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Everything posted by Ourobos

  1. Ourobos


    Die Rise - High Rise, a deadly one..
  2. Possible, but why would a teenager be in a bunker in a nuclear test site? It's been speculated he possibly worked for them, so I'd think he'd have to be in his mid twenties at least in NTZ. If you're correct though, when did Moon happen? Simultaneously with NTZ for sure, but in the early 90s (when Marlton would have been a teenager)? I definitely think GR and DR are present day.
  3. What's Maxis's quote? I agree all the nukes hit at the same time. How do you explain Marlton being in Nuketown, then Green Run, unaged in 20 years if it's 20 years after Nuketown, where he is in the bunker? I supposed he could have been mid/late 20s in Nuketown, mid/late 40s in Green Run, thought he doesn't appear that old to me.
  4. Well, I heard a comment from Russman today.. First time I had heard it.. Said it when I turned the power on. Something to the effect of "Electricity, I remember this stuff from when I was a kid..".. So if Moon happened in the 1960s, and put the power out, Russman would have been born say 1950.. About 63 today.. That being said, I too now think Great Leap Forward, and most likely Green Run were set in modern times. I still think Moon was in the 1960s, it's Marlton in the bunker on Nuketown that throws a kink in it all, as Moon and Green Run seem to be in the same time frame, Marlton hasn't aged much between the two maps.
  5. If that second one translates to PhD Flpr, I'm interested :)
  6. Not this crap again..
  7. I did find a fridge.. When you ride the start elevator down and jump across the building, it's right there.. But you can't put anything in it.. LOL I was so excited when I first saw it :)
  8. Tranzit had the bank.. SO I wouldn't rule it impossible, but you'd think it would have been found by now.
  9. Those are the symbols you put the steam catapult deals on in the easter egg, wonder if the actual spot is above that, and it goes through the floor (the image).
  10. FWIW, you can revive on Search and Destroy / Multiplayer if you have Second Chance Pro.. So that's a moot point.
  11. All I hear is Zombie groans, and Samuel's "Get back or I'll kill you again!"...
  12. I hope tranzit is a prerequesite. Like on BO1.
  13. Any reward other than the gamer points, like permanent (that particular game) perks, all perks, etc?
  14. I stay on the roof under the dragon till at least 20.. Only been to 21, so dunno after that.. LOL
  15. We don't even know what the transit nav card does on this map. Yeah the reader accepts it, but what does that mean?
  16. ^ beat you to it Grill ..
  17. Ourobos

    Memory Theory

    ALL of the members mention Deja Vu in Tranzit.. And a few so far that I've heard in Die Rise..
  18. Ourobos

    Memory Theory

    I think the solo cut scene explains it all.. Our crew made it to China.. Forget anything you know besides that.. Once Russman was attacked and killed, Richtofen teleported them back in time, to Green Run.. That is why they have Deja Vu there.. They've been there before.. After that they travel to Province 22 AGAIN, where our Die Rise map starts off, what seems to them like the first time they've been there, but they have Deja Vu still.. Cause they have been there before.. The purple flash on the opening scene shows them traveling BACK to the USA.. Then the purple flash takes them to Die Rise's starting room..
  19. Ourobos


    I have never seen one attack any one unless they were outside the skull/crossbones boundry signs or right at it. They usually will leave you alone once you are so far out of the fog.
  20. I thought your girl friend had hacked your account from the title.. ANYWAYS.. I like how it's a smaller map, it's more like the old maps. Jug and pack a punch are easily accessible.. And man, that roof top is a good spot to hole up in the 20s at least.
  21. It wouldn't let me for some reason, maybe it was due to my inventory though.
  22. The map pack isn't in the store for me yet.. 7:00am EST... What's up with that
  23. I think it's a 'puzzle' or obstacle that will move like a dragon, hindering us.
  24. Only thing you can't store is ray gun, M1911, balistic knife, and RPG.. As far as I've tried..
  25. For all of you who think the map is called Die Rise, just wait until tomorrow, let's stop this foolishness, and we'll see then.
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