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Everything posted by -Armageddon-

  1. The two guns aforementioned are the M14 and the Python. I have no idea what that piece of wool is for. Thats suspicious.
  2. The morse code is Dr. Maxis' if I remember correctly. I don't know what this could mean, but it seems pretty insignificant. The only thing I can think of that always stays close to you is the Denizens of the Forest. We might be making a big deal out of this when its just being put in to confuse us.
  3. They should add it but with a limit to the amount of Rayguns each side can get.
  4. -Armageddon-


    Take a picture with a phone or something? Pictures are very helpful.
  5. Nuketown has a lot of purpose! Don't tell me that Marlton in the Bunker has absolutely zero purpose. They created a fun game using our favourite map while also tying it in with the storyline. Nuketown is more significant than it seems.
  6. Shoot man I'm sorry, should of put a spoiler alert or something. Its okay, I probably would've seen it eventually.
  7. I'm pretty sure the posters have been shared on here before. The Laundromat thing though, hasn't (from what i've seen since i've been here). Good find, thankyou for sharing. we need to figure out if its possible to get in there.
  8. The blue/red lines may be for each side of the story that you most recently completed. These could've been added in the most recent update to help us. THey might just be lighting glitches or something, I don't know.
  9. The glitches probably weren't fixed because as far as Treyarch knows, noone is using them to give them an advantage at the game, or the easter egg. People have used it to get under the map but so far noone has done anything under the map that is significant enough to get it patched.
  10. Nice find! Looks like we are gonna have to try harder with the Laundry to see whats up with it.
  11. This is interesting. Although I think its wrong to go through the game files to find stuff, its already done and I can't unsee what i've already read. That picture looks like a screenshot / concept art from a new map, or perhaps town when it was still with all its stuff and electricity.
  12. Is this no-clipped out of the map as well, or just pictures without fog? Maybe the blue things in random places were just small unfinished bits that they covered with fog? Idk..
  13. There is a possibility of it being the bus, but as said, we need to compare the sounds. Are you on PS3 or XBOX Megaton? If you are on PS3 and need some help, I can help you out If you can do it by yourself, thats cool.
  14. Hey there Welcome to CoDz! Hope you enjoy your stay! Hopefully you can contribute around a bit and you might even get to talk to MrRoflWaffles at some point :D
  15. Hey there! Welcome to CoDZ Hope you enjoy your stay! Hope to see you contributing around town :D
  16. Hey there! Welcome to CoDz! Hope to see you contributing around! Have fun!
  17. Thanks for the post! Gotta try this out tonight :D
  18. I've heard that 2 player custom matches don't go on the leaderboard. I've also heard that the money / guns don't store on custom tranzit as well. I don't know if this one is true, but I know that they don't show up on the leaderboard.
  19. That's pretty cool! It must have some meaning behind it I think. Did he show you what the transition of the sights looked like? Was it an instant thing, or did it fade into the colour? I've never gotten a Raygun on Tranzit before, but if i do i'll make sure to try this out :)
  20. Sounds like a fun class! I'd give it a try if my KD/R wasn't shaky and not at the point I want it to be :P
  21. The leaderboards only show how many Wins / Losses you have. Having 8 people on a tightly packed map like Farm and Town is no good, its just an overkill if your going for high rounds. Plus, if everyone on the other team goes down you have no means of reviving them. It wouldn't work. You could try, but you wouldn't get very far with it.
  22. These to could be related, but I doubt Russman would be screaming from Inside / Around the Laundromat :lol:
  23. Thanks for posting proof for this Megaton! :D Im gonna also try find that scream tonight. Apparently it sounds a bit like the one in Kino Der Toten, but I need to see for myself :)
  24. I'll have to check out the video soon! I knew that these people weren't lying about it! Now we have to link it up to the rest of the easter egg in some way
  25. Wow I need to do the campaign now, there are probably more EE's in there then I thought there would be. I don't know who Clark S. Nova is though, but it does sound very similiar to Clark :)
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