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Everything posted by Ermac29

  1. Not to be rude but most of his assumptions are just....Lets say they made me roll my eyes and kinda smirk at disbelief... Not blaming you Op...Blaming the maker and commentator of the vid....lol
  2. There's no proof of that...
  3. Try not to take what vet members say too seriously. People think just because they're at a pc they can get away with stuff. But they soon realize that it's hardly ever that case. Never take what some says too personally. Something call centres have taught is "Never take what an irate customer is saying personal. They are not mad at you. They are mad at the situation." But welcome and I hope I can be of help one day. Remember, everyone was new at one point in time and know what you're going through ;)
  4. I have a question for everyone - What part of "Getting the death machines is the end" doesn't anyone understand? It's over. Done. These kinds of threads are getting really annoying all over the web. Youtube, callofduty.com/blackops, and this site as well. It's over. Done. The death machines is the end. Lets move on from this
  5. You're right about Discovery but it's location is somewhere in Russia. Kowloon is actually in Japan, not China
  6. This thread fails worse than a blonde trying to put white out on her computer screen to fix all the spelling errors she's made. But ends up spilling the bottle of white out on her white dress and insists on getting it dry cleaned because it left a big white stain!
  7. Best idea I've heard in a long time
  8. It has been proven this is NOT MW3. Go to kotaku.com. They don't lie
  9. I can honestly sit at my computer and look at the screen and tell y'all I have changed my clan tag to read GKn6. Always looking for possible new friends to play zombies with or demolition with. Who knows
  10. LOL I personally like the song. Like this image though lol
  11. It's not just you. It has been randomly kicking me from multiplayer matches. I too am getting the same error message. Treyarch is probably updating their servers or something else is wrong. Wish they would sometimes keep their community in the loop atlittle bit
  12. Looks better in real life than the game. Atleast some of us know the guns they use are real. Awesome frind
  13. It's not part of the node easter egg. It's clearly a glitch. Period. Deal with it and move on from this
  14. If they weren't shooting the DM's it would be easier to hear but it can be heard WHILE the screen is black and white during the screaming and not after.
  15. I would make that pic smaller or make it a link. Makes the page too wide Interesting. Maybe colour effect? Doubt any importance with his eyes showing green
  16. If only an official rep from Treyarch would give us a freaking clue here we could settle this debate once and for all. Unfortunately they won't tell us anything because they are too secretive that way. I say glitch. I fully believe getting the DMs is the end of the egg. Again, My opinion
  17. Where was the first outbreak? Der Riese. Under the map description when selected it says something like this is where it all began
  18. To me the article reads because the centrifuge spins randomly it was in use as the break out happened and the zombies killed the person inside at the time
  19. I checked Facebook and it appears they have a Facebook page. Still trying to determine if they are legit or just someone having fun http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Tank-Dempsey/179588822078491 http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Edward-Richtofen/188655721155224 http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Nikolai-Belinski/196146010412285 http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Takeo-Masaki/174827972562131 About Takeo's page, doesn't look legit but the others not sure about yet..
  20. This is well known right now if you youtube knife dead body. We're trying to get treyarch to fix it. Judging by your story it's not fixed...Yet...
  21. Anyone realize when they are freeing the man from Samantha's grasp (assuming it's her), you have already taken the lander to the last spot for the final part of the easter egg? Meaning when he's going up in the sky y'all have time to hop on the lander just before getting the Death Machine and before the power goes out. Basically I can forecast getting on the lander before everyone gets the DM and just before the power resets itself. Pretty sure it's possible. Can't try myself because my friends and I can't complete the dang egg at all..Getting frustrated over it
  22. Hmmm...Will have to TRY and watch this sometime
  23. We know this. However Treyarch seems to like to change their minds when it comes to Zombies and weapons they add to the box. Half the weapons in the bx right now are useless except the RPK, HK21, SPAS 12, CZ775 Dual and Single, Ray Gun, Thundergun, Commando, Galil All other guns totally and uterly useless Sniper rifles, really!? Crossbow & Ballistic Knife really!? Spectre blows goats..AUG is ok until later rounds but blows chunks.. This is MY opinion
  24. How where one of you or both able to have 5 perks at once? Thought you could only have 4 at once??
  25. Interesting. So from the Thundergun, Crossbow and Ray Gun 2 of the 3 need to be in play PAPed. Ok. Are the Matryoshka Dolls needed also? A friend of mine said they're needed to start the process of freeing the mystery man. Sorry for the questions but my friends and I are heart set on trying to complete this egg for the first time ever. Too many people saying different things
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