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Everything posted by YourdaWince

  1. I rarely play Solo. Ha. Online: Everyone stays at their own windows doing their own thing and saving up their points. And once the dogs come, the richest opens the downstairs door and everyone buys the MPL. I hear though that on round 3 unless you can see the box in the downstairs room, if you open the top door the box is always in there. IDK. Anywho, you fight off the dogs with the MPL and then you're good. Keep your MPL to get points. Now usually you can take turns for this, but two stay in the 'Fire Pit' room to save a crawler while the other two watch the front and fight off any zombies that come their way. Once everyone has enough, you travel through upstairs and go to the Stage. Hopefully you'll see the box along the way. Once on the Stage, you camp there with one person on the back window and everyone else watching the front; rotating each round to save from boredom. Zombies come single file and it's good. Dogs, ya-da-da. Once everyone has lots of money, and if you were lucky enough to find the box, you hit the power, link the teleporter, and go camp in the Fire Pit room. And so the fight gets campy there. :3
  2. The shoot a Friendly with the PaP'd Bow then rushing into six zombies does make sense. Haha. Aside from that, to me, I can picture Dead Ops being some sort of weird side story with Zombies. Like having it's own little campaign. I mean, I thought the "Trailer" on the gknova6 site or whatever seemed more of as a preview of random intro videos/cutscenes all on the different televisions. Horde of Zombies, doctor running from zombies, guy in a chair getting brainwashed, etc. To me, a lot of the stuff from the videos makes more sense to be different sets of videos, like a storylined set of cutscenes after points of the story.
  3. I definitely made a really good point with this in another topic awhile ago, but I think it got ignored. Hahaha. But I love this idea so much.. It's pretty sweet. But at the same time that does leave a door open for those guys who will be a-holes about it and just blast the doors closed before anything else and whatnot.
  4. If you get banned for constant rage quitting, I think it'd only be fair to make it like a day ban. Because otherwise, that seems somewhat out of handish. Other than that, idk. And Im glad they didn't have that in MW2 because the constant OMA Noobtubes had me rage quitting for the longest time!
  5. Sounds pretty legit. But I'll have to see it. :]:] Heh!
  6. :] I'll add my two quarters into this. Because I like quarters. I don't know what the hell a Grizz is. Or an Optic. I could care less why we need to include some bears and optic things into this conversation. I probably sound retarded, but that's how much I pay attention to the CoD community. :] Honestly, I hate everything about quickscoping. People who do it; me doing it; the fact that it exists; the fact that being scoped in for more than .5 seconds does get you yelled at for hardscoping. Thinking back, [i only started playing from CoD4], I never encountered a Quickscoper until MW2 like a few months ago. And then it suddenly became as big of a deal as microwaveable mac and cheese. It honestly doesn't process through my mind why it became so cool all of a sudden. To me, I honestly hate the sound of "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! *reload pause* BOOM! BOOM! AAAUGH! [death comes up]" If you suck at it, then don't do it. If you're good at it, then that's fine by me -- just don't make that big of a deal about it -- but a lot of the time I just hate hearing the sound of a sniper popping over and over again and no one kills anyone until they bust out their secondary and kill them. Especially in Search. Quickscoping in Search definitely has to be the most annoying thing in the world. Especially when they are the last one. Like for gods sake, just effing Hardscope! There's a mute button for a reason; you don't need to listen to anyone have a bitchfit over you hardscoping. Because that's what a sniper is for: Hardscoping. I'll shut up now.
  7. ^ That'd be tricky to keep an eye on. Haha.
  8. From what I understand, you get CP by just playing. Im sure it's like XP where the better you do, the more you get; even if it isn't much. Which is why Contracts are definitely a plus because you get however much they offer. Whether only XP, only CP, or even both. Wager Matches = Free For All only. Meaning no boosting with Tacs because you don't use your own classes; everythings already created.
  9. War is pretty much a different form of Domination. So depending on size of the map, there are Five Flags throughout the layout of the map; each team holding "two" [if big enough] and one centered flag. The objective is to capture the middle flag and whoever captures this flag progress into their enemies territory. Like the middle flag, you want to dominate the "war" by pushing your enemies backwards into their own area. So the more "flag bases" that you capture the less area your enemies have to move. But if they capture the flag closest to them, the counter resets and goes back to the middle flag. And so forth. :]
  10. Maybe War isn't included because like in one of the interviews; at least from what I can recall; that said the levels can be changed by how you want it. IE closing doors and windows and such. Making progression towards one direction easier for said team. Now that I've written that out, that actually sounds like a pretty stupid idea to reason with right now. :3
  11. Taking away the JSIP* is kinda stupid, because that's very lightweight like taking out JSIP for even randies to join. *Join Session in Progress ability
  12. That's actually pretty sweet. Im glad there aren't any more Nukes so people can't TI Boost with that, too. One thing I've thought about with TI's is that you have somewhat of a limit on them. I honestly don't really know how that'd be kept, but it's like you have a certain amount of TI's per game and can only use that many; even with Scavenger and stuff. Since most likely unlimited, I feel like you should have some sort of time penalty after you spawn to place a Tac Insert so you don't have that constant: Place > Get killed > Spawn and Place > get killed, etc.
