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Tankeo Dempsaki

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Everything posted by Tankeo Dempsaki

  1. That my friend, is described in the Encyclopeadia Metallum as "selling out"
  2. "The Pen Gun" - Mightier than the sword. "The Sword Gun" - Mightier than the Pen Gun.
  3. Ahah. Excuse me? M. is a fucking god. and before I get all this faggotry, the first ever Avenged Song I heard was Desecrate Through Reverence, and thusly, I believe that M. is a fucking god. as he's a huge inspiration to me D: I'd love Avenged Sevenfold to do another song, I mean, truth be told. I was half expecting a song of theirs used in the reveal. GTFO. No, while I and the entire metal community disagree with this, I aon't discriminate. Much.
  4. I don't mean to be sexist but why can't a dude sing these? Ricgtoffen's controlling the zombies now anyway, so that would make sense. More sense for Brendon Small, eh? No. M. Shadows is not a dude. He is not a bro. I debate the fact that he is even male. :twisted:
  5. Kevin Sherwood is a musical genius while Elena Siegman should be kicked off the project. Get Brendon Small to do it! But his hectic schedule... Oh well. :cry:
  6. One would think they'l release the MP maps early and the z. Maps later but still get the map pack for free.
  7. Well said. I think this quote represents the situation rather well: "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." -JFK (sound familiar? ) I always look too far ahead, and miss the guy sneaking up behind me. Real life AND CoD. ;)
  8. I'm a Jay. I'm horrible at this game even though I carry half my random lobbies.
  9. In America we preach freedom of speech. We believe one's opinion should be respected even if you disagree. Eddie was merely expressing himself, as a member he is entitled to his opinion. Why is everyone thinking I was trying to stomp on his rights? Besides. I have the right to voice my opinion of his opinion.
  10. I voiced my opinion of your opinion, this is how we develop. Besides, no matter how much we read, we will have no idea what playing the game is actually like. I'm positive once people actually play the game their opinions will change.
  11. First off, I like yov Eddie, bvt please do shvt vp. Yov know nothing of the game itself, yov've only seen a two minute trailer. Yov really shovldn't jvdge an entire game on two minvtes. 8 player is specvlated to be an entirely different game mode. I think Treyarch said that 4 player wovld retvrn as Classic Mode.
  12. Just get someone else to verify your round. Brains to whoever can verify my 30 on Ascension....
  13. Hey, I get that you're new here, but don't insult these people by calling them trolls. ZOTD can come off as a little mean sometimes but that's just how he disputes things. And while I'm not familiar with Fierce Fighters I can assure you he wasn't trying to troll you. This is a website where we argue and DISCUSS (what we were doing here) It's part of CoDZ, and I love it.
  14. Speaking of which, Carbon, have you happened to hear of Knife-Aid?
  15. Where does this leave Infinity Ward? In the dust.
  16. In the Fly Trap maybe, but she sounds older in Moon. Besides, cryogenics slows down aging, but can't prevent it.
  17. I never feared her. Her voice on Moon's hot. I stand by it.
  18. I knew he teleported by accident. :x No, really. The only actual opening it could escape from that I've seen is above the Pyramid on the teleporter. You know how you can jump down? That place is open for some reason (gameplay purposes?) and that's presumably how the oxygen is escaping.
  19. I honestly see no difference between Apocalyose mode and regular zombies. And I honestly just don't get the Tombstone thing. Isn't that just domination with a few zombies? And the Odin machine: No, just no. That's an Easter Egg reward. Have a good time at CoDZ!
  20. I was under the impression that he teleported from the moon (like how the Kino teleporter sends you 2 places) to Shangri La, then when he returned to Der Riese, he rallied a bunch of people to construct Griffin Station around the Pyramid, and they got underground with the excavators. Probably wrong though.
  21. Off Topc: I learned in language class that if you want a good groyp of characters there should be one girl for every two or three guys. We have four dudes and no one else tho.... Who's wrong?
  22. My friend said if you get to round 80 on split-screen Kini Der Toten you fight Samantha! I laughed so hard.
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