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Everything posted by NLjaan

  1. I think the 2 textures for the busdriver are for the same model though. It's probably a bump map or displacement map or something along those lines.
  2. Maybe try to tuck in a grenade or EMP in one of the washing machines? I don't know but those definitely look like there's something to be done with them.
  3. Who knows maybe just treyarch just being treyarch and trolling but i find it interesting they would take very first map (Nacht) the midwayish map (Der Reise) and the Last map from the previous bunch (Moon) so i feel like its setup to be part of the last dlc but who knows xD Maybe the last map pack will be a "best of"? Only the most popular maps from before.
  4. It was on like page 45 or something on Google when I searched 'Sedan Crater'. Haven't tried the other named locations. Well then check your browser history?
  5. Maybe he was the one who programmed the bus?
  6. You're pretty stuck up with yourself though.
  7. Turbine. Unless we're excluding that, then ignore this. My bad. Forgot about those. q: Then it's possible.
  8. If you didn't kill anything you'd not be able to leave the starting room at bus depot. Repairing windows wouldn't work because they stop giving you points after 50 points if I remember correct. It could be less though. So you'd be stuck in there forever q:
  9. Can't be I have a skull with a knife and I have never even touched the EEs. I believe he means that you can progress further into the Easter Egg if you meet a certain rank. But even then, ranks are only a display of statistics and to what rating you would be considered based on those numbers. I can't see being a Skull w/ shotguns having the ability to "complete" the whole Easter Egg if there were even any more steps as of now. InfestLithium's got it. But again, that wasn't the main point to my post, it was just a side-idea after seeing the tweet. Jimmy said: Let's talk rank, and characters and when and where...zombies is all about discovery. The clues are there. You tell me. Start with rank. You tell me that tweet hasn't anything to do with the EE, then what else? Rank seems to be of some importance to the EE. As do Characters, and as it appears by that tweet, when and where matters too. No need to apoligize about it at all. (:
  10. Can't be I have a skull with a knife and I have never even touched the EEs. You got it the other way around, read my post again because that isn't what I said. Anyone with any rank can do the EE up until you get the trophy, be it a bone, two bones etc., but maybe you need to be a certain rank to go further. That might be a better way to explain what I ment by that. I'm Dutch so sometimes it's hard for me to explain exactly what I mean. Anyway I'd rather have people try the Marlton thing, then bother about the ranks for now, I really think there could be something to it.
  11. It is, but I doubt those refereces are a co-incidence. Also Marlton is the only character from the 4 who makes a cameo in Nuketown. Some quotes from other characters about the guy: Misty "Huh. Some kind of wind machine...I'll ask Marlton what it does." "I won't hurt Marlton's feelings by telling him I made this. I'll just say I found it." "I don't need Marlton to do all this...but it's nice to make him feel important." Russman "If only we had a nerdy science geek to turn on the lights... Hey, Marlton!" In each quote there's an emphasis on Marlton knowing more than they do. They all seem to agree that Marlton is the smarter one. There has to be more to this guy. Also I'm on PS3, anyone who's up can add me: NLjaan I don't have a mic, but that does not make me a bad player.
  12. There is a tweet though that caught my attention: "Let's talk rank, and characters and when and where...zombies is all about discovery. The clues are there. You tell me. Start with rank." Maybe your rank has to do with how far you can progress further through the easter egg. Also starting to get pretty convinced that the characters play a certain role in all this, like Samuel who can only hear Richtofen. I'm pretty sure Marlton is able to do something special that has to do with building something. He constantly talks about how what he builds is superior. Also the other characters constantly mention him when they want something to technical to get done. What I wanna suggest is we have a team of 4 preferably, and have them do the EE but have Marlton build EVERYTHING. No one picks up an item except for marlton. Who knows, the NavCard machine might work or I don't know but in my opinion this is really worth trying! The tweet in question is here BTW: https://twitter.com/ZielinskiJimmy/stat ... 6650164224
  13. No it is not. Even custom games can have an effect on the rank. Yup, I ranked up from Skull 4 tally's to Skull Blue Eyes 5 Tally's on bus depot survival yesterday.
  14. One needs the power to be on, and one needs the power to be off, so it would be impossible to do both at the same time. In the same game is a different story though.
  15. So, there are 2 ways to do the EE, Richtofen's way and Maxis' way. After reading this quote in another thread on here I started thinking: "You, You are not one of those foul creatures. Excellent, I have been searching for decades. Listen now, what I have to say is of the utmost importance to mankind. If you would see this planet free from the curse of these wretched undead creatures, and the monstrous evil which controls them, then you must obey my every command. I cannot affect physical change, yet. You must be my hands. Only you can stop that awful worm Richtofen." Notice the part in bold, Maxis cannot affect something physical, yet. Though Richtofen, who gained Samantha's powers, can. Maybe the Maxis part of the EE is a To Be Continued, and the Richtofen side is the one we should be focusing on right now? On the other hand I've seen many videos and read about people trying almost everything they could think of and to no avail, so I'm not sure. It was just something that popped up in my head and I felt like putting it out there.
  16. So, I came across this picture on the COD Forums. http://i50.tinypic.com/2801uty.jpg Look at the text in the top right corner. "Routes A - 9:15; 11:30; 2:00; 4:15; 6:30 No Night Service B - 8:00; 10:00 12:00; 2:00" There are 2 routes the bus knows by default. Maybe we need to change the time somehow?
  17. He doens't mean answer in a literal way. He more or less means, "Is that it then? Are you just going to give up? Commitment."
  18. Why not? Nacht is part of the fog, also the place where you buy the bowie knife. It's not just empty space.
  19. Even back with WAW, Der Riese, there were tons of theories about how there should be more to the map. Even people claiming they found a giant zombie boss etc. While it would be awesome if there's more, around this time I'm starting to doubt it.
  20. "New route learned. Cross-referencing mapping software. Automatic Route Guidance still in effect." This seems important. Maybe you can have the bus drive a different route? Maybe it has to do with this: "Holy crap the bridge is going down! Wait, it stopped, let's just test its structural integrity by continuing to drive this heavy bus over it, shall we?" Maybe you need to EMP the bus while it drives over the bridge, and it might collapse? It's a little far fetched I know, but it's worth a try.
  21. Just came across this vid. What do you guys think? EDIT: Can't seem to embed the video o_O
  22. Today I finished a game where someone left and it ended up on the leaderboards too. We ended with 3 players but it got saved on the 4 player leaderboard.
  23. NLjaan

    New Kino Art!

    It looks like "Lonely in the room" I'm certain it reads "Lonely in the, not sure about the last word.
  24. I haven't gotten the quick revive bonus yet, but my idea was, you get it when you get the Skull emblem with blue eyes. Since Quick Revive is blue too, there might be other colors of eyes to get which each represent a different perk? Just an idea though.
  25. They will probably return in DLC though, the perks.
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