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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. Thanks for the donation. :3
  2. Apperantly Kimi's long run laps looked pretty good. I am so hyped for this weekend. What about you @Matuzz ? :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matuzz


      @Lenne Yeah Ferrari looked very strong indeed. Williams is still hiding their pace so it will be interesting to see the order behind Mercs in qualification.

    3. PINNAZ


      Argh F1's & V8 Supercars. Hopefully Ricciardo can bounce back on Sunday to win. (& not be disqualified like last year).

      Check out the V8 Supercars if you can too guys. Awesome Aussie Racing!

    4. Lenne


      True that. Looks like 2015 will be another who get's P3 year. My biggest hope is that Kimi will be able to manage the tyres as well as he did back in Australia 2013. We all know how that went, right? 8) *dreams* Qualification should be interesting as well though.

  3. @chn3799 Here you go. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. And have fun reading all the old theories. :3
  4. Welcome to the site and have loads of fun.
  5. I have to say it is my favourite and quite possibly the best WW. It also only exists on the best map ever made. Maybe that is why.
  6. Just one week to go until the only sport I follow religiously starts back up again. yay ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lenne


      Formula 1. you noobs. :P

    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      Haha, racing isn't a sport

    4. Matuzz


      Can't wait for the Kimi and Vettel battle. Hopefully Alonso snaps back from 1995 and is able to race in Malaysia.

  7. Welcome back, friend. :-)
  8. Wow. Here I was happy with 310. haha Sick job. 400 kills is unreal.
  9. Wait so you don't even play the maps you make? Hehe Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :-)
  10. What Matuzz said and don't forget the fact that a lot of peeps only play CoD for the mp. Activision would never allow this, because it takes away precious dev time. To be frank I much rather have new good maps as opposed to the mediocre BO2 maps to be remade.
  11. It saddens me that something like this even needs to be brought up. I personally have never encountered any bullying on here, at least not from the regulars. I hope it stays that way, because quite frankly I could not deal with some real bullying on here and nobody should put up with that. After all CoDz is a place where we can escape from reality, theorize about zombies, strategize and talk nonsense 24/7. No one of us, old or new, should have to worry about being bullied. Now let's share the chicken sandwiches and get excited for the next game, okay? <3
  12. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. Hopefully you will find some team mates.
  13. Feeling like a noob again because of exo zombies. Hopefully that will last a while and if I get tired of sucking I will just read @InfestLithium 's guide. :P Oh and don't tell Tasha, okay?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lenne


      I see. Yeah I get exo health asap.

    3. InfestLithium


      Exo Health isn't actually a big deal until Round 6 or 7 comes in because that's when the zombies decide to leap and boost often, but never jumping around as much.

  14. Welcome to the site. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. :-)
  15. Herzlich willkommen. Ich wohne in Deutschland und hoffe irgendwann mal wenigstens die USA zu besuchen. ^.^ Wenn du irgendwelche Fragen hast, dann stelle sie ruhig.
  16. Do I have to download all three Havoc files to play the dlc? On PS4. Thx in advance.

    1. MixMasterNut


      I had a PS4 update. Then an AW update. Then installed the Havoc DLC.

  17. Thx, HW. For getting the chat back up. :-)

  18. Cool. And Richtofen is also bald on Acension, yes? You should know better than trusting add posters.
  19. @Tasha and I basically had too much of an awesome chat this morning. ;D Hopefully it will be back up asap. Thx for letting us know.
  20. I miss the good old days of zombies not freezing my console and not getting massive frame drops when I shoot at more than 5 zombies for longer than a second. That was the case with BO2. This single handedly destroyed my hopes for ever reaching the same fun level I had with BO1. The fact that the story was not even close to being a bit interesting and the maps just being poor for the most part didn't really help either. I just hope Treyarch redeem themselves. (In the zombie department) All things considered I think BOII had a good campaign and a great MP, but man... zombies just was not my cup of tea that time around.
  21. Lenne


    Nice introduction you got there. Enjoy your stay on this site, friend.
  22. Back on topic: My favourite campaign moment: This one happened two weeks ago Finally killing the sniper in Vendetta on veteran. It "only" took me half an hour as well and I did it without looking anything up. :3 Well I watched Xcals Veteran WaW playthrough a week before that but he is a filfthy cheater and got 2 wallbangs on him. Must be some kind of glitch. I on the other hand beat him fair and square. Also called OpTic H3CZ to see if I can rebuild the OpTic sniper team now, but he said no. My favourite Multiplayer moment was an early morning session with a couple of guys I played GTA IV with I was somewhat decent at the game and they sucked because they had no experience in FPS games. Which did mean that I got a lot of kills and a lot of dogs. I remember them singing "who let the dogs out". That was kind of fun. Sadly I have no favourite Zombies moment because... Germany. : ( Nice thread, RDR. But I would not call WaW mp innovative. Shots fired.
  23. I remember you mainly because you made a thread back in 2012 saying how the site is in a bad shape. A lot of people did do that back then and now look at this fancy place. :-) Welcome back to the site.
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