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Everything posted by killallzombies

  1. Well,aren't I just tarty to the party. Like jolt said,chat coming back is possibly the best news on the whole update. If we have to reset the brain count,we might as well just leave it alone. because 5 months after brains comes back I'll be the only guy who still has 0 brains. :lol:
  2. no,but in all seriousness,avenged sevenfold kicks so much @ss.
  3. Aw,don't take any offense Triix,we've all gotten angry at one point or another when we're running around and BOOM,we get sniped. I think most people will agree that CoD 4 was one of the best CoDs ever (multiplayer wise) I would like more variety with the assault riffles,they're almost always the same.
  4. The poster comes with the pre-order game,correct? So,you're asking what we think's going to be on it? I guess another telegram thing like with Black Ops 1
  5. #1 reason I don't p.ay Halo but I hope they don't put BO2 "fake" guns in it,there were already enough in BO
  6. I think my highest round on W@W nacht is 30,and that was pretty tough considering I don't have any of the updates,so the box keeps trying to give me the spring field or scoped kark. but superhands,you're a Bawse.
  7. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt due to Activision being the publisher (look what they did to the Tony Hawk series), BUT we are talking about Treyarch,so I don't think they'd let zombies hit the fan any time soon
  8. That's funny, everyone else says I made it look easy I meant...I meant,oh you know what I meant . I meant that it would be difficult for me to do,not that you made it look horrible . I remember watching a guy use a LMG on round 100 on several different W@W maps,and like you said,it killed them. Isn't Der Riese the World at War map closest to the Black Ops model?
  9. I have too admit,it looks difficult I'd like to see you do this on the W@W version
  10. I remember when I first joined this site *begins gray fuzzy backflash to almost one year ago* ah,good times,well welcome to the site and if you have any questions,just ask me,or send me a PM
  11. you'd figured they would add a way to get the 6th perk,but I guess not
  12. not to bring up old news...but this was all I essentially meant in my earlier post
  13. There you go with that "dare" thing again. :? Further more,"doesn't" can also be used like this: Maxis doesn't like Americans... Maxis doesn't want Americans... The phrase "doesn't like" and the phrase "doesn't want" doesn't automatically say that Maxis didn't have American members. In all reality,I believe that this is just one of Treyarch's many Mad-Libs that they've inserted into Nazi zombies,and that its true meaning is up to the reader,and how they perceive it. Now if anyone has any conclusive evidence that doesn't have to do with American Language Arts (unless its something we haven't seen) then by all means prove me wrong and stop me from closing the book on this theory.
  14. I am not worthy of such awesome replies I just can't believe all of you guys posted on my little ol' thread
  15. H9AMtUeyDP0 This. Do you think nuclear bombs are not real? Oh, and also. Pretty sure you could kill life with these too. "How A Thermobaric Bomb Works" "The intense concentrated fireball combined with devastating blast overpressure destroyed a large one-story masonry type building in Iraq in only one round, coming from a Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon-Novel Explosion (SMAW-NE), from a distance of 100 yards (91 meters)." so,in simple terms for you ZombieNationZ,A solider now has the ability to launch a gun that can destroy a building in one round,A-bombs and hydro' bombs are 1000 times larger,a peice,now think about bombs that are 1000 times stronger than this gun,and 2000 of these bombs on our hands
  16. Sure we can. Have you seen the nuclear bomb? I believe about 14 would be needed to make Earth uninhabitable. And the USA has over 2000 I think? thanks for backing me up just look at the freak earthquakes in Japan and Haiti it can and has been done before me too dude! where u at? im in the Blueridge region, i live like right next to VA Tech I live in Southwest Virginia,a county or so from VT
  17. A few months ago,a decent sized earthquake hit Virginia. I found some info on what the HAARP does,in action,for those of you not up to sped on this theory essentially a conspiracy inside a conspiracy theory Well, in case you were wondering, a rare earthquake cannot just be a rare earthquake. Already, conspiracy theorists are lining up to give their version of why the Virginia-centered earthquake hit. And before I go on with this, let me tell you that you can read all these theories from people who rely on a wide variety of sources for their knowledge. But in case, you do not have time to dig through all the "evidence" of the conspiracies, you can just go to You Tube. As we all know, if it`s on You Tube, it must be true. You Tube has hundreds of poorly produced videos on how the US government`s experiments with radio waves have altered weather patterns, caused natural disasters and succeeded in controlling the minds of moods of unsuspecting people. What are these experiments? Well, Google: HAARP conspiracy or just plain HAARP and you will find out. In a nutshell it goes like this: The government is responsible for the Virginia earthquake along with the recent earthquakes in Chile, New Zealand, Haiti and Japan not to mention every other misfortune that has occurred throughout the globe. The reason for implementing evil science: power. Allow me to say that I have an open mind on various theories, but when conspiracy theorists get their own Facebook group and produce horrible You Tube videos to prove their point, they make my brain and stomach hurt which forces me to shut the door on all their ideas. Many of them look for these conspiracies because they cannot accept the randomness of the Earth and universe and they don`t trust the government--and that I totally understand. I guess to help you make up your mind, we should take a brief look at HAARP and why all the controversy. Started in 1993, The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) is a scientific endeavor that studies the properties and behavior of the ionosphere with the purpose of understanding how it could be used to enhance communications and surveillance systems. Funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Researched Projects Agency or DARPA. The HAARP complex is situated within a 23-acre lot in a relatively isolated region near the town of Gakona. When the final phase of the project was completed in 1997, the military had erected 180 towers that were 