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"Deep Voyager" Spitfire variant - morse code

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Some of you may know of the Spitfire variant "Deep Voyager" from Black Ops 4.


Something you might not know is that the gun flashes Morse Code when you reach the 250 kill requirement in zombies.



The morse code it flashes is "-. . --."

This translates to "Ned" this is a reference to Ned Land, a character from the Jules Vern novel "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea"


The variant itself actually depicts a specific scene, where a Giant Squid attacks the submarine the Nautilus.
The character "Ned" referenced by the morse code is trapped in the brig during this scene. As the damaged submarine begins to fill with water.
The morse code is a signal letting us know he is trapped.


Obviously this variant also appears in MP. So it's just a fun little easter egg, and not really related to the zombies story.
Although having a living thing trapped inside a weapon is an idea that has come up in zombies before in a few different ways.

I still thought it was worth sharing though! 

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28 minutes ago, anonymous said:

That deserves brains! Congrats on finding your first undiscovered Easter Egg! Mind if I make a short video about it on CoDZ's YT channel?

Thanks man! That would be cool, lmk if you need some video of the morse code.

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