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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. Since it's running on the multiplayer engine, and I can't believe no one's mentioned this already, I wonder if there will be more than 8 players? Though I could see that being rather hard to pull off from a developing point of view with so many players/zombies already in the map.
  2. I've always loved the idea of four separate starting areas. The problem I see with that though is that some people can't handle being on their own, and that could get really annoying pretty fast. That's partly why I like the idea of 8 players, too. Because then, they could break it up into 4 groups of 2. I'm pretty sure though that they'll make a map like Verruckt again, as a lot of people want another map like that. I would absolutely just love it.
  3. This is what movies and video games do to us, we want all the unrealistic scenarios that bad. But really though it's not like we're that far off from something like this happening. OnlyShapeShifter's thread shows a lot of the ways a human mind could be "essentially" erased and leave them in a deranged/catatonic state. Doesn't help that government also have tons of secret viruses they develop for the sake of biological warfare, so who knows what they can all do. If any actual zombie outbreak did come out it would either be actual reanimated corpses where the people are dead and their bodies are only moving because the part of the brain linked to motor skills is still there or something. Or we would be looking at a "28 days later" style of rage filled, insane cannibals. Science's darkside is genetics and biochemistry. They find all these viruses that could kill a person and engineer them so that they're a thousand times worse. You know what? I completely agree with you.
  4. There's that strange part of every human that relishes in this kind of stuff. Don't get me wrong, I would be delighted to blast my way through the undead hordes myself. It's just that some people seem to take a bit too much satisfaction in that fact.
  5. yeah he say's it on Moon when you buy the M16, so maybe the girl holding the shotgun and severed zombie head is his daughter? I thought he had a son, not a daughter? But I guess there's never been any real confirmation for that.
  6. From what I've seen in this thread and many others, you all are way too excited about the prospect of zombies in real life...
  7. I found the WaW designs to be cooler anyways. But yeah, I would love for each weapon to have it's own unique PaP design. That would be pretty neat. Brains for suggesting this [brains]
  8. I could see the possibility of zombies happening, though I highly doubt they would be like the 115-enraged freaksacks we all know and love. It could happen though. Zombies are coming.... where's your shotgun?
  9. I'll just hit the box once or twice to get at least one good gun, and then rely on wall weapons for the other slot, such as picking up a smg of some sort to rack up points. Then by about round 10 or so, I can go around picking up whatever I need. And also, if people are box whoring, then I'll just hit the box once and use whatever weapon I get to build up points and wait patiently for a chance to hit the box again for a better weapon.
  10. I don't think Richtofen would want to go back, I don't think he physically could either. Unless he would be able to walk in Sam's body, which I doubt because she never seemed to be able to physically walk anywhere all those years, plus your legs would be next to useless if they haven't been used in what I'm assuming to be 40+ years. Also he now has control of all the zombies in the world, which wasn't completely destroyed either. I think what you meant to say was that Sam, Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo would all want to go back in time, which would then open it up for many possibilities.
  11. The original designs for the raygun came from Die Glocke (I forget how to spell it), the alien crash site. Porter just improved upon it and made the Porter's X2 Raygun. As for Peter, I'm not really sure. It's all just speculation from there.
  12. I would love to be able to see everything going to hell. Like at Der Reise, if we could be there when the zombies break loose, that would just simply be amazing.
  13. I like your idea, but I have to believe that since Treyarch is doing more than 4 players in zombies for the first time that they'll keep it simple and come out with the more advanced game modes later on. The game mode that Lamia was referring to is most likely something like a standard team deathmatch with zombies thrown into the middle. Brains for thinking this though [brains]
  14. They seem to like the concept of the big, lumbering boss-type zombies and I presume that's how they would make him.
  15. Maybe it is real, and I could be wrong. I just thought I heard someone say that somewhere else on this site, and also going on the little knowledge we have of zombies, it would lead me to believe that it's fake. Then again, there are also confirmations of a campaign style mode for zombies on several sites.
  16. I could've sworn I've heard him say something like that before about it when he picked it up, I'm going to have to look this up.
  17. I am saying Richtofen used Wunderwaffe DG-2 on the Teleporter and ended up in Der Reise in 1960's. Richtofen used the Gersh Device and ended up in Call of the Dead in 1970's. Now I'm saying Sam went to Area 51 after the Earth is destroyed. She must have used that special grenade on that teleporter and will end up probably in the Zombie World. Or she could've just used the still functional teleporter? I see what you're trying to say, but I don't think they needed to do anything special to go back to Area 51. Plus, who's to say that they (in terms of the ongoing story) actually went back to Area 51 after blowing up the Earth? Only when the game comes out will we find out.
  18. I thought Richtofen had a quote saying something along the lines of Maxis making the 31-79 JGb215 as well whenever he picks up the weapon?
  19. I thought that was confirmed to be fake because some guy came out and admitted to making it?
  20. You gathered all this from the 45 seconds of SP footage shown so far? It must be nice to be able to see into the future. Oh wait you can't see into the future?... So your just passing complete judgement on game you have no real experience with. Maybe you should wait until it's in your hands before you decide how dreadful it is... Every time you post something like this, I am more and more impressed by how intelligent you are. It's good to know that not everybody in the world has fallen to cynicism yet.
  21. All they said on behalf of the 4v4 mode was that it was 4v4. We don't even know whether it's player against player, or separated teams, or whatever it may be. We are just making assumptions solely based on the knowledge of it being 4v4. Sure, it's alright to be somewhat skeptical of this new addition to zombies, but I believe that would be more justified when we actually see gameplay, or if we knew anything else about it. I for one like this new concept and believe it has great potential, if done right of course. Yes it will attract MP-try hards, but think of it in the long run. If more people play zombies, that means more money for zombies. And if there is more money, we get more of the things we like. Even if you don't like these new game modes, it'll still be okay. We have to lose a little to gain a lot.
  22. I'm guessing it will have a cannon ending, then alternate endings based on decisions made within the game. Most likely, every ending will result with this Menendez guy dying, and the alternate endings could be the various possible outcomes of the second Cold War.
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