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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. The only difference I can see is that they don't all start running. It's only like, six or seven that run. I can't tell any changes in health or anything... It's weird.
  2. Thanks for the input, guys! You all brought up some really great points. I hope Treyarch gets the opportunity to see some of the points y'all brought up—I know Carbon still stops by every so often. I suppose you're right about Bus Depot. What I was trying to achieve with that comparison, though, is that Bus Depot and No Man's Land are both similar in the fact that if you've got an hour or two to spare, you can jump in and try to beat your high score... I definitely agree with you when you say that playing one game exclusively is not good. There are some really good games out there that I want to try out—Borderlands 2, Halo 4, Farcry 3, to name a few. :)
  3. I've come to the conclusion that the fridge is Treyarch's replacement for Mule Kick. I mean, it makes sense, right? You get a third weapon. For high rounds, it should definitely be Sally's. If you store Sally's and you've got a Ray Gun and a wall gun (74fu2/Skullcrusher) you're SET!
  4. It'll just record as 9,999 kills.
  5. My Thoughts on Zombies Thus Far Well... it's been, what, a month? Three weeks? Yeah, three weeks. We're three weeks into this game, and I'm no longer afraid of the fog. I'm no longer afraid of the Avogadro. I have discovered Double Tap and all its glory. I now know Tranzit like the back of my hand. I know every little corner, every secret, every shortcut. I know how the zombies will react to my movements, how to escape from tricky situations, what the good weapons are, what the bad ones are. We all do, now. But this is just some feedback on the game so far. First, I'll start off with the post that really got me started on this thread: Great post as always, Jay. Now, I'm guessing I'm a hardcore player (nah, I am a hardcore player. Just ask my friends hahaha) so I feel like I have the right to answer this question the best I can. So let's start things off. Tranzit So, for those of you that don't know (this isn't a guide—this is an essay, if anything—so I won't go too in depth; I'll save that for another thread) Tranzit is a collection of the Survival maps (Bus Depot, Farm, Town), as well as some other locations and goodies, connected by a long, winding, looping road. There is a bus, driven by its automated driver TEDD, that drives along the road in constant laps, dropping you off at various spots that you need to access in order to advance in the game. Whew, that was tough. I've never been that concise in my life. But no, really, the notion behind Tranzit is absolutely brilliant. I wouldn't be shocked if this map was bigger than all the Black Ops maps combined (don't quote me on that, though). Granted, it's a lot of nothing—a desolate, marred wasteland overrun by mole-like denizens, rivers of lava, and annoying fog—but still, it's HUGE. However, with size, comes a certain degree of tediousness. Think back to Moon, for instance. Fun map, right? Yeah. Right. It was fun at its core, but the map itself felt rushed and it took about three years to finally get set up for your high round game. The Biodome was excruciatingly slow; going down sometimes meant playing entire rounds without Jug; and, best of all, you either had to wait for Excavator Pi (something that is left to chance—Zombies should never be reduced to a primitive game of chance) to breach, be it to get the Easter Egg started or trap the astronaut. It took forever. Well, Tranzit is just as bad. No, scratch that, it's worse, probably. If you're doing the Easter Egg, and this is just a side note, you have to spin the box, sometimes for hours, to get EMP's. Just ridiculous and overcomplicated. The sheer size of the map makes getting set up a pain, with or without the bus (or denizen teleporters). It takes me at least an hour to get Galvaknuckles, get my perks, get my guns, build the Jet Gun, and Pack a Punch. At least. Because, you see, I've noticed something. With size, comes a lack of speed. This map is, and I'm quoting Richtofen, "ün marathon". And yes, before you ask, Zombies has always been a marathon. But you've always had the option for speed. The Ascension PaP room strategy was 20 seconds a horde. But this map? Jesus, you're looking at at least 90 seconds a horde. And it's not just the Jet Gun, whose cooldown speed is so slow it's laughable, but it's the fact that the zones on this map are ridiculously huge. Zombies are spawning out of the ground and they're spawning a half mile away and it's just... it's not pretty. Despite these flaws, Tranzit is, ultimately, a fun time. Once you get past the beginning stages—an average, solo round 8 on Tranzit, for me, lasts at least thirty minutes because I'm getting set up for the game—the map is fun. Sure, recovering from a down is difficult, slow, and tedious (more so than the actual game), but that's how it's supposed to be, right? The Jet Gun is lame, its slow cooldown time, horrible walking speed, and the fact it sucks you TOWARDS the zombies, but, even then, you can't overlook the fact that it has infinite ammo and that it doesn't even take up a weapon slot. It's not the best Wunder Weapon (is it even a Wunder Weapon?) ever, but it's certainly not the worst (that honor goes to the Winter's Howl). The training spots are extremely easy—the bus stop area outside of the farm is so wide open I could probably do it with my eyes closed (not really). This map is laughably