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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. ;) Good job! I'd say +1 for that, but honestly I think that would be abusing the brain system So instead I'll just give you a hug! You tend to end up earning brains from me in one way or another anyways.
  2. Anyways, I also would like to present to you, your CoDz user's manual! The manual should be able to answer most questions you may have about the site. However due to recent site changes it is somewhat old and worn out. When the changes are finished being made, then you can expect it to be fully restored to its maximum helpfulness again! Just click the Red text in my signature below to access the manual. If there are any questions that you might still have, feel free to PM me about it, or PM most any user on the site. (PMing is covered in the manual ). So I hope you have a pleasant time here at CoDz, and until then, happy slaying!
  3. [tab][/tab]Well good evening Mr. WonderWaffe. I have something very important to tell you.... Anyhow, I am MegaAfroMan as you might have gathered. I welcome you here to our humble abode, feel free to look around and enjoy yourself, and if you have any questions, just ask me in a PM or ask anyone really. Just ask. Have a pleasant stay! Until then, happy slaying!
  4. [tab][/tab]This is yet another great guide Lemonade! Very detailed, and well written, however the length caught me off guard so I had to stop in the middle and get a soda Very, very nice. I am curious to see what other plans you might have for us this month... @MurderMachine, the point that is trying to be made is, 30 insta kills knifes on round 6, will not net you as many points as killing them will a pistol or smg or M14 (I think) so even though your bullets dont disappear, the zombies are. The more zombies you kill, the more rounds it takes to build up insane amounts of points.
  5. They do the same damage actually when PaP'ed ;)
  6. [tab][/tab]Hello there! I am MegaAfroMan, you may have heard of me (thanks Jolteon!) and my User's Manual. The link to the manual is the red text in my signature below. Welcome to CoDz! We have anything zombie related you could possibly ask for, from storyline theories, and survival strategies, and much much more! If you have any questions at all feel free to ask anyone, including me, I am more than willing to help make your stay at CoDz a great one! Until then, happy slaying!
  7. A lot of that is sort of bad luck, I recommend to keep on trying personally. I would help but there is not much I can do other. If I can think of something I will let you know... Good luck on it.
  8. I dont have a video, but sometimes after someone gets a nuke you can still get points for bullets hitting them until their head explodes. Or at least I am pretty sure I have noticed that. I usually do.
  9. [tab][/tab]Welcome to CoDz Comrade! Sounds like you are already known here by some of our members, welcome to the forum! If you need help figuring things out click the red text below to view my handy-dandy User's Manual/ NOTEBOOK! Nah. It is just a User's Manual, oh well. It should help any questions you might have, and if it doesn't, feel free to ask anyone here about whatever might be the problem. Until then welcome to CoDz, and happy slaying!
  10. The wall weapons cap off in usefulness. Past the 30s they are mostly only good for points BECAUSE of their buyable ammo. If the box guns did that, Especially the Wonder Weapons, then rounds up to 50 or even higher (with infinite damage Wonder Weapons) would be easy. Too easy.
  11. Ppsh in W@W definitely and probably WunderWaffe there too, as it raises the chain limit, unlike in black ops. In Black Ops, the M1911, and the Crossbow are two weapons that can usually be easily aquired when playing with most people, and upgraded they can save your life so many times.
  12. You should make an introduction post in the introduction section. And if you need help understanding things about the forum, click the red text in my signature, I wrote a guide for the very purpose of helping new members Happy slaying, and good luck digging for theories!
  13. [tab][/tab]That would actually be kind of a neat way for Treyarch to bring the old maps into the new game and still keep things new, actually. They could change the layout by having new holes in certain walls, and debris blocking old paths. It would be pretty neat if they did that. Nice idea! By the way, you should post an introduction of yourself here viewforum.php?f=5 then we can all say hello to you! Nice idea, if you elaborated a little more on the details this could be really good. I know it certainly has me thinking now!
  14. They have not patched in any of the other perks for several reasons I would assume. First being game balancing. Ascension is already regarded as one of the easiest maps ever made, and adding two more perks would make that ridiculous. Also with the added two perks Monkey rounds would be so much different. Plus Ascension is not the biggest map out there so squeezing in two more perks would be quite cramped. Finally, I guess they just don't want too I agree that they should not be added in as a patch though, for all of the above reasons. Well, here is an overly complicated answer to your fairly simple question! Enjoy!
