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Status Updates posted by Naitrax

  1. Got a PS4 with my new TV.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thedinobot


      Yeah he does /:

    3. Lenne


      Where do you get all that money from?

      I am jealous.

    4. GameChanger


      Looks like Naitrax... makes stacks!


  2. Guyz Boom is hacking he had 40k points on Round 1 with 2 kills how is this possible? Let's all report him for cheating. Not to mention he has Shotgun rank and dash boarded every time he saw a zombie...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Slade


      I knew he hacked his way into mod.

    3. Boom115


      Because I'm loved. Eat it Naitrax! I'm hacking you back to bones :P

  3. Having an awesome run on Die Rise, probably could have made 50, but downed into Who's Who by last zombie of the round on 34. Thought I'd go revive myself... Game Over.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Why is that perk existent?

    2. GRILL


      Because... WHOS WHO? WHOS WHO? WHOS WHO?

      (He's on first, actually)

  4. Hi.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hells Warrrior
    3. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      i wish some eggs were cookin' im hungry !

    4. Naitrax


      Eggs be cooking everywhere.

      Just look a little bit harder...

  5. Hit 1k Posts. Love you guys! Check out Deep Thought...

  6. How are you all? Doing fine?

    1. Lenne
    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      tiiiired! lol :P

    3. MegaAfroMan


      Tired myself. It being 1:46 AM is probably the cause.

  7. I finally made myself blue!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Undead
    3. GRILL


      Hooray! You blue yourself - ah (tugs shirt collar) whoops that came out wrong

    4. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      Naitrax I don't even care that you stole my identity, but now I can't NOT donate. You ass.

  8. I heard DBZ say "gay" for the first time today. Good times, good times.

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      ha ha, hows your dad ;)

    2. Delta


      You will never live this down, Nai. ;)

    3. PortlyLlama80


      Well, you did blow you're dad, that's pretty gay Nai ;)

  9. I just broke 50 brains... Take that as you will.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      REVOLUTION! (Waits patiently to come up with ideas to earn more brains)

    3. 83457


      That's a lot of broken minds.

    4. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      I am 48% as sexy as you.

  10. I was just on Round 23, about to complete the Outbreak "EE" and then got wrecked by a slip of the finger onto pause from X. All I had to do was interact with the Exo thing and go outside and boom. *cries*

    1. Boom115


      I tend to ruin games like that.

    2. PortlyLlama80


      That sucks mate.

  11. I'm like 120.4% sure that thedinobot and I are the same person from different universes. Saying the same thing at the same time, thinking the same things... One difference: he lives in America.

    1. thedinobot


      Funny, I was just sitting here thinking that.

  12. I'm on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell.

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Welcome to Scotland ;)

  13. I'm very confused. My Status updates keep disappearing after a certain amount of time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boom115


      I think Warrior is out to get you :D

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      It was a genuine mistake, honest.

    4. Naitrax


      Oh okay no worries

  14. I've been feeling kind of discouraged lately. My posts seem to be skimmed over.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Slade


      Thanks, Boom.

      I'll check it out, maybe even write something about it. Everyone is posting in DT/ML lately.

    3. Boom115


      It was awhile back, you will have to sift through all the monkey bomb garbage.

    4. ThrowAmonkeyBomb
  15. I've got an idea generating in my head about a Venetian zombies map... I'm not sure whether to post it or no tho, since I really don't have the time ATM to finish.. Maybe set it as a W.I.P?

    1. Boom115


      That's what I'm doing with my User's Guide. That's the beauty of the off season. We have nothing but time

  16. Irons. Jonathan Irons. YOU MUST TURN ON THE POWE- Wait, that's not the right script!

  17. Is it possible for us to have a page where we can check like "leaderboards" for time spent online? I think I may top that one...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Boom115


      That's my secret, I never sleep.

    3. Naitrax


      "Sleep is for the weak!"


    4. PINNAZ


      What the F are you doing for so long? Then again, I think I've read every post on this forum.

      10 days since January. Man...

  18. It seems I am now the UOTM. This is amazing. Thank you all so, so much for accepting me into this community those 12 months ago when I first started posting. It also seems I am now the youngest UOTM ever. By 7 days.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jolteon


      Congrats Nai, I knew you'd get it one day ;)

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Congrats Naai, well deserved - you have worked hard for this.

    4. DeathBringerZen


      Yeah, congratulations Nait. You have done an awesome job this month, and have also been helpful outside of the forum in our EE runs. Well done.

  19. Join me over at http://www.twitch.tv/naitrax where I'm trying out a new Die Rise strategy I thought of.

    1. Boom115


      We still need to do our multi stream!

    2. Naitrax


      Yes we do... You free Friday night my time? (AEST)

    3. Boom115


      Unfortunately your Friday evening is my Friday morning and I will be at work.

  20. Just hit Level 22 on Destiny and am still using a Level 16 Pulse Rifle...

  21. Just re-got a 360 because 2 year Off-Season. Add me: Naitrax for some good old zombie moments! Cureently only have BO1 at the time of writing, but hope to get BO2 soon!

  22. Just thought of something to do with the Origins ending and our entire story: "What if, it's not Richtofen's age which is the problem?"

    1. Naitrax


      Basically saying that Samantha is actually the one who's age we should be looking at.

    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Interestingt heory, elaborate a bit more on the thought process behind it?

  23. Just wrote a huge song analysis. I'm done for the night. Peace.

  24. My favourite part of being UOTM has got to be the fact that it happened exactly 500 days after I joined. Wow. Took me 500 days to get to this point. I need a life.

    1. Boom115


      I would have thought being UotM would have been your favorite part. ;P

    2. Lenne



      Clearly he doesn't care about that.

    3. way2g00d


      He said the robes were dirty.

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