slow, and it certainly strayed away from Black Ops 1 Zombies and its gameplay mechanics, but high rounds are certainly possible on this map and already have been completed (I've seen two separate 100's so far), though it will take a much longer time than on the original Black Ops. It's fun. I like it well enough. Was it what I had hoped for? No. But is it still a fun map, with lots to do and lots to explore? You bet it is! My Rating: 7/10 Survival I'm really a much bigger fan of Survival than I am Tranzit. It's just... it's old school. Surviving against the undead is what got us ALL hooked on Zombies, not causing grief to other players or stumbling around drunkenly in the fog. Survival will always be my favorite gamemode. It has a special place in my heart. There is just something... awesome about teaming up with your friends, picking a good corner to hole up in, and going to work as undead try, in vain, to swarm you. A lot of people have been disappointed with Survival so far. I don't understand this logic. Bus Depot is the new No Man's Land—and you know how popular that was with the hardcore players! Farm and Town are both reminiscent of classic Zombies, and I mean classic. World at War. Nacht. That kind of stuff. Tight, dangerous, basically a round limit at 70. Farm is tiny and cramped, but, at the same time, a blast. Town is only slightly larger and, even though there are more perks to choose from and access to far more firepower via Pack a Punch, I feel to be the harder map of the two. There isn't a go-to strategy on Town. The map itself is very open, but the lava will eventually be the end of you. Farm, on the other hand, is a rather easy map. The only reliable strategy is very fast (relatively speaking), very easy, and very straightforward. It would definitely be easier with a Pack a Punch, but that's Survival for you. Sometimes you don't have everything you need, and while that definitely limits you, it's, at the same time, really awesome. It's, in a strange way, almost comforting to know that there's a round cap on these maps without a power weapon and/or traps to get you through those high rounds. For my high rounds guys out there, isn't it nice to know that there's a feasible end to the game, like 70 or so, instead of going on for infinity (the Black Ops record, for those that do not know, is 198. The player, KingJaqOffSuit, was reset. The game took him 90 hours)? I kinda like it, myself. I like having to use explosive weapons without Flopper (or, sometimes, Jug). I like the fire. I like finite rounds. Nuketown is pretty awesome, too. Love the atmosphere, the fact that it takes place during Moon, the addition of a couple new weapons, and the falling perks/Pack a Punch. It's fun, narrow, and pretty difficult. I like it. A lot. Only thing I'd ask for is a little more incentive. I'd like to be able to turn on the power. That would be freeing. I also would've liked to have seen a Diner and/or Power Area Survival map, but I understand they were rushed. We'll get to that at the end, though. Also'd like some quotes for Survival. Just saying. My Rating: 9/10 Grief I haven't played enough of this to make a fair judgment on it yet. But, really, the only difference I've found is that shooting players makes them slow down, and there's this meat thing that mess people up. It's not really my cup of tea, but, like I said, I haven't played it enough to make a fair judgment of it. Zombie Mechanics, Guns, Etc. Okay, so, as we all know, Zombies is now on the multiplayer engine. At first, I thought to myself... oh, cool! This should be interesting! And, well, it was interesting. I like how much variety there is with the gamemodes (hellhounds on/off, magic on/off, starting round, etc.) but there are some hugely infuriating flaws that have really gotten me frustrated with this game so far, and they all directly tie back to Zombies being on the multiplayer engine. There's knifing, for example. It's awful. It's absolutely, positively god-awful. We would all complain about the knife lunge in Black Ops, but I'd never lunge through a wall. I'd be able to knife zombies that weren't reaching through the window. Funny enough, though, it seems as though a good majority of this stuff doesn't happen with the Galvaknuckles. I don't know if they're trying to penalize you for not having them or whatever, but the horrific lunge just doesn't happen with the Galvaknuckles. Then there's the hit detection. Half my shots don't even register! It's not as big a deal as it is in multiplayer, but, come on, Treyarch. After everyone complained about the hit detection on Black Ops 1, I thought you would've taken a hint and made that a priority for this game! But no. Instead of fixing the fundamentals, you added new stuff. Leaderboards resetting, losing rankings, not being able to join matches, forcing us to play public matches to record on the leaderboards... a majority of this can be attributed to the switch to the multiplayer engine. Well, Treyarch, we loved the Black Ops 1 engine. It was GREAT. It was a blast. It was fair. We may have complained at times, but, in hindsight, it was the perfect Zombies engine. Because that's what Zombies needs. I don't want a multiplayer engine, I want a ZOMBIES engine. Now, perhaps I am being unfair and I'm certain I've ruffled a few feathers, so I'll go out and say that custom games on Zombies is... awesome. Just so much fun. Host migration is also really cool. But, other than that, I feel like the actual engine Zombies runs on is a step down from its predecessor's. Just my opinion. I've also noticed the Zombies themselves