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Rapt last won the day on March 6 2023

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  1. Hi guys, There is a runic language that has shown up a few times over the years which (unlike Keeper and Apothicon) has never been solved. It has only had a few appearances I can find, if you are aware of any others please share! The first instance I can find is the MOTD pap camo. This identical camo later shows up as the pap camo in Shadows of Evil. Again, it was reused as a "Black Market" camo in BO3 named Ritual, and a reactive camo in BO4 named Afterlife. All of these instances seem to all use the same three runes however. There is one other appearance of these typpe of runes though. They show up on the "Summon" mastercraft of the ICR in BO4. I believe this variant was released as the tier 100 reward on the season 1 battlepass. This means it is thematically linked to BOTD as well as released directly following BOTD. As you can see, this variant has a lot in common with the "ritual" camo. It includes 3 distinct runes, each consisting of a triangle contained within a circle. (Along with other details) There is also the text "The Condemned" above the runes, possibly a translation? Or maybe an "only the cursed survive" type reference in keeping with the dimension 64 pocket theme. I'm not totally convinced these rune are a real language. There are too few of them for us to really have any chance of building a full language. But if anyone has any ideas, or more examples of this language they can find please share. Rapt
  2. It didn't get canceled. They just called it Cold War instead.
  3. This is the leaks for what became Black Ops: Cold War back in 2020..
  4. Yeah, on the discord at least they are. Site had been quiet recently, idk why.
  5. All the documents are up in the #story-resources channel in the Discord, and here's the link to that GK Documents Original IMGUR.COM Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from... But I have no idea about the audio. I'd be interested to hear it, I wasn't around back then so I didn't even know there was audio. But I'm sure someone else here has that archived?
  6. Hello people, Couple of little Star Trek nods in BO4 I thought I would share. Not a Star Trek fan myself, but I'm sure some people here are and will enjoy these. 1) Deep Voyage I covered this mastercraft in another post concerning the morse code it flashes. But this easter egg is something different entirely. When equiping the FMJ attachment, you may notice the number 813 spelled out on the side. The NCC-813 is a Star Trek ship that is notable for having been destoyed by the squid like Narada (see image below). This is depicted in the 2009 Star Trek movie. This scene from the movie is paralleled on this mastercraft, where a squid destroys the unfortunate Spitfire "813". Along with the "Voyage" in the name (as in "Star Trek: Voyager" the TV show) I think this little Star Trek reference is pretty cool. 2) Stellar 92 "Stellar 92" is the Pack-a-Punch name for the "Saug 9mm". Stellar 92 "Undine" is a large asteroid in our asteroid belt. The reference here is not directly to the mythical creatures of the same name, who are water spirits. In this context it seems to be their depiction as "Species 8472" also known as the "Undine" from various Star Trek media. These creatures originate from an extra-dimensional realm known as "fluidic space" and formed out of the "organic fluids that populated their dimension". Sounds familiar. Some other things worth noting about fluidic space: It is the birthplace of other large lifeforms you may find familiar like the Argus IV Species and some Cosmozoans like Star Jellies (both pictured below). Also, this dimension has no traditional planets, but "organic based land mass clusters ... similar to planet". Also sounds a little familiar. Might actually be something worth investigating a bit more. Seems there might have been some Star Trek fans in the writer's room as well as on the weapon design team? I'll leave that up to you to decide. Thanks for reading
  7. Rapt


    Welcome Here are all the decrypted ciphers from Cold War. https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/wiki/treyarch-ciphers/#wiki_die_maschine
  8. Seeing this makes me think there is some kind of meta commentary going on in the scrap papers from SoE / TG then. Or am I imaging things?
  9. I forgot to add probably the most obvious / important one! The BO2 zombies menu where the player is able to hold and rotate the actual world. Here it is.
  10. Yeah the wiki says the mannequin jumping step is required for both BO1 and BO3 versions but I havent tested. It is a weird step, I'm not really sure if there's any reason behind the action. As for why the rocket egg even exists? It's just a teaser for the DLC map Ascension I think, which is the map that released directly after Kino.
  11. Those are Revelations ciphers reused in kino right? If so, no. There's been people working on those ciphers for a very long time though. We'd all love to see them solved.
  12. I only have PC, but if you come hang out in the Discord I'm sure you will find someone to help you find your sea legs! We have a channel in there specifcally for finding team-mates
  13. Intro Bringing up some occurances of this recurring theme for discussion In no particular order. If you can think of any more or have any ideas please discuss below! Examples 1) Archangel (Origins) The most clear example. 2) Chronicles Trailer This goes with the "minds eye" metaphor angle. 3) Physical globes Black egg looks much like a leyline globe Summoning key VERY similar + apothicon influence Shang meteor looks a lot like a globe also. But this time with physical geography instead of leylines. Conclusion Of course the obvious thematic interpretation is that it's about "control" and power. A strongly recurring theme. But with the Venus references in ciphers. The shrinking meteor with the baby gun. I was wondering if there might be another way to look at this that might shed some light on the origins of the Black Egg and the summoning key. I'd love to hear any ideas! Thanks for reading.
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