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Everything posted by minator177

  1. What time of day does Treyarch usually release their zombies trailers?
  2. So whats the point of calling Green Run, Green Run, if they could have just named it TranZit? If TranZit is exclusive only to Green Run, then why not just call it by the game mode name??
  3. I like how you use the word "event". Reminds me of the Shangri-La eclipse. :)
  4. Nobody ever said that they aren't going to enjoy Die Rise. Some people have expressed their view on the things that they MAY be dissapointed with when it comes out, but never that they won't enjoy it.
  5. Gun game is my favorite multiplayer mode. I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy turned!! :D
  6. Reading that article was very exciting, however, they only mentioned ONE skyscraper, and that the elevator is the TranZportation. I reallllly hope this is not the case, I was hoping for a helicopter . But who knows, the map isn't out yet..
  7. Dude, seriously, drop this idea of being a zombie in Die Rise. Treyarch is NOT going to suddenly change the basic mechanics of zombies. When playing TranZit, it is COOPERATIVE, meaning you work with a team. If you all of a sudden turn into a zombie, then what are you gonna do, start killing your TEAM MATES? No. It just wouldn't work. Turned is the only game mode where zombies will be playable, they won't force us to be a zombie if we don't want to, and ruin the whole game in the process. HOWEVER, not to completely tear down your theory, I would like to say this: there is a small, miniscule, terribly unlikely possibility that a wonder weapon could be developed that can turn either you or a teammate into a zombie temporarily for a specific easter egg related purpose. A VERY SMALL POSSIBILITY, since we never know what Treyarch will throw at us. Do I think they ever WOULD do this though? NOOOOO
  8. There are no zombie AI though, just a human and three zombies.
  9. So if the box gives you a teddy, can you EMP it to make the teddy go back in and get another chance at a gun?
  10. I have high hopes for this map. Green run, I'll admit, is pretty boring now. But think about it, it's basically just the new Kino, it's simply there to get us used to the new features of zombies in the most basic form possible. I think that the maps to come will be more interesting now that we have the feel for BO2 zombies.
  11. WELCOME TO CODZ! This site is great for sharing/learning zombies info, just remember not to say anything stupid, or nobody will respond. Do your research before posting anything, as pointless posts are irritating to many people on here. Also, do be afraid to put your ideas out there! If it's legit theory, or find, and you have the info to back it up, then it will be well-investigated and discussed. Again, WELCOME :D
  12. It's quite frustrating how often threads on this site go without hardly any replies.
  13. That's a good idea! If they wanna be jerks and abuse glitches, then a few nades should help them out a bit, since they're completely trapped by zombies :twisted: !!
  14. Sleeping zombie = the new crawler
  15. If you aim your gun straight down at the ground, the zombies can't hit you. I saw this in NGT's video. He had a full wave around him, swinging and lashing their arms at him, but he wasn't dieing, all he had to do was knife untill they were all dead. Anyone know if this has been patched yet? I really hope that they do patch it quickly.
  16. I got COD BO and MW2 with my xbox slim when I bought it from a guy. At first I wasn't interested in it at all. After playing the campaign of MW2, I moved on to Black Ops. After that campaign, I FINALLY tried zombies for the first time EVER! I died on round 1, I thought it was impossible. NOW, however, I am ADDICTED! It wasn't untill my friend and I started to play it more and more that we grew to love zombies. He would come over every saturday morning and we would play untill midnight. We played Kino every single time, eventually got bored of it (NATURALLY), and discovered Five and even better.... Map Packs! LOL. We had no idea they existed, we frantically bought all the microsoft points to download them all and quickly mastered each map, beating our previous records OVER and OVER. And now.... We are freaking pros :twisted: . Unfortunately, I have moved away since then (the beginning of this past summer) and we haven"t played a single match since. Oh well, enough of my ranting :roll: . Let's just say that zombies has been a HUGE hobby of mine and I'm glad that treyarch has turned it into what it is today.
  17. I partially agree with you. I think that PHD should be in a place that is VERY well hidden and can only be accessed in later rounds of the game because it takes so many points to open doors and eventually find it. Then, it would seem more like a reward after your already set up with box guns and other perks. But starting the game with it close by and being easily accessible would definitely take the challenge right out of die rise. EDIT: also, what if they made PHD a buildable just like the PAP machine. AND, just like the trade off in green run of putting the ladder on the bus or in the diner to get galvaknuckles, what if PHD and the PAP shared one part that there was only one of in the whole map, so you could either jump all the way down the building and be fine, or you could have PAP'ed weapons. Just a thought
  18. I agree somewhat with you, although I don't think that audio glitches and bugs are significant evidence to support your theory. Every video game that has ever come out has had glitches. The good thing about COD is that it's patched so often to ensure an almost perfect game. I do agree though that die rise is the first map, whether or NOT the developers meant to release it FIRST, I still think that it is the start of the story and that green run happens later on.
  19. This is actually very interesting, makes me wonder.....
  20. I was searching green run quite thoroughly the other day in theater run and managed to get outside of the map. I followed the train tracks for a bit and noticed that there's a big boulder blocking the tracks at one spot. I wonder if (and this is a stretch) that later on in the EE theres a way to fix the train and move the boulder so it can travel along the track. :?:
  21. I'm making this thread to get everyone's ideas together about new zombies game modes that will be introduced in the future. Personally, I'm not a HUGE fan of the new game modes, as I like the original core zombies, but every now and then a change of pace can be refreshing. I've only had one idea good idea for a game mode that I think would be fun: Game Mode Name: Territory Description: Played in full TranZit maps, however, no transportation is available. Players are divided into 2 teams. Start on opposite sides of the map, and must compete for areas of the map as well as reasources(pack a punch, perks, and the box). Enemy players can shoot each other, making it hard to capture an enemies base. If an enemy is downed within your teams base, then they are captured and must be rescued ( I haven't worked out every detail, this idea is open to changes). I haven't exactly figured out the rest, like how to capture perks or other resources, but you get the basic idea So, now is your turn to share any ideas. Any game modes that you have thought of or think would be fun need to be shared! Contribute your ideas, and discuss! :twisted:
  22. I wouldn't be too excited if the brought back the WAW maps AGAIN. I would LOVE them to bring back the BO1 maps tho, that would be amazing! Imagine tranZit on Five, we could go all around washington dc!
  23. Personally, from the little that we know now, I agree that Die Rise is before Green Run. I think (and this whole theory is only true is Marlton actually isn't in Die Rise)that since Marlton is absent from the map, that he is in the Nuketown bunker and that die rise is happening at the same time. Just a thought tho, I could be wrong. Treyarch could just be trying to throw us off by not showing Marlton though too.
  24. Never heard of this before, and i still don't quite understand how to do it :?:
  25. HaHaHa, don't know why but that made me laugh so hard!! That truly is amazingly bad luck! :lol:
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