are a lot dumber than those in Black Ops. Maybe it's just me, but I rarely get trapped in this game. I get out situations I wouldn't've dreamed of getting out of in Black Ops. I think this is, perhaps, compensation for the lack of Flopper (though I do expect to see Flopper's return in DLC). I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it's definitely interesting. It's lowered the skill level required to be truly great at this game, though. The new perk is pretty meh, for me. It's cool that you can get more than 4 perks out of it, but other than that, I don't really care for it. It's useful for random games on Tranzit, though. If you go down, chances are, you won't be getting revived. Double Tap is awesome, though. And now, for the guns. My first reaction: what's up with all the burst-fire weapons? There's the B23R, Chicom, M8A1, that shotgun... am I missing anything? Regardless, they're definitely interesting. The SMR is an atrocity, and the War Machine is the next China Lake, but I'm absolutely in love with the MTAR. One could call it the new Commando, but, in all honesty, I find the MTAR to be a lot better. Recoil is way easier to deal with. You run insanely fast with the Chicom, the LMG's are awesome, and I really like how they brought back a few Black Ops guns. All in all, they're solid. Now, would I take them over the Black Ops guns? Excluding the LMG's... no. But, are they still good zombie killing weapons and fun to use and experiment with? Heck yes they are. Last bit: the buildables. I like them. A lot. Excluding the Jet Gun, they're easily my favorite addition to this game so far. I don't think they should've messed with the Wunder Weapon formula (use up ammo, recycle), but, excluding that, it's really, really cool. Love the Zombie Shield... love it! Also really like the notion of portable power. It creates an incentive for the game, and that is something I really appreciate. Final Verdict This game is flawed. There are things that need to be fixed. You can tell that the devs were rushed by the corporate headquarters to get this game out. The fog covers up texture glitches. Diner is on the world, but you can't physically select it. This makes me think they released an unfinished game. Do I blame Treyarch? No. They do their best. They put their heart and soul into creating something that will make us happy, which, let's be honest here, is a very difficult thing to do. No, instead, I blame Activision. I think they rushed this game. I think Treyarch tried to overachieve with Black Ops 2, and Zombies in particular, but they just didn't quite live up to the potential. The marketing scheme advertised a gamemode of epic proportions (**coughmorethantwentyfourzombiesonthemapatonetimecough**) that just, in my eyes, never materialized the way we all hoped. That being said, this game is fun. The first DLC will be a make-or-break type thing for me, and for a lot of other hardcore players as well. My expectations are still extremely high, and while I think Tranzit was a pretty weak showing for Treyarch compared to past games, there is still room to grow. However, and this is completely contradicting what I just said, but a lot of people are not giving this game a proper chance. They are expecting Black Ops 1 DLC, but in disk form. Well, that's not what this game is about. I'm still trying to get over that myself, and maybe when I do, I'll be able to start appreciating the game more. This game was never meant to be Black Ops DLC. This game was meant to be Black Ops 2. I'm starting to warm up a bit to it—I like it a LOT better than I did a couple weeks ago—but I haven't quite bought into it like I bought into Black Ops. It's fun, though. It's enjoyable. And while I feel that Treyarch has tried too hard to appeal to the Plebians at the expense of the elite, I'm still enjoying myself. I rage at times, but to those that have already gone back to Black Ops, I ask that you give it until at least the first DLC, if not the second. Let things run its course. If you still hate it then, fine. No one will judge you for going back to Black Ops. In fact, to answer your question, after this game has run its course, I will probably make a return to Black Ops. A world record on No Man's Land would be... delicious. Regardless, I wanna live in the moment. I want to enjoy what this game has to offer. And it offers a lot. My Rating: 8/10 Thank you for reading, and post your thoughts in the comments below! I'm out! PEACE! -perfect
  6. Yeah I have. A big requirement for a training spot, though, is stairs. Stairs are what make the Jet Gun work. Oh wait... there's stairs by the Power Room. **LIGHTBULB** Oh this may just be crazy enough to work!
  7. In my experience, that strategy only works on Survival, not Tranzit. I'm sure the zones are different in Tranzit, but I notice that zombies spawn in the two windows next to the Claymore room as well as the ground in front of the tractor. However, this still works out nicely, as stairs are the Jet Gun's best friend and you can still pull off an auto train, of sorts, for the farm. But yeah, my favorite training spot is the Tunnel until the spawns start getting really fast, then start using the stairs on the farm for the Jet Gun. I tried this on survival Farm and they only spawned in the barn and the window beside it. Not the two windows by claymores. They never spawned there. I started doing this at 13 till 32. I agree with you that they only spawn in the barn on Survival, but I'm saying they spawn in the adjacent windows on Tranzit. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that.
