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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Replies posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. I am thinking.....12 days of Christmas. 12 different Posts One every 2 days leading up to christmas. Then a New years Post. Concepts, Stories, Theories, and perhaps a few unexpected goodies. So until December...I am out!

  2. Press X to pay respects

  3. TURTLEZ!!!!!!!!

  4. @Dahniska going strong on MotD. Currently at round 175 - http://twitch.tv/dahniska

  5. Just finished a Round 59 game on Die Rise. Who's Who is cursed unfortunately

  6. Gave exo survival a try last night - surprisingly hard! I'll have to work on figuring out good spots to hold down.

  7. I've been watching star wars lately and I really want to do a Space Adventure Map concept...With laser swords and Laser Guns and everything to take place on a different planet

  8. 15 hours in a pretty much nothing on the forum. Could mean three things. 1.We are all broke and couldn't buy it. 2. It is absolute rubbish and not worth mentioning. 3. It is so good we can't stop playing.

  9. jennifer lopez has a music video out called "booty" ... the song title is fitting and honest

  10. Howdy everyone!? So, Is everyone loving the zombies from AW yet? I don't know if I should get the game. Haven't seen any trailers or videos yet.

  11. Just to confirm, the speakeasy/tommy gun IS in Advanced Warfare! I'll post a pic soon! Same one from MOTD.


  13. It appears the imposter assumes he has an imposter. Clever girl.

  14. Man, that Walking Dead episode. They're totally trolling us, because instead of focusing on the current storyline, they're going to be focusing on a different group. Such BS.

  15. "ZOBMIES" confirmed.

  16. New Skin Live, select change theme and advanced warfare from the menu (if you choose too).

  17. You can actually choose different gloves in AW. 10/10

  18. You can actually choose different gloves in AW. 10/10

  19. I activate Time Wizard.


  21. I don't need it.... I don't need it. I don't need it. I DEFINITELY don't need it. I don't need it..............

  22. F*** LASERS!!!!

  23. Come & sign up to the new forum - callofdutyexo-skeletons.com - discuss gameplay, strategies, theories & leaks of the 99th game mode in "Advanced Warefare". Drops November 3rd (or if your a COD VIP you've already got the game & have all your YouTube vids ready to publish for some serious views, likes & subscribes)

  24. God damn it... looks like I have to buy AW after all. What a surprise.

  25. I don't need it.... I don't need it. I don't need it. I DEFINITELY don't need it. I don't need it..............

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