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Everything posted by nzkissma

  1. note to self, treyarch want you to play more zombies so they send you on a wild goose chase. you can beleive theres more if you wish.
  2. this diving onto another player thing with sam's laugh to identify it never really convinced me. i know people said it gives you more power-ups but does it really? i never really notice a significant an amount more.
  3. have you ever had problems with double nukes? it'd give points for one of them but not the other, rather strange dont you think?
  4. We can come face to face with anything/anyone and Treyarch can implement a back story and elaborate other characters as they pick and choose. So don't expect ANYTHING as little as a hint with someone's name go unnoticed in the near future. you all know what Treyarch are like.
  5. You trippin' dude? Treyarch aren't that artistically clever.
  6. Sorry for your efforts but i've been using this: http://www.gamexe.net/codbo/playercard/ Enjoy. i'd like to see what people have come up with....
  7. interested in ascension on xbox live during the times 11am-5pm uk time gt = tykematt
  8. you think it looks like a death machine? well i think it looks like a light house. whos wrong whos right..... its a mystery?
  9. we're following our own theories of the 8 steps explained for zombies and the easter egg was maybe to throw us off?(very clever if treyarch meant to do it.)or to point us in the right direction? there are many variations to these. and why all of a sudden all in one map?? 1- secure the keys - open doors (as we do) 2- Ascend from darkness - Black and white to colour (power) 3- Rain fire - luna landers crashing to the ground on monkey rounds 4- Unlesh the horde - the zombies 5- Skewer the winged beast - blow up the rocket when it take off 6- Weild a fist of iron - the Death machines after the easter egg 7 - Raise hell - 8- Freedom - we'll never be free haters gonna hate. maybe it'll come a little clearing on the next dlc, so we'll think so but they'll be moar!
  10. make me mad i dont even own ascension with there been an xbox elite in my house, damn doley here cant afford shiiiit
  11. The video comments are saying use the sickle lander because it says hell in greek near it and may possibly transport you to the 'secret' 5th landing spot. What if sacrificing a player means letting them die and getting your secondaries back is a hint you revived them and shouldnt of? Note: 1:27 where are the bullets for his death machine??? the sound lags abit too, or is this just me?
  12. i like the idea of perks been able to interact with curtain terrain on multiplayer. like dive so far for curtain ledges gaps etc.... hacker to open doors or machinery. ninja to sneak past a wilderbeast in a cage flak jacket to sprint throw a mine field you see what im getting at here, it's a brill idea. i cant see infinity ward applying these though
  13. Could easily be made more complex and maze like. Zipline like shino, still useless though. I really dont want the thundergun anymore tbh, i want a new gun or even the winters howl again. i also want rid of the ray guns and replaced with something just as cool. We may see the arrival of the wunderwaffe 3g
  14. ive done this so many times by accident, because im a dumb fuck lol. watching my back so i dont die and then forgetting im upgrading and run off. 'five' steals them! that was a bitch i think it maybe fixed now im not sure. its worth a try if every play upgraded all their guns and didnt take them, see what happens.
  15. there isnt a cut scene though is there? you'r saying thats it's death machines for 90 seconds? [brains]
  16. gonna run out of ammo fast!!! This guy serious?
  17. Yea boi i bet! Treyarch fucked up big if we cant complete it without a patch.
  18. someone posted the list of what you need on here from another forum. claims to throw another gersch in the next area (stamin up area) and then explains about the sacrifice of a player.
  19. wanna try look through all these and find a hint? http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cg ... t=1000&a=n
  20. this could be done below round 30. Reaching the 30's is complete in my eyes because your just wishing for all your zombies to be dead so you can add a round to your bragging rights, and gets so fucking repetitative/boring.
  21. i wrote about this on a different forum that's just gone down recently. A couple of ideas i had were for a second upgrade packapunch machine seperate to the first and/or even harder to unlock. An attachment machine that would give you a random attachment for your gun mainly assault rifles and subi's or even pistols. Also wanted to see upgradable melee weapons which drastically reduce the unpap'd melee weapons but still, a cool way to spend our points.
  22. i dont believe this kid for a second but am open for suggestions so will be willing to try. it's possible for two players to fire everything mentioned into the device as a third will be in the next room read to dive into their gersch. so what would the fourth player have to do????
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