  13. So from what I read as your view is: Shoot > Put them into Last Stand + you get the points for whatever it counts as. 1> If you kill them you get the kill points. 2> If someone shoots them, you STILL get the kill and the person gets an assist. Correct? I haven't seen it yet, however.
  14. The site is poor. Please donate; it helps out the site and could help with the chat coming back. But overall, even if a dollar, it's still a wonderful contribution. Hehe! But overall, Mikeh is correct.
  15. As why I said it was an example, my friend. I haven't played MP WaW in forever, so I don't remember anything. T's was an example. As I said in my post.
  16. I think people whining about "CAMPERS!!!" is ridiculous. The Players are Campers, so if you don't want them to return then don't play Multiplayer. It's just that obvious. And this kinda isn't a "What I DON'T want", but more of a fix to what was. I think, anyways. As for Perks, I think it'd be an interesting System to throw all the Perks into a sort of "Pick 3 Killstreaks" type of Menu where they are all listed on one page, but of course put them as their respective colors on said page. With that, you have to start from the top and work your way down, and to dodge just picking a "Marathon, Lightweight, Commando" class, it shuts off other perks as you pick down the list. Random List of first to come to mind Perks (IDC if they are in the wrong color, it's an example) [RED] Stopping Power Lightweight Cold Blooded Danger Close [bLUE] OMA Scavenger Marathon [GREEN] Commando Ninja Scrambler Sit Rep So say that's your list. For example if you pick Lightweight, it shuts off ones that can make this class overpowered. [RED] Lightweight [bLUE] OMA Scavenger [GREEN] Scrambler And if you continue down the list. You obviously picked Scavenger, so it takes out Sit Rep. [RED] Lightweight [bLUE] Scavenger [GREEN] Scrambler It takes out Sit Rep because of Scavenger, for example, you can camp with tubes and claymores and just listen out for footsteps. So that way, without SR you can't hear them coming. And without OMA, you can't fetch more tubes and claymores. I mean, if the person dies you get them, but if they dodge then it's like, "F. I'm out." And so forth.
  17. Not really. Haha. Im sure it was just to get the people who actually really really wanted the poster to freak out and tell the world. So Im sure that after the first week the phone number died just to keep us suspecting. As so. ;]
  18. Or RT means that he "Retweeted" WayneNoobton's Tweet, so it has Carbons name in front of it because he posted it on his own. :]
  19. If you wanna see stuff modded then check out youtube; it's pretty much shunned upon here to even ask to play Zombies modded. If you wanna do it then do it through PMs, otherwise don't talk about it and find your secrets normally.
  20. I think we can say Confirmed False until proven otherwise? Yes. Sounds good to me. Sorry friend.
  21. Honestly you guys; I don't wanna say "stop whining". But at the same time it's like, don't believe everything that gets posted. If you don't know if it's real or not, then it's better to not believe it than to believe it then get super pissed that it was just some "SoG Sean" causing all this drama again. Only believe it if it is proven true by a Reliable source. Otherwise, it's bull.
  22. @ Niho Haha. But anyhow, yea. I think people need not worry about things like Stopping Power because at the same time, we all use it. I mean, some perks are are just there and they work; why whine about something that works when you get killed by it? Just use it in return. The only thing excluding the rule is Noobtubes because everyone can use them so when you are constantly doing it it's like, "Man. WTF?!" but then when it happens to you then you are the one having the fit. It's pretty much like a see-saw effect. But anyways, I was thinking of perks and I think that Iron Lungs is kind of a stupid perk. Why not just make it so that Snipers can already breath longer? And Thermal? I personally don't see the harm in that.
  23. I think DLC weapons will kill people who don't have MPs. LOL.
  24. @Field: I think because he played as Group 935, the "person" messaged him about it, because Sean never did say what his GT was. But either way guys, come on. It's oblivious that this guys just out there to mess with all of us, and the fact that there were one or two replies to this telling Sean to back the Eff off was fine. But when it got to the point where it pretty much became a gigantic flamming/cussin him out topic, I think that's the point where everyone could have at least driven the line. It's bad that he even chose to do all this crap in the first place, but a part of me wants to say that it's even worse that all of you are really just choosing to gang up on him. Hell; I'd gang up on him if I knew the story, but ganging up on him only keeps this topic alive and keeps him running because he knows what ticks all of you off and that's why he keeps posting. I think the smarter thing to do would to just be, if you had an opinion [which by this topic everyone pretty much said the same thing; in nicer ways than some] then just thumbs up someone else's post. That way, you're pretty much agreeing with what they said, and it stops the constant posting of this topic which you ALL seem the hate with a passion. We've all reported it, so now we just have to wait for a mod to come on and close it. End of story. So stop feeding everyones fire and stop posting here. "Eeeh but you're posting here and feeding the flame!" Some stranger says to me. Im posting because Im making a point. Not cussing anyone out. Not pointing fingers. So shut up. Haha.
  25. Welcome to the site, friend! Haha. So I kind of immediately laughed when I saw your name and was like, "... HA! Thats what she said. ;] But yes!! Welcome, welcome! It's definitely always good to have more brains on the site.
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