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James Dean

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Everything posted by James Dean

  1. I love this thread. I've never believed that Edward was the bad guy. Maxis was such a jerk to him. He never appreciated him or his efforts. Everyone thinks that Samantha has issues and is a demon child or whatever, but look at her father. He's a real a-hole. LoL I have always believed Edward to be the fall guy. I think that Maxis was more involved with the creation of the zombies, not Edward. He had tried to stop them, obviously. He was trying to do good by research and development; not be involved with the creation of super soldiers aka the zombies.
  2. It's an OK song. There's really not a zombie song that I dislike; except that Five crap with Eminem.
  3. Going to try this sometime today hopefully; way2go. Appreciate it very much, Thanks!
  4. Kills:111,808 (Something along these lines.) Downs: 770 (Again, Something along this area.) k/d: 1.464 Highest round in solo or co-op: Round 45 with 2 in Buried. Emblem or Rank: Skull with dagger, 4 tallies. I'm working on my shotguns. I manage 1-2 downs per game with 1500-2000 kills. I understand that this is a high ratio and have heard that you have to reach 1.50KDR to reach your shotgun emblem. Anyone know how true this is? I have been striving for them for about two weeks now and am making decent progress I'd like to think. I consistently make 30+ rounds in my games. Can you achieve shotguns when playing in custom games?
  5. I'd hate to burst your bubble, but 44 isn't old lol. You must be quite young.
  6. lOl. Yeah, Moon was a great easter egg. It's still my utmost favorite.
  7. This is what I'm thinking. The Origins map sets back to WW1 long before Der Riese. I think that it was before Edward was a scientist; before he knew Maxis and Samantha, before anything that we have known before. This was my first instinct. I don't think that Edward will have his usual higher pitched voice. I think that he will sound like he did in the Der Riese radios in normal tone. I have thought that perhaps even the zombie infestation could have presented itself long before Der Riese. Maybe this entire "apocalypse" is something that can't be traced back to the boys. Maybe it was started by someone else, by some other government, etc.. Time travel is still relevant, but possibly not to the degree as we are looking forward to.
  8. I've always thought him to be sort of the hero. Maxis was an overbearing a-hole. :x I've always thought this. Edward always tried to focus on his work for the better and Maxis was always putting him down. I would have gotten rid of the ass too.
  9. Totally stoked. It's been too long without my boys and I'm so happy to see them back. The map, well, looks interesting but difficult. It should be a good ride. 8-)
  10. I really wish that they would have released all of them. They made them so they should've put them all out instead of voting. I voted for Paladin and Cyborg. Dragon is pretty nice because it looks a lot like an upgraded zombie weapon. 8-)
  11. I don't really have a problem with the emblems of that partial buttcheek with the pistol up above, the superwoman cleavage, and the like. The one's that I always report are the one's with penis, vag, cum, and a full open set of boobs.
  12. Um yeahhhhhh, Not buying this. The series is becoming remotely ridiculous. They are running out of storyline, and I'm running out of enthusiasm.
  13. I agree @ Wolf. I'm not really a fan of this mode. It's OK though in terms of getting to experience that. But, it's too much like Halo's infected; the feel, the look, etc... Maybe that's the only way to do it though based on the means? I don't know. @Rissole: I don't hate it. I just think that by looking at how we play in a non-zombie perspective, it seems that the zombies have a different feel to them. The way they move, run, yell, etc... seem to be poorly conducted in Turned. It doesn't feel the same as it looks while playing when the zombies chase us.
  14. I ran into someone like that mentioned in the first video posted. The guy had like a 12. K/D ratio with a W/L of about 17. Even if he was only prestige 2, I mean, That is next to impossible. Not even camping can come out to something that extreme. I did report him nonetheless.
  15. I go around the map looking for hacks/modders so I can get them banned.
  16. Really interesting stuff. I think that the whole point in zombies, underneath it all, fun and games, is a really big message that the government is not your friend. Treyarch has on numerous occasions displayed such topics (ie mind control in the campaign in BO1, and with their zombie mode). I believe that the government, CDC, and all other underground forces have the capability to turn us into zombies. Maybe not zombies as we know them( eating other people, etc.) but they definitely have the power to unleash a powerful toxin for an outbreak. The government is pure evil.
  17. I'm master prestige. K/D ratio is 2.14. I'd post a picture, but I'm not sure how to go about it lol
  18. For one, don't let young kids play this game; and for two, report them. I always do. It will work and they will be banned. I've gotten quite a few people banned for such atrocious nonsense.
  19. First impression was that it was a good zombie feel. I really thought it to be lame that they had used Michael Madsen and the weasel instead of a full Italian gang. They should have used Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci. It would have went together so much better. I think that this is a tribute map, or a map that doesn't go along with the storyline, so I can't really say how much I loathe it in that aspect, as Black Ops 2 hasn't followed any of the left off Moon storyline, etc... But, the overall feel is good. It has the creepy, eerie feel to it that Verrukt had with the abandoned building, weird noises, so on and so forth. I just miss my storyline and the original boys. :(
  20. I would enjoy the freeze gun more had it worked much more better. It takes a good 2 or 3 shots just to freeze zombies at round 8 or so. And forget about round 20. It's pretty much useless. Shame too, That the potential of that weapon has. [brains]
  21. In Black Ops 2, We are going to see a heck of a lot of changes. Treyarch is branching out into testy territory with the upcoming game overall. I don't like the campaign, By the looks of what I've seen. It's not a good concept to say in the least. It takes place sometime in the future as Woods relives his experiences with war and covert operations. I think that Black Ops 1 has better foundation. I just can't wait to see what the multiplayer weapons are going to be like at that with the futuristic feel of what Blops 2 is. As for zombies mode, I'm going to wait and see what it's like. Am I excited because they are coming back? Of course, But is it for the greater good of what the foundation of the story is? I am guessing that Treyarch is making them become more evolved just because they don't want people to become bored. I've noticed this in Black Ops with the maps that we've been given. I will always enjoy WAW zombies the most because that is just what they were, Zombies. Good ole fashioned zombies that we had to ward off. They looked like zombies, Acted like zombies, And in Black Ops, They had become more advanced and more evolved in style. In Black Ops 2, They are going to become more than what the first Black Ops was. This, I do not like and is what I'm fearing for the future of zombies. Having 8 player game modes is going to be dreadful. Four players are enough. Can you imagine the chaos?
  22. I picked no. Although, It could be an option for you to choose her if you wish; But to make her a primary isn't my ideal.
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