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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. Are you talking about the Perks themselves going away or the Perks-A-Cola machines disappearing? I don't think so, but I can't be sure. It works on the Mystery Box. It may work then too. No. There is no Death Machine in BOII Zombies.
  2. Yeah, that's odd. Verruckt pointed me to that, and I know we hear the horn in Nuketown. I have a feeling that the bus is picking people up and took them to Hanford. Why them, and why take them, I have no idea. It's all very odd. With so much conflicting evidence, I feel it might be better to just be general in "western U.S." until we get confirmation on SOMETHING.
  3. You're thinking too specifically. Call of the Dead took place in modern day but it had Cold War past. Plus it was on Black Ops... Treyarch wouldn't add a bunch of random weapons to use in Zombies that made no sense. Treyarch always synches up their campaign with their Zombies storyline. We have a futuristic robot. And btw, diners still exist. So I don't see what is so hard to understand.
  4. Shangri-La has only been confirmed to have been on Mars and to have been translocated. That whole space stuff is your own theory.
  5. Excuse me? Are you even going to explain what in the world this thread is about?
  6. The weapons always relate to the era of the majority of the timeline. World War II weapons from Nacht to Der Riese. Black Ops weapons from Kino to Moon. Future weapons for the current maps; i.e. the future maps.
  7. Huh. Okay. Also, both the RPD and Galil only Pack-A-Punch once.
  8. People have been saying a bunch of different things: Washington, California, Alaska. I think I'm just going to be satisfied with western U.S. And I say there is a secretive HAARP station in the western U.S. somewhere.
  9. Maybe they just meant to say that one of them would appear in some form. But they didn't want to be that specific as to ruin excitement. Or perhaps they will appear in DLC.
  10. In the storyline of Zombies we determined that HAARP was active in 1945, WAAAAAAY before the publicly declared date of 1990. It would not be surprising to me to learn that this was another secretive station. I mean, look at it. You have to enter via a trap door in a shack. That place obviously wasn't meant to be accessible to just anyone.
  11. Is it just me or is the LSAT only available in Nuketown? I have NEVER gotten in Tranzit no matter how much I hit the Box.
  12. That is conjectural. I've played Nuketown and listened to those voices. With all the chaos: bus honking, sirens blazing, fire tornados spinning, mushroom cloud explouding, rocks falling, zombies yelling, I don't think anyone can correctly identify WHO those survivors are. While it is a good theory, I don't think it fact.
  13. Well Moon was sometime AFTER 1962. All we know is that that is when the outbreak started. We don't know when the map occurred exactly. However, I think that Moon, Nuketown, and Green Run all take place post-2025, due to the robot driver and futuristic weapons. Yes, there are a lot of old (past) things about, but you can't discount all the new (future) things. Therefore, it MUST be in the future rather than the past. What does this mean for Nuketown? Well it means the nuke that blew it up was way later than the '60's. But why? Honestly, I don't know.
  14. Great job Tom. Still needs some work, but it's getting there. :)
  15. How is that disgusting? When people get old, sometimes their bowel movements lag. It's not his fault. It's not like he pooped in his pants.
  16. I forgot what type of quote it was. I think it was an out-of-ammo quote. I was playing as him and was out of ammo. So I heard him say the same line MULTIPLE times "or my name isn't Samuel J. Stone!"
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