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Everything posted by PuLsExEdGeZ

  1. I'm guessing that these Lunar Landers are very Important.....Maybe they hold something of big Value....and Pack a Punch by Round 8? interesting...
  2. You never know I really would like to have a Trailer like Der Riese!.....but hey a guy can hope! and it's not long we only have like 5 days left!
  3. Please tell me your not serious.......Please! :facepalm:
  4. Nice Job on the Fan-made Trailer BlackOps Tiger XD and Kudos(??) to you Activision and Treyarch for making another good map..and remember like Josh Olin said on his twitter "what could Tomorrow hold" which is a Rhetorical question.... Leek!
  5. There will be a PaP I know there will be...hopefully we get some...clarification on things to come and possibly a Full Ascension Trailer...who knows what tomorrow will bring?
  6. You never know! maybe they will just do damage?
  7. Lol! Imagine if you will buying ALL the perks thats an Accumulation of like 10000 points (don't know how much the Stamin Perk is or PhD whatever its called) and those monkeys were to take ALL of them (might not happen but you never know!) you now have to spend 10000 more points to get them all but you might lose them Again the next time the monkeys come! Lol this is gonna be evil and fun at my virtual expense! XD
  8. Hi Jugga-Jugga! ahem anywho! This strategy guide looks alright might use it to help me finally get to LV 40!
  9. Are you sure their is going to be a Ascension Trailer?
  10. My Loadout is in the Sig...I never Put my name only names of....Distinction! XD
  11. Maybe and my maybe can be a big....no humongous thought but maybe just maybe a trailer will be revealed on the 27th maybe just maybe.....XD
  12. i think the video that syndicate did with the whole breakdown on map I believed he said that the monkeys wore different colors: Red=Jugga Green= Speedcola Yellow= Doubletap Blue= Quick revive and I saw a Monkey that was gray so I'm guessing its gonna be Stamin Up?
  13. We may or may not Treyarch is very sneaky!!!
  14. I will take the Challenge of these Zombies being Harder! P.S hi Jugga-Jugga!!
  15. It's a good theory and you might be true! but time will tell maybe! if we get a Full Ascension trailer we could know more! P.S lol you spelled richtofen wrong in your post but in your Sig you spelled it right.....lol... Leeks!
  16. Nope. I'm quitting. Good-bye CoDZ. Someone actually deleted my topic. It's gone. I got an E-mail saying I got a reply on it, but when I clicked the link it said I didn't have permission to view the topic. I went to the forum homepage, clicked Ascension, and my topoc entitiled "ASCENSION TRAILER!!!" was gone. Not on the first page where it should be. They deleted my post, well then. Bye. Unless I find what happened to my topic (i.e. Moved somewhere for being first :/) then this is my last post. Good - wait... No. BADbye. Its just a post...if you want to go and waste your time at Playthegame then go, but don't come wasting all the other members of CoDz with your whiny complaints... Anywho! I really want my Xbox to update like JD said it would..maybe we can have ascension on the zombies menu! ROFLCOPTER WITH LEEKS!!!!
  17. Our Patience was rewarded and we were not disappointed! Looks amazing! but is this all we get till the 27th who knows..? P.S. Thank You Jugga-Jugga!!!
  18. I will put a video up but right now i need to sleep gotta get up in two hours for school XD
  19. Just give it time maybe it will come later in the day remember to check the xbox for an update! we might see ascension on the zombies menu!
  20. Brains to you my friend, Look at the arrow its pointing to the power! maybe...
  22. Maybe treyarch is lazy right now......OR maybe....maybe they are busy.....making the Ascension Trailer!!! who knows but those are my two guesses.
  23. I really only thought that one rocket took off....guess not!
  24. Maybe? Maybe not! P.S. Nicceeee Tomahawk on the Launch Pad!
  25. It was said there is supposed to be a video for black ops Jan.27th on Game trailers...I will be there to look and see I will post it on here!
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