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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. I was so sad when I got home. ;_; Pressed F5 for 3 hours straight.
  2. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/178410-user-of-the-month-february-2015-voting-now/page-2 Remember to vote for the Uotm. Looks like @PINNAZ and @Nightmare Voyager will fight this battle or will @Bauerklos surprise us all? I mean not that he can do much about it but you know... just wanted to be dramatic. :P
  3. So in order for me to finally get the dutch usergroup I have to pay 1079,40 $ ? @Slade , @Tasha let us three pay 359,80 $ each and then we can finally have the glorious dutch usergroup. #DUG2015 #Tashaisano0bifshedoesn'tpay
  4. I just noticed this. Damn Boom Exo Zombies really must be terrible if you wish to turn back time.
  5. Possibly the cutest introduction ever. haha BUT... don't just come here to advertise your channel. You have to post and be active as well.
  6. Good to have you back @Flammenwerfer . :)

    1. Flammenwerfer


      Good to be back!

    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      It is good to have him back, he's been missed.

  7. @Boom , be honest you did this on purpose so I could vote as well. ;P
  8. You are on PS4. How can you already tell us these informations? Dem Tags... again.
  9. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. :3
  10. Welcome back to the site, friend.
  11. Tell me my dear xbox friends: Is exo zombies more like BO1 or BO2?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PortlyLlama80


      neither really, Exo Zombies is it's own thing

    3. Lenne


      Does it feel more like BO1 or BO2? And Portly. Saying that exo zombies is its own thing is like saying AW didn't copy ideas from other games.

    4. PortlyLlama80


      It doesn't really feel like either, it plays like Treyarch Zombies but it really doesn't feel like either game.

  12. The first weapon I buy is the Thomson. Then I activate PaP asap and get my buddies Mustang and Sally just for fun. As soon as I hit round 15-18 I usually have enough points to hit the box for a while. Then I'll trade in the Thomson for the Wunderwaffe. Afterwards I'll buy Mule Kick and get the Thomson back. At round 30 or so I'll trade in M&S for the Ray Gun.
  13. I have nothing against the current forum structure to be honest.
  14. Lenne


    Hellööööööö and welcome to the site, if you have any questions be sure to ask. Enjoy your stay.
  15. I'm gonna nominate @Nightmare Voyager . Here are some of his threads. Eins Zwei Drei Wunderbar!! :3 Ahem... yes. He is pretty much everywhere: Future zombies, Off topic, Site news, Games lounge, chat... you name it! His posts are almost always a nice read and he sure as hell cares about this site. I mean why else would he want an achievement viewer on this site, right? He is also friendly and positive. These are some pretty good reasons to have him on the list. My second nomination goes to @PINNAZ . Besides his work with the library he also bothers to create a countdown thread which I am sure will explode once some real info drops. :3 And he is a perfect role model for this community. My third nomination goes to @Tasha because... gloves. (Just kidding)
  16. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. Hopefully you will find some good team mates. =)
  17. That is good news, since I have mentioned some folks in another thread who haven't been on here for a while. You are the man, HW.
  18. I don't see them using pro perks in zombies when they don't even use them in mp anymore.
  19. I hate only being able to be on here during the weekends. So much to read and talk about especially now in these times with exo zombies etc. : ( Send help please!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      Well I had good reason. The evidence was there. Then the stupid canadian xbox guy said what he put out wasn't actually announcing anything. BS if you ask me.

  20. Eh... I understand the reasons behind this, but I really don't like the idea. I think signatures are important for a forum and should be enabled by default, just because it is part of the users identity. BTW: Are there really that many users who are on here on a regular basis while being on a mobile device?
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