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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. This is yet another great idea, and I believe it could actually fit into the story rather well. Perhaps whenever the americans began testing with teleporters, their human test subjects weren't as lucky as Richtofen was. They never really explained how the Pentagon did develop functioning teleporters (as well as for Area 51). Just food for thought. And I also remember replying to the post about the 4 horse of the apocalypse, that guy had some really neat ideas. I believe this was the post in question. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=23503&p=225806#p225806
  2. This is similar to that zombie parking only sign they posted an image of before. I don't think it means we'll be getting a trailer like the zombie labs, but I guess we have no way to find out until they do whatever it is they have planned.
  3. I think everyone can agree on wanting more customization at least in private matches for zombies. Who wouldn't be happy with that?
  4. It has already been confirmed that JFK, Nixon and Danny Trejo will be returning for zombies in Black Ops II. Which is good, seeing as I loved JFK and Trejo, though i'd rather have Castro back. That was not confirmed, simply just something the author of that particular article thought very likely to happen. There was even an editor's note saying the views expressed were opinions, not fact.
  5. This is actually an amazing idea, and it's been something I've always wanted since Ascension came out (I thought they were going to do this with the monkeys). My only suggestion would be mule kick would either grant them an extra limb (similar to your idea for speed and double tap) and be able to hit you more frequently, or let them hit several players at once instead of just immobilizing them.
  6. This is quite a well thought out theory, kudos to you bro.
  7. Sorry that I can't post a source. Like I said the EIC removed the article. To be honest, this kind of comes across as a "leaked info" kind of thing if they immediately took the page down (if you are telling the truth).
  8. Really doubt they built an entire open world or one very large map. That would be way too much for their engine to handle unless they had dedicated servers for zombies. And what this video suggests to me regarding the part about Sam, I think we'll either be seeing new characters like the enigmatic chick from the poster, or some of the characters from FIVE and Cotd will be returning.
  9. I would love for there to be a map with a big boss zombie that you could fight only if you did the EE. For example, say there is a new map with hellhounds in it. If you played it normally, you would only fight them every couple of rounds as per usual. But if you started the EE, then at some point you would either release/Richtofen would set upon you/activate/e.t.c. Fluffy, the original hellhound. And you would have to defeat her to progress through the EE. Or maybe that, by doing the EE, you would (for example) activate Nova 6 canisters that would release the gas crawlers for the rest of the match. I think this would be a neat idea and bring something new and interesting to zombies.
  10. Yeah, highly doubt there's any kind of connection between the maps. But you may be onto something about the missile crisis mentioned in FIVE's cutscene.
  11. I just hope the reveal comes soon, this stuff is killing me....
  12. You also have to realize that most zombie players probably actually haven't even done the Moon EE yet so they have little to no experience playing as Sam. Plus, when you do play as Sam, you are still in Richtofen's body. Unless they say the QED switched their physical forms or something, I don't think Richtofen would've switched bodies with Sam if it was that easy for her to do the same to him right after.
  13. I think that it is possible that this isn't depicting the map on black ops 2 but the final flex map. This could then be Samantha, after zombies has ended and she took revenge on richtofen's for killing maxis and fluffy and trapping her in the mpd. That would mean that that is richtofen's head... It's possible but not likely... I hope I'm wrong because I would have to kick Samantha's ass if she touched my richtofen! I restart solo games dozens of times so that I can be ze doctah! Fluffy is still MIA, due to Richtofen's quote from one of the Moon radios "Keep an eye out for an evil looking dog too" And I highly doubt that's Richtofen's head, why would they kill him off like that right after putting him in the Aether and making him some sort of zombie god? Although, it could be like a comic book cover where they depict events that don't really happen in the comic within at times. That's actually somewhat likely since Treyarch really seems to love mixing zombies with comics.
  14. It is being said the knife is a two-hit kill unless you equip a special knife.
  15. This is actually not confirmed, just to let you know.
  16. I agree with this, I think were looking too hard into it. I think it's an allusion to the zombies community in general that we continually look for things or try and find things that simply are not there. It seems like grade A trolling to me where they post about the best kept secret in zombies and the mountains in shangri-la, and the song in the map is titled pareidolia for christsake lol. part of me really just thinks its kind of an inside joke for the zombies crew regarding their passionate albeit rather obsessive fan base This is exactly what I was trying to say, you just elaborated on it a bit more. :)
  17. I think those bars at the bottom of the "Pick 10" thing also have something to do with knifing. After watching many videos coming out of gamescom last night, I noticed that at one point a guy had to pull out a knife to use it. Then in another gameplay video, I saw a guy knife without having to pull it out, just like how it's always been. I believe the default setting is you have to pull out the knife to use it, but there is a wildcard (or whatever they're called) that allows you to use the knife without pulling it out first.
  18. I'm sure it wasn't coincidence they put this song in there, especially after all the myths that came about when Der Riese came out.
  19. That's better English than what a lot of people use that are native English speakers. Not to mention proper grammar.
  20. Yeah, I think he's just trying too hard to be enigmatic. Unless he's been telling us very important bits of info about zombies and we haven't realized it and will hit ourselves profusely about the head when the game comes out for not seeing something right under our noses.
  21. 99% of the time, you will die in cod by someone shooting you. I don't know what the problem is when you get knifed every once in a while. Plus, this is a video game. It's not like getting "panic knifed" has any detrimental effect on you in real life.
  22. Perhaps whatever we're missing only appears when the song is playing. Either that, or this means we're looking too hard into things in this map that we think would hold significance, and that we need to look into less obvious things.
  23. The whole point of developing a video game is that you want to make it good enough to completely engross players into the world you have created. Zombies has created a whole new world completely different than the one we live in now. The mysteries, the action, the suspense, all meant to keep you in the edge of your seat just waiting to see what comes next in this wonderful world of zombies.
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