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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. I just noticed a nice nuance to ChopperNator's technique, that I think I'll start trying to implement immediately into my own game... When ChopperNator primed his first nade, he started leading the zombies towards back-swamp area. Me... I've been hanging a left, and running across the front side of the cage, cooking the nade for a second, and then throwing it to at the ground as I pass by. Then turn 180 and start shooting/knifing as the nade explodes on the other side of the cage. I think ChopperNator's technique shaved him a couple extra seconds, and left a bigger area open to slash up the left over crawlers in. So it's slightly faster, and safer than what I've been currently doing.
  2. I think it's all placebo effect. You hear something when you play it backwards because you want to hear something in there when you play it backwards. Personally I don't subscribe to this "hidden message" at all. We should be more focused on the chanting on the MP screen that sounds like it's maybe saying "Can you save me"
  3. In case anyone needs help finding that ever elusive wire.... y_jtwUaAlbg
  4. I think the answer to this thread topic is... We'll have to agree to disagree. We are all entitled to our own opinions. There's enough evidence here to support both theories of it being Samantha or being Maxis, but yet not enough evidence to prove that either theories are correct/false. It's still an unsolved mystery.
  5. - When S.H.T.F., try not to get any on you - Support your local zombie slayer - And Remember... Only YOU can prevent zombie outbreaks
  6. Kill all but one zombie. You don't even have to make it a crawler (optional), just pick a slow walker and that'll do. Once you have only one zombie left on the board, run back to the control room to hack the excavator. I guarantee you'll have plenty of time to make it there and back. Don't mess with the zombie if it decides to respawn behind a window. Just make it to your objective and back. As long as you have a Bowie Knife, you are good on weapons until RD 10.
  7. Yes, these guys.... They are hidding above the ceiling panels in the hacker lab. Don't worry, they'll come down when they get hungry ;)
  8. Look what I found at the Drive-In... and I'll also post this one up too, just for the Moon reference.
  9. When you throw a gersch device, the astronaut will start walking towards the black hole instead of you. His speed does not change. He doesn't appear to take any damage.
  10. I recommend you watch MrJohnBasedow and Yoteslaya's videos for some ideas.
  11. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my earlier post, but I am an XBOX gamer (not PC). This past weekend I've confirmed the glitch is fixed. I tested this on several different astronauts in about 3-4 different games.
  12. Hey Superhands, I have to pick your brain on this.... Why do you choose to go the PM63 route rather than the MPL route? In my own strategy, I've been going the MPL route, mainly because it's one less door to open up before you get to the pyramid/power room. One less door means I can get to the Biodome that much faster. And also I go that route because if I'm choosing a wallgun, I prefer the MPL over the PM63 on pretty much any round. A part of me really want to love the PM63, but I just can't get over the fact that it doesn't have enough bullets in it. Theoretically I should be able to pointwhore more with a PM63. But because of the increased amount of times I'll have to rebuy PM63 ammo off the wall, I actually find the MPL more efficient for point building. Am I over looking something? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this...
  13. Good to know! [brains] I figured as much, but have yet to get to those high rounds and properly test it that theory out myself.
  14. Dude, you came from the Atari era. When you get a kill-screen, that means you won the game! Props to CJ for winning zombies on FIVE [brains]
  15. I've been wondering if it's possible to get a free perk by hacking a red perk bottle from the QED? Seems like a logical solution to getting a free perk on this map... I've already tried hacking basically every other powerup drop in the game including red Z-Points, and weapon drops (normal and PaP'd) from the QED. Nothing happens; You can't hack them.
  16. Yeah, I was actually working on a video tutorial guide on how to change the moonwalking zombie glitch into the disco dancing zombie glitch. And I decided I wanted to gather some more footage of me *fixing* the moonwalking glitch to make it extra sweet. So I started a new Moon game and found out the hard way that throwing a gersch device near the astronaut doesn't mess up your game anymore. Pretty awesome that they fixed this game breaking problem so quickly. But I can't help but feel like my video tutorial in progress, has in some way been Treyarch'd :roll:
  17. I noticed this weekend that the moonwalking astronaut glitch is fixed. (Hooray!) Now he doesn't even do the moonwalking animation anymore. They cut that part out comletely. Now the astronaut will start walking towards the gersch device's black hole, but his speed doesn't change. Once the effects of the gersch device go away, he's back to walking towards you.
  18. I've been trying to keep my eyes on the lookout for one. Haven't seen one yet. Although several times I have mistaken the carpenter hammer for a bottle :roll:
  19. Been loving your series, Swask. Man, that "Space Song" just never ever gets old. I'd be very interested to see in one of your videos how you handle the excavators at these high rounds
  20. I'm very interested to hear the whole 9 minute audio clip that plays in the theater room. It may give some important clues about the mind control experiments Dr.Maxis was performing on the zombies test subjects at Kino. Does anyone have a way of recording that?
  21. Could he be one of these guys?....
  22. If you get a massive amount of lag after throwing your first nade, then congrats! That means you're doing it right! With all those zombies getting killed, particles and body parts blowing up everywhere, points scored, and respawning in at a new location. That's just a lot of stuff going on at once for your console's processor to handle. And IMO, this is the sketchiest part of the whole strategy of going for high kills. Honestly I'm guessing this is a destorted perception of time. In No Man's Land, it's just balls to the wall every moment, and every small movement matters. Things are happening so fast, that your mind tries to catch up with the speed of which the game is throwing things at you. You are thinking and reacting at an accelerated rate in comparison to normal zombies games. So I think you are just you reacting faster than you normally would because you are playing the game at a much faster pace than normal.
  23. I don't understand why everyone's Ascension strategy says stay in the spawn room until round 3 or 4? What are you sticking around for? Personally I think the best strategy is to get out of the spawn room ASAP. I leave at the very end of Round 1. That way the G-Force machine doesn't have a chance of kill any of my zombies, thus robbing me of potential points. Also, it's much easier to train zombies and setup collateral bullet damage outside. There's no reason at all to stay inside. Playing outside is where it's at!
  24. I feel ya on that! At what point do you decide to make a run for the teleporter pad area?
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