  15. I agree, that if it did exist, perhaps its price should be scaled with the rounds, like somewhere in between 500-2000 points times the round number so if it 1000 and you are on 30 it would cost you 30,000 for it, making it do able, but not in rapid sucession. You would still have to budget your ammo, and it would still give wall weapons a purpose of at least being for point building to purchase the ammo from this expensive machine.
  16. Huh, that worked out better than I expected! Anyways, welcome to CoDz, to help you get situated click the red text in my signature below to view a guide I made for new users, so they can fully understand the layout of the site and some other concepts! Otherwise if you have any questions at all feel free to ask anyone, and, Be our Guest! Until then, Happy slaying!
  17. [tab][/tab]Hello, and welcome comrade! I am MegaAfroMan, and I would like to be your waiter this evening. I only have a few things on my menu and they are all complementary! First I would like to start you off with a link to my CoDz User's Manual! Just click the red text in my signature below and you shall be whisked away to a magical guide that can help make navigating this fantastic forum a breeze! Then for the main course I shall show you that CoDz has many things here for you, be it strategy guides, teammates, theories on the story, or just some cool people to talk to. We have it all right here. Finally for dessert I will give you the advice, of saying that if you have any questions at all, just ask. Ask me, ask Tankeo, ask anyone and they will probably help you. If they don't, just try someone else. Picking on people will colorful names usually is better than not, but we have some great members who have normal colored names too! So enjoy your time here at CoDz, and until then, happy slaying!
  18. Flopping off of the stairs in NML would be difficult (you cannot go prone in water ) so it might be tough to get the hang of and implement properly. However I think it could essentially present and offensive strategy, with Jug then being more defensive, with only flopper sure you can clear hordes easier, but you can also be double hit so much quicker in the back pond or the side drop.
  19. [tab][/tab]Welcome to CoDz, comrade! I am MegaAfroMan, and I would like to present you with a copy of the CoDz User's Manual. It is just a nifty little guide I threw together on the forum, and some of the more detailed aspects of it. I suggest you check it out by clicking the red text in my signature below. Anyhow, I am sure you will find what ever you are looking for, be it teammates, theories, stories, or just discussions. We have it all here! So enjoy your stay and as always, happy slaying!
  20. Welcome to CoDz comrade! I would tell you to check out my guide, but it looks as if Eye already has done so . Feel free to PM anybody here with any questions you may have, and as always, happy slaying!
  21. I have gotten stuck and been unable to move in NML once or twice, the MS thing happened maybe once, but the grenade thing is annoying. I have had it where the explosion occurs but nothing happens. No points, no crawlers, nothing. Even though I can clearly see it explode in the center of my horde (or close enough )
  22. Way to go Doggy Admirable action my friend. I will be interested in seeing what happens here. I will be sure to chip in if I think of anything. Good luck to us all in figuring this out.
  23. I would believe the Gersh Device uses 115 as 115 has been linked very closely with the Aether, and the Gersh has some connection there. We (as the player) do not see this connection as clearly as we do in Der Riese and Kino, through those teleporters, but I believe the whole Ascension EE is based on freeing someone from the Aether. Therefore there must be a connection. The FIVE telelporters are trickier as they exhibit none of the other properties that any of the other teleporting devices have, although the Moon/Area 51 teleporter if you think about it, also has a different teleporting style compared to the old 935 Teleporters. There is no brief period where you float in the Aether, it is just instant transport after the device charges.... If the numbers surround 2/3 three objects and those same 2/3 objects can be confirmed to have 115, and a connection to the Aether, I think it is safer than not to assume the same properties are in the third object, which would be the FIVE teleporters. Those are my thoughts anyways.
  24. Yeah, he will be handing over the site to Covert, and Lissa I believe, and eventually I think Covert too will be gone for a very extended leave, so we will be due for a change in management before the year is over. Welcome back. Sometimes it loads ridiculously slow for me. Oh well. Happy Slaying!
  25. Hello there Mr. Melon, sir! I am glad you decided to join! I am sure you will come to like it here. As suggested, I have made a guide to help new users navigate the forum. In my signature below click on the red text. It is a link that will take you to my manual. Read it through, or just skim through it and it might help. Anyways, welcome to CoDz! If you need help feel free to PM me or anyone here! Good luck, and, until then, happy slaying!
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