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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. So you think that we will play as the heroes on green run which would be it's own map...and we wouldn't have to wait for the dlcs?!
  2. I think after/on release. Although there have been reviews (in the last couple of months) of games weeks before the release. Now I can't recall that happening before. Then again I don't really care about reviews.
  3. There will be people who get it a week before release...for sure. :(
  4. *.* Perks with a twist? That sounds interesting. 3 weeeeeeeeeeeks
  5. That would be nice. Although I doubt a lot of people would write their stuff in here. (since people would rather make their own threads about their ideas etc. but maybe if enough people go to this thread and share their ideas it could work.) Speaking of strategies. You should have a new pm from me perfect. :P
  6. How about writing a random fact about the zombie mode everytime there is no news?
  7. If you care about my thought on that: I don't think so. Since not everybody will get the game at the same time. So I think that some will still be online before everybody comes online to talk about the game. Hopefully I will get it on release. :? ^^ God...I haven't been this excited for a game since GTA4. :lol:
  8. I think that they would bring something new to the table rather than bringing DOA back.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised if there still are some secrets in WaW. :P
  10. Electric has a bad habbit of joking around too much. You might want to actually tell us about it,friend. :P
  11. Still kinda "meh" about the 4z4 mode...but we will see. Welcome to the site to both of you,though. :)
  12. stop suggesting ideas; it's too late and treyarch could never put these in the game. I will edit this as soon as I have a nice idea. :P
  13. I pre ordered it at Amazon. So I will get it on launch. (or maybe even a day before? ) (or maybe a day after launch? :? ) Mainly because I hate midnight launches.
  14. And then they want to make you believe that it actually is "hard work". And that they don't earn that much money. Oh well... I want a new screenshot or something like that. ^.^
  15. The thing is I've heard different opinions on this. That is why I am asking. But you are just assuming that as well aren't you? But don't get me wrong I would like another survival map as well.
  16. Welcome to the site. And this might help you: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=13
  17. Very true. Despite the fact that nobody will have any stats which will be worth starting up Elite for 1 day after the release. ^^
  18. You should be able to sign up. The only thing that doesn't work (as far as I know) right now is the psn/xbox live app. The MW3 stuff is still working though. So I would wait until BO2 launches.
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