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Everything posted by Tom852

  1. Wow, nice find. When I heard the song first, I didn't notice that I ain't sure if it means something. So many songs, that are released, use some elements of other, good songs.
  2. Thanks a lot for this. It's great to have all new information at the same spot! Keep it up!
  3. Very interesting. I hope it works on PC too. Is it maybe possible to buy 4+ perks like that? What about free perk bottles, would it maybe give you the perk you already bought?
  4. As said, it's possible. Besides the Vodka step, where one player has to catch it, it's actually possible to do all other steps alone. Once the map was released, the main wrong information was that the horns or the radios and stuff are timed and have to be pressed within a certain time. So the truth is, you can hit all radios and horns at your own and take the time you need. This was my 1000th post! FOR THE WIN MATES, FOR THE WIN!!!
  5. Aight well then, i actually feel like I never did something for this, getting reputation i do not earn and so on. TBH, never finished the 100 run. So feel free to cancel my name, wouldn't be mad.
  6. No research and stuff done, but I guess it's constant. I could imagine, that the phrase "it changes by step" comes, cause the eclipse vanishes, as soon as a step is done. From my point, the only solar length problems occured at the first step, where you have to step on the plates. After some fails, it gets ugly with the time limit Second was, when we didn't find the symbols, you have to knife. At both occasions, it seemed that the eclipse lasted for about those 4-5mins. Therefore my assumption, that the time is constant.
  7. Awesome Job! Sad you had the glitch in the end. Before you discover the last so super rare glitch, we should play together soon again ;D
  8. Hey Mates, Tom is back Well, I did not follow the recent developments. As well, I had never followed youtubers constantly, to get an Image about all these guys mentioned. Therefore, it's hard for me to state my opinion here. First of all, just a "GREAT JOB DUDE" on the separation between the 3 categories 'skill', 'influence' and 'results'. That's just great. I never liked talking about the "best" player.... I mean, it was always a "best in what way?". Talking about results, Superhands is just awesome. Talking about influence, I guess it's wrong and it is a shame, but I would mention *uff* syndicate. His fan community is great, although he has no chance in other categories, he has a ton of influence.
  9. In 28min I collect on average 95124 gold in Diablo 3. Sorry had to say it No seriously, is it worth to watch it? Some funny and crazy stuff in there? Or just a normal random game?
  10. That's really great knowledge. Congrats for finding it! So many things would have been so much easier if I had just known it. Absolutely something for MZG (2.0).
  11. Life teaches everybody, that there is always someone doing better. Keep it in mind, and don't be disappointed of it. What count's is that you are a good player. If there is someone playing better than you does not matter at all.
  12. Pressure - say hyping - was the main reason I couldn't get the 300+ earlier I was always very nervous about NML, I thought "I must reach 300 NOW AT THIS RUN!!!!". But I couldn't get it. Once finally done, it didn't take more than 20 min for the next 300 run. It's definitely a psychological thing. I would not divide into stress and relaxing. I'd say pressure and no pressure - however it's very close to relaxed and stressed. Definitely, if you just chill at NML, you kick ass. It's imho not only at NML, it's also in general in the game. The less you don't think about 'uh I shouldn't die, I must prove how awesome I am', the better you play.
  13. I would like to mention a game on COTD. 4ppl. At 6 in the morning, we reached round 47 or something - all the way 4ppl! Seriously, you know how many zombs appear in a 4ppl and you know that there is no insta kill gun besides the VR effect on COTD. That was so crazy and it took so long. I'm just kinda proud of it. A 4ppl game nearly to 50 on one of the hardest high-round maps.
  14. Just giving a grats here Think it's not wrong to say you are one of the best players in the world.
  15. Good Job Matuzz. Video would be cool. Isn't there an option to set the quality down of the recording? Otherwise I recommend PlayClaw. The fps drop is almost 0. Set it to high compression, set it to resize to 480p, then it should only take like 3 4 MB / s. BTW, the biggest cheater is.......
  16. Well, normally you just throw dem monkeytoy, gersh or you use your thundergun. When it come to FIVE, Verruckt, or NML before Round 1, you see that people have no clue, how reviving works without that stuff. Great is if you are 2 guys a live and be able to arrange yourself like so that one keeps all train under control, whereas the other can savely go to those tricky locations. A solo revive is just to lead all zombies away and kill none to avoid respawners. Once they are far enough, you do your revive. Or talking about FIVE, you make sure all zombs follow you, so that all zombs go depending on the downed locations e.g. clockwise around the catwalk. you make sure they don't turn around, you gain 5s distance to the train, then you can revive, escaping the catwalk going on clockwise running. Only a few reviving strats are common knowledge, e.g. going down the lift, so all zombs tele down, to then go back up again with the Lift in FIVE. Or revive straight in the lift. Or the lander revive in Ascension. The problem is just, that everybody always shoots and kills, therefore you get respawners and no organized zombie mass, therefore a catwalk revive is just kinda impossible in random games.
  17. [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] Solid Strategy (like the revive for 2ppl we have seen a few days ago). The wave time is about 1min20s. To long for me to even try it, but I think that's quite nice.
  18. Why are people always afraid of changes?
  19. The MS is just epic. A Wondergun not depending of box luck. Defensive and offensive at the same time. Just epic.
  20. I think that's freaking epic for a first run. I see good telepad running strategy attempts, I see good sidedrop running strategy attempts, I see well planed and (for first run) effective nades, I see a overall well playing style. That tells me, that he has the intuition, how the game (including NML) has to be played. That's awesome for a first run. I'm pretty impressed. With a proper strategy and tons (it's for everybody tons) of practice, I see a 300+ easily there from you. The basics of running are definitely present (just maybe bit more cutback then seeking the gap, but that'll come by time). Hands Hybrid, some practice and experience, and 300+ guaranteed for you in my opinion. btw how can i set Richtofen as my primary displayed group?
  21. No worries, I was not so hot on it anyway ;)
  22. Btw, I applied for Survivors too some weeks ago ! At Usercontrolpanel -> Usergroups you see all the requirements.
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