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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. It's the excavator coming down in the tunnel by the PM63 wall pickup.
  2. About hacking a empty box location with a teddy bear on it..... From what I've noticed, you can only hack one teddy bear box location in an entire game. Once it's hacked, that's it.... no more hacking teddy bears for you. Also, once you have hacked a box location, that box location no longer becomes active during a Fire Sale. Music will emit from that boxes location, but the box won't be there, and the blue light shining down on it will be missing. All the other boxes on the map are still active though for the duration of the power-up. It's as if by hacking a box location, you are also breaking the box location in some way. I kinda like that idea of having consequences that come along with hacking. That way you have to weigh out the good with the bad in your decisions. So choose that box you want to hack wisely. I personally recommend not choosing the one in the Biodome, since that's the area you are most likely going to be spending most of your time slaying zombies in.
  3. The QED can drop perk bottles? I did not know that. Anyone have any footage to confirm it. Also, has anyone here tried to hack a RED perk bottle power-up yet?
  4. LOL. So what do you do with Mustang & Sally? Do you fire both guns, or does Sally get no love?
  5. Yeah, I LOL'd at the comment on the video: "Wow the one place treyarc knew we wouldnt look! the wii!" So true... I gotta agree with Benn that it's frustrating that it's taken the Wii community this long to uncover and expose this stuff. I wonder what other easter eggs may be uncovered on other maps on the Wii version? Seriously Wii guys, I know you are small in numbers. But for the sake of the zombie community, step up your game!
  6. ISC9e0CirV8 Big PROPS to Benn from Playthegameco for putting this video together. Nice finds. Now Discuss....
  7. Use your ears before rushing through doors and you won't run into the astro man. As for the cosmonaut monkey's, let's just say I steal more perks from them than they do from me.
  8. I've seen TheRelaxingEnd do some beastly solo kiting in the Semtex room. Don't open the door leading towards the power/pyramid room to control the flow of zombies. Personally I haven't had much success there in solo, but it has served me well in MP especially after getting funneled that way by zombies after hacking the excavator.
  9. Here's what I've dissected from the video so far.... 0:08 - DOS prompts in the background resembling the ones in the Black Ops start menu 0:10 - Radio looking device on tray 0:28 - Reminds me of the bottom level on FIVE 0:32 - Power Switch 1:00 - Teddy Bear in trash bin. Apple in foreground on tray. The incinerator looks similar to the one in Der Riese
  10. I think the silloutte portrait is of Dr. Maxis. The level really is Dr. Maxis's level. This is where he presented the results of his zombie experiments to the nazi party. Evidence of him being here is all over the place. All the radios and audio reels are done in his voice. Yet you never actually see him. If there is fifth character on this map, it is Dr. Maxis because his presence is definitely felt. Also, remember the line Takeo says when he looks at the picture. Sorry if I screw up the line, but it goes something like: "Maybe once was, is no more. But shall be again." We all know that Dr. Maxis disappeared, and then came back in the Moon easter egg in a big way. If my theory is correct, then Takeo's line may have foreshadowed these events.
  11. Looks like MrDalekJD has recently compiled all this info into a youtube video. s1M4WNDYuj8
  12. I think Swasked (aka swask2) is currently doing it right now.... http://www.youtube.com/user/swask2#p/u/9/tdfaXeBPEU0
  13. I've been beasting Area 51. So much fun! Lately my goal for each game is to get Jugg and get to the teleporter without firing a single shot from my M1911.
  14. You ever hesitate to destroy a zombie with the Thunder gun because you didn't want to waste a round of precious thunder gun ammo on JUST ONE zombie? Well that's what I love about the dual zap guns option...
  15. MixMasterNut


    If the developers wanted to punish us for throwing a gersch around an astro man, they'd make him hulk up and charge at us like George A. Romero. If they wanted to keep it silly, they'd at least smooth out the moon walking animation so it looks like an actual dance move. The fact that it's the exact same animation as when he's being sucked into the blackhole makes it obvious that this is a glitch.
  16. Once you have BEAST MODE enabled, there is no desire to disable any features in the game.
  17. working on a video tutorial now on one way I've found out how to get him to do this.
  18. Often times when going to and from hacking the excavator, you hit choke points where you can easily get downed, like the airlock rooms. Because of the map design, the moon absolutely needed a wonder weapon that would blast through anything in your path (thundergun style). Once you get into RD 30+ the zombies start spawning in front of you very fast, and are too tough to simply blast through with normal weapons. I don't think it is over powered because there is no surviving the later rounds (w/ your biodome intact) without some kind of weaponry like this. I think the extra ammo of it being two separate weapons is balanced by the fact there are no traps you can run the enemies through on this map. In the end it doesn't really matter to me if this gun is overpowered or not, because no matter what, it's still a lot of fun to use.
  19. So what you are basically saying is that if you travel to the future, you can't go back in time at all? You can only keep going forward in your time machine? I disagree. I think you could travel to the future (cotd), and then back in time (moon), and then change the outcome of history (blow up the earth) so that the future you previously traveled to (cotd) does not happen. If you don't believe me, then you need to go back and watch the movies Back to the Future parts I & II again, and then it'll all make sense. ;)
  20. Whether it's "offical" or not, I do thank you Zelkova for posting this. Overall it looks pretty accurate, and lately I've been secretly hoping someone would post a timeline on these forums to help us with drawing connections and parallels within the storyline. So once again, thank you
  21. You can't. I've tried hacking both the wall buy, as well as claymores I've placed on the ground.
  22. MixMasterNut


    I hope the moon man glitches get fixed. I don't know how that one didn't get fleshed out in the beta testing of the map. Really lame that throwing one gersch device can mess up the whole rest of your game. The pyramid glitch is BS too. I don't play much MP, so it doesn't affect me. But yet, it's things like this that are the reason I don't play much MP zombies either. Oh and the audio glitches are lame, yet have seemed to come up in some form on every map. The audio glitch on this one map is if you are hacking an object and get interupted by an attacking zombie, the hacking sounds keep looping until you hack something else. Not game breaking by any means... just annoying
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