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Everything posted by Jeager1999

  1. Don't know about the Fog, but I noticed my Upgrades were lost again. That's the second time I've lost my Upgrades to a Update. Next thing you know, I'll get demoted again.
  2. I was watching the Current NGT:Zombies video and I noticed the big map in the Bus station, dead center. But this also shows the area near the exit of the Tunnel near the Diner. The area many of you consider a Alternate Bus Route.
  3. Wait. We should see wire's react the same way in Survival or Grief. They may be the same locations as in Tranzit but they are different. For example, you can't shoot out the glass windows on the Bank in Survival but can in Tranzit. If the wires holding the Traffic Ligh shake in Survival, then there's a chance it's nothing.
  4. You might as well take a deeper look at NDU, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks there is more their than just Two Parts.
  5. I can stand on the egde of the hole in the wall across from the door and Aim Down Site, it still causes the beam of light to appear. What the hell is this thing? And why is the laundry matt door the only thing that causes it? Damn Treyarch, make it crazy stupid why don't ya.
  6. I was playing with someone this morning who didn't have the EE completed, but he did see the light when I aimed at the door. I took this time to try a theory, though no success. I went to the Tower and at the ready, he aimed at the door. The beams of light appeared, he could see them going to the tower from the Town, but I couldn't see them from the Tower. This get's interesting by the minute, huh?
  7. Anyone seen a video of this? Wonder if Richtofens quote about"Gift for you, you threw it away?" is connected to that.
  8. You should find the match in your Recent Games and save it. Probably someone with a capture card can recorded and post it on youtube. Also I hardly think there is a PHD Flooper-like Upgrade(I say upgrade because they aren't really Perks) Though I would like a Upgrade that had a minor similarity to Flooper, maybe reduces the amount of Damage from explosions and lightning. Not Complete Amunitiy, just slightly reduced.
  9. I think you DELETE all of the Link except for the = and whats after that. That is way goes between the youtube box. I think the Box add the Link to the site and what after the = is just the vids ID
  10. I remember in a NGTZombie vid that how you earn the Known Upgrades is similar to the Zombie's Related Achievements in World at War. There is an Achievement for earning Ten Melee Kills in a row while Insta-Kill is in effect. Now keep in mind, this was for Shin-No-Numa, that was before the Bowie Knife. Maybe that was how it is unlocked?
  11. Yeah, I've mentioned that a few times. It's random and those beams of light don't simply Cut through a Building. One time, the Box was in the back ally at the town. The light appeared, it when straight up then bend then went toward the Tower. Wish I had other players who did Richtofens side so we can see more clearly where the light appears at in the Bank.
  12. Wait, you Googled Sedan Crater and eventually found that? What if you Google the locations TEDD mentioned?
  13. But dieing and quiting are the same thing. Haven't you noticed when you Play SOLO, there isn't a Reset Game Option in the Pause Menue. And when you Quit Game, your characted goes down and it says game over. So In my opinion. Blow your self up, get eaten or Quit are the same thing and count to your Deaths in the Leaderboards.
  14. Saddly, he didn't explore every part, but still cool to see alot of whats around. What the hell is that thing by the tracks between Powerstation and Town? I'm sure it going to be soon, someone's going to post a "No-Clip" Vid.
  15. lol, im not the only one. I too thought the Cabin in the woods reminds me of the one in Evil Dead. To bad there isn't a Chainsaw in there.
  16. Nikolai and Misty? LOL I can hear the quotes now. Nikolai:"Whoa, she's good. Like Dempsey....with Breast, Ha Ha." I'm sure that the DLC's to come will have the similar extentions like Green Run. (Tranzit Mode, Survival/Grief but maybe more sections than three.) But I doubt that each DLC will have a Bus. Maybe a Train, that be cool but maybe Transportation that can be use freely, Meaning WE can opperate it. Then of course Treyarch will have to come up with a way to prevent "Greedy" Players from taking the Vehical and leaving the players to go on foot. What's everyone fascination with Paris by the way> Is it because of that Photo on the bulleten boards in Der Riese?
  17. Okay, now that I've seen it for myself, I know what he's talking about. The Orb of Light swarms around the Red Becon on the Tower. The one that gives off the Morse Code. I saw it today, but that wasn't until I knifed the Door and made the blue light appear. My Zombie Sense is Tingiling. Quick, Flood NGT:Zombies Comment Boxes in their videos.
  18. That has to be the most idiotic thing I've heard yet. I don't think Blue-Eye's, Emblems, and Ranking System should be mentioned in the forms again until treyarch releases the info. Really....Quiting the Game? *Facepalm*
  19. How many Vids/Topics about Rank System are there now?
  20. That's a good idea, a long shot but yeah. You can even see the Pylon lit up like a Christmas Tree(Complete the EE)from Diner.
  21. I'm not saying it is a glitch, but I'm not holding my Breath while we wait to Prove/Disprove it. What if this new found light has some connection with the light in the Mystery Box? That too would have a Arc of Blue/Orange light that would seem to go to the Tower. If anyone has completed Richtofen's side and want to party up and investigate this further, Send me a Message/Friend Request on Xboxlive: GT - Jeager1999
  22. Tried it. Works on Richtofens side too. Tried a EMP, don't really know for sure if its does anything. Its one random arc of light, that's for sure. I could of swore that one time I did it, the light went toward the Power Station not the Tower. Unloaded a whole clip of the Ray Gun into it. If I didn't sa any better, I'd think the Arc of Light got brighter. One thing I haven't thought of untill just now was. Can the Arc be seen from the Tower? Get a second player, have him stand under the Tower and just Unload on the Door.
  23. I'll go half way with you on this. Though the Power being on is kinda a long shot, I find it very odd that there is quiet a big space on the roof of the Diner. Why such a good size of space that you can walk around on. It's even wierd that you can see out far toward the Tunnel so clearly from up there too.
  24. So simply Put. One Nav Card Per Map. Got it. What I'm saying is. One Nav Card & One Nav Card Station Per Map. I also think which side of the EE you complete is going to have an effect on the EE's in the future maps. Why else when you complete one then the other, the last one Resets?
  25. I tried this on Solo too, but I've only complete Richtofens side, nothing happens. So it must only happen on Maxis side. Interesting. But as to why just the Laundry Matt Door is a big mystery. That door is just one of a few that look so out of place, they look similar to the Power Door in the area. You know, I really don't want to do it but if anyone wants to play tonight and complete Maxis side, Give me a Invite on Xbox Live. My Account Name is the Same as this one. Probably can do it with just two as Spiderbyte mentioned in his video.
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