  8. In my experience, that strategy only works on Survival, not Tranzit. I'm sure the zones are different in Tranzit, but I notice that zombies spawn in the two windows next to the Claymore room as well as the ground in front of the tractor. However, this still works out nicely, as stairs are the Jet Gun's best friend and you can still pull off an auto train, of sorts, for the farm. But yeah, my favorite training spot is the Tunnel until the spawns start getting really fast, then start using the stairs on the farm for the Jet Gun. :)
  9. Executioner is good, but the PaP'd version causes framerate drop and, eventually, G-Spawn. But, if you don't care about that (hehe), you can go ham with it! I really think people overlook the Chicom. It's the new Spectre, and I friggin LOVED the Spectre. PaP'd it's a lot of fun to use. And, not to mention the damn running speed you have with it... :p
  10. I'm only level 22, I believe, so I haven't unlocked everything, but I'm really digging the UAV for my first choice. It'll net you a couple kills almost every time, and the 10 point assist bonus can stack up with good teammates. 2nd choice, I've been messing around with, but right now it's Lightining Strike. It's quick and it's a monster. If you lay a couple of these down in their spawn, you'll get a multi kill. Last is Stealth Chopper. I'll probably sub that in for Orbital VSAT when I get it, but for now, I'll go with Stealth Chopper. If it doesn't get shot down, it'll go to work. I've started to stray away from Zombies in the past few days. Tranzit's become pretty meh for me. I'm now looking to experiment more in multiplayer. I was pretty good in Modern Warfare 3 (first game where I actually played multiplayer) and I've noticed that my skill level in that game has transitioned nicely to this one. I ain't pullin off 50-0's, but I play the objective and I try to help out my team as much as I can (scorestreaks will hopefully reflect this). :)
  11. I don't know how to say this, bud, but... You know what? I'm not even going to say it. **sigh**
  12. You most certainly did! Get your twirly mustaches ready, boys! Think we may be visiting Paris real soon.
  13. Have a feeling Treyarch is just that lazy. :s
  14. Dude, what's your GT so I can check your leaderboard? I'm still waiting for the details of your game. :)
  15. Jet Gun is horrible. I can't shake the feeling there's more to it, but overall, it's been a huge disappointment. The cooldown time is way too slow and, before 50, I'd take the Zombie Shield over it.
  16. I like the HAMR a lot, but my favorite gun is definitely the MTAR. It's basically the Commando, but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.
  17. You honestly think 3 people liking it is a valid argument for it's popularity after saying things like "it doesn't matter how many people you've asked/talked to"? Ugh. Stuff like this is part of why I left. Any high round player will tell you 3 guns is direly needed. There's a reason it's a priority on Call of the Dead. You need Scavenger, Ray, and Sally's/Awful Lawton. On maps with an Insta-Kill weapon/traps, yeah, it's not needed. But on Call of the Dead? And also Der Riese (Waffe, Ray Gun, Thommy) and Kino (TG, Awful Lawton, MPL)? It is a necessity.
  18. The clock resetting, starting at the 45 minute mark (I think it starts there. If I have it mixed up, doesn't really matter. Still achieves the same thing) then going to midnight and so on, reminded me of The Doomsday Clock. Click. With this being Nuketown and such, I feel there is probably some sort of connection with the Doomsday Clock and the clock at Nuketown. Just a thought. :)
  19. This is one of the only theories I have ever seen in which I can actually relate to, grasp, understand, and take in. The way you connect the dots is extraordinary. Great detective work, Shooter. I appreciate threads like these. :)
  20. Someone doesn't like difficulty. I assume Ascension was your favourite map? LMAO actually I only played 4 player on every map I went passed round 55 every map and as for my favorite Five round 63 and Shanghai La round 61 and if you think zombies is not difficult because the fact is all maps were a challenge you with out doubt were those people that only played 2 player that's EASY 63 on FIVE? 4 player? Do you have leaderboard proof for that? Because you understand that would've taken over 20 hours, right? Were you trapping at that point? Or were you using guns? How many Ray Guns were you burning through at that point? Or, if you were trapping, what strategy were you using? I am curious, because a 4 player round 63 co op would blow any and all records out of the water and would be, easily, the most impressive Zombies feat I've ever seen.
  21. Only 4, unfortunately. However, there's a 'glitch' (not sure if it's a glitch or not) with Tombstone in which you can get all 6 perks at once. Also, there's permanent Quick Revive and permanent Deadshot for completing challenges, so you can get those as well. ;)
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