72 feet in height that formed a "high-power, high frequency phased array radio transmitter" capable of beaming in the 2.5-10 megahertz frequency range, at about 3,981MW. So, HAARP uses radio waves to not only bring about natural disasters such as earthquakes, but uses them to also experiment with mind control.Those who believe in the conspiracies, also say that there is visual proof of HAARP`s activities right before natural disasters. Apparently, there are charts and aura type manifestations that show HAARP`s activities. Some conspiracy theorists point to the origins of this HAARP technology and patents filed in the early 1900s which show the government`s interest in this research. Yes, there are books, a million websites and political commentary about the evil origins of HAARP and why it exists today, and on the other end there is the HAARP website that is so blah and benign, it makes me wonder what they are hiding because no government research program can be that vanilla and that innocent. Anyway, along with all the many, many people who believe in the HAARP agenda I ran across a lot of counter arguments for the HAARP conspiracy. Pervez Hoodbhoy, for example, a Phttp://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/pos ... f=53hysics professor in Islamabad who I thought explained the non-conspiracy argument in very simple terms plus he does not appear to be a big fan of the US, so I thought his arguments had to be somewhat balanced. Hoodbhoy says that weather change simply cannot be caused by HAARP`s radio waves. The effects of a puny 3.6MW radio transmitter on the ionosphere can only be detected with sensitive instruments. He also reiterated that radio waves cannot move massive tectonic plates and cause earthquakes. The only way the waves can affect the plates is if they are used to tickle awake a subterranean monster and in so doing, the movement of the monster would move the plates. To be honest, I sort of wished this theory were true because I would love to see the You Tube video of the monster. Now,as many other zombie theorist believe,I think zombies and the campaign will have to do with HAARP (maybe not the campaign, I dunno) because of its ability in mind-control Our characters are going to need to get Richtofen-in-samantha's-body out of the pyramid,or,just destroy the moon? Roll with me on this one,what if our characters high-jack the HAARP, where you'll have to do an epic Easter egg in an Alaskan base,and control the HAARP to destroy the moon. After the moon easter egg,you can see that Alaska's not destroyed. :?: :?:
  18. A few months ago,a decent sized earthquake hit Virginia. I found some info on what the HAARP does,in action,for those of you not up to sped on this theory essentially a conspiracy inside a conspiracy theory Now,as many other zombie theorist believe,I think zombies and the campaign will have to do with HAARP (maybe not the campaign, I dunno) because of its ability in mind-control Our characters are going to need to get Richtofen-in-samantha's-body out of the pyramid,or,just destroy the moon? Roll with me on this one,what if our characters high-jack the HAARP, where you'll have to do an epic Easter egg in an Alaskan base,and control the HAARP to destroy the moon. After the moon easter egg,you can see that Alaska's not destroyed. :?: :?:
  19. you had the guts to get a decent recording device,a decent microphone,and you made a good video you deserve a [brains] if you're wondering what a [brains] is,click here
  20. yeah! I'm bringing it back Chapter Three The House of D.A.Z,February 2,2012 Apparently,the Russians were closer to solving the mystery on how to control the zombies. We,the T.B.G users,decided if the U.S. were incapable of stopping the infection,we would. Now on the contrary,we never said we weren't going to use their information. CJkat hacked what little was left of the pentagon defense,and managed to intercept some info from what was left of a last-minute undercover recon. The recon team had uncovered an abandoned building being used as an undercover lab for the Russians. It appeared that they had cut a deal with Bratislava for some land,and were using it for more than research. Their answer to the problem was to break their subconsciousness and use basic hypnosis to control basic functions like leg and arm movement. Akuma,being fluent in Russian,geared up with dual-wield Desert Eagles,a tactical knife,a 50 cal. sniper rifle,an AK-47,and some C-4.He also had a "walkies-talkie". Many of you have probably had to get ready for something in your life,whether you're getting ready to go on a boring car ride,or getting ready to go to your mother-in-law's dinner party,or getting ready to go on the ultimate adventure for the biggest enchilada ever made,or in my case getting ready for a wedding that would never happen.When you're getting ready you usually pack everything you need,maybe a stick of gum,a form of entertainment,an extra suit,or a large fork and a large knife.When Akuma and the rest of the "mercenaries" suited up,they did it a lot differently.Yes,maybe some of the things are obvious,you would never bring a gun on a bored car ride (although I can't quite say much about the mother-in-law ) When D.A.Z landed in a "stolen" fighter jet that they took from an airport that they almost died in,D.A.Z was surprised at how bloody it was.Dead bodies litter Bratislava everywhere they looked. The mercenaries split up into twelve groups,each one containing four people. D.A.Z got inserted into a group with claymore explosion,a great theorist in his own right,and D.A.Z's hero. D.A.Z's group headed down the street checking for civilians,civilians here is just a fancy word which here means "people that might have survived the zombie Apocalypse" and it was here that on the third floor of the fourth house down from a over-runned grocery store that D.A.Z fell through the floor,due to someone setting a fire on the bottom floor,and I'm sorry to say that D.A.Z's grip was slipping fast. I pause now to warn you,this story only gets more unfortunate from here on out,now if you wish to read a more pleasant story about a vibrant main character with great moral stature,then I suggest that you read that story.I wish I had had a fair warning about when I went into the emperor's palace and called out to Erin "my dear.." well,you don't want to know what happened to silly old me,you'd much rather read what happens next to poor old D.A.Z who has just been double-crossed by one of his own. As his grip is about to slip,he sees a faint silhouette just a few feet away,that reaches out to him.As he looks up he sees that the face belongs to...
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