS10 for the Ray Gun, you expected it to be Thunder + Ray Gun + Thompson, but it instead was Ray Gun + Thundergun + Thompson.

@ZotD: Well I suppose. Honestly, I don't know what to tell you but what I know to be true not only for me but for all the people I play with. So yes I suppose.

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I always loose my tertiary slot gun, exactly what Murder described in the mystic map.

The 1 or 2 times I thought I lost another, I probably just forgot what my tertiary slot is. Or there is indeed some small chance of messing up your gun order slots.

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I find the simplest way to do it by far is to buy mule kick once you have two weapons, and then buy a wall gun.

So I always have M&S, and then AK/MPL/MP40 etc.

Then buy another wall gun

This will always be your 3rd gun.

Just hit the box and change the original second weapon to a box gun. Now you always know what your second gun is.

If you get the ray gun for instance and want it as your 3rd just change to that 3rd wall gun you bought.

If you now want the other wonder for your second gun it's pretty simple, just don't give up the ray and M&S.

It's just planning really. If you are buying Mule Kick it's normally for a specific reason, at least it should be.

Just plan what you want your final weapon setup to be and make it happen with simple rules. So I imagine the only 3rd guns most strategic players would want would be - Ray Gun, Wall point/trap gun, Crossbow or Ballistic. So make sure one of those is always last!

Murder pointed out very nicely that there is a 1% chance of the guns changing order, and I believe that they certainly can change as I've seen it before.

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