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Everything posted by Mesues

  1. I think the new species are the napalm and screecher or whatever zombies seen in the trailer and mentioned in the achievements
  2. Looks like a dinosaur. I wish the special rounfmd was killing crazy ass raptor zombies instead of monkeys
  3. If you haven't noticed, it's the same noise for every character. We don't care so why should treyarch
  4. To deal with the clothes/scratch/facial hair thing, can we get some pictures of each of the crew in all 4 maps that they've been in so far, and if you can, from shangri-la as well
  5. Serbia is a completely land locked country. Unless you meant Siberia. And i dont see why it was supoosed to be in England
  6. Other than what has already been said, ive noticed that there is now an odd crunching sounds when you kill a zombie by knife
  7. Nice work. At least some people know what they are talking about. I just cant help but point out that aztecs are from Mexico, not Asia.
  8. Why did treyarch put the gang in the black ops verison of necht der untoten and verruckt. it doesnt make any sense and doesnt fitin with the story. i assume the marines from nacht were overrun and killed and we know that dempsey was at verruckt with other marines, but was the only survivor. so what gives?
  9. He is saying that he thinks that the ship is Russian. It is, that's why it is in Siberia. I believe that it is still using the German teleporting technology that richtofen somehow replicated
  10. No it's not. If this isn't hacked, then the wunderwaffe is in the maps coding, and it's there for a reason
  11. I dont think Tank is saying that at all. It could be just a play on words, or a reference to the fact that he's a sociopathic butcher of humans
  12. Just as when ascension was released, I am confused about a big Easter egg. I've gathered that it has something to do with the old crew, but what is it exactly and does anything in call of the dead have to do with the previous Easter egg in which you either released yuri or gersch.
  13. What is the signature on the portraits of the four characters. The artist may be important if you can find out the name.
  14. The tunguska event happened in 1908, in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. It is thought (in zombies at least) that the meteor that hit had ununpentium in it.
  15. Yeah seriously, when does that happen?
  16. Its because the scientists who were at Ascension were experimenting with element 115, ununpentium. 115 is what powers the gersch device and it is assumed that they were also trying to implement it into rocket technology. Element 115 is what makes humans into zombies. So exposure to ununpentium is why we have zombies in ascension.
  17. I tripped on a duck once. Related story id say
  18. It would be pretty obvious if there were tropas coming home with the americans. The "enemy" they fight are the numerous targets all over the map. That doesn't help troops with proper field tactics and fieldcraft, that just helps them aim. I doubt they would bring some cubans back for target practice. And besides, Area 51 is an air base and aircraft testing center, not a training center
  19. "A group of troops aranged in a line". I feel like this could be the firing range zombie map. That of quarantine
  20. Well even in practicing military manouevres, they still need an enemy, sometimes the 'enemy' will go so far as to dress in native gear. They did it a huge amount during World War Two, some Brits playing the enemy would dress as the SS, and the regular army to add an element of reality. Even today, the army trains with people dressed as the enemy. I should know, i've done it a couple of times before. It still goes back to the old 3arch equation. Fun > Reality It would be pretty obvious if there were tropas coming home with the americans. The "enemy" they fight are the numerous targets all over the map.
  21. Cuba is an entire country, not just some little island. Im pretty sure you can get away with using planes and guns in at least some places. And i really dont feel like tropas would be near Area 51 or in Vietnam
  22. Because Cuba was part of the Cold War. It wouldnt matter if Cuba allowed it. The Americans occupied some parts of Cuba to use as a base. And why wouldnt there be jets? Well i can't find any evidence to support any American bases apart from Guantanamo bay. And if it was a 'secret' base, then the noise of a Jet engine spanking round the sky makes a hell of a lot of noise, especially the older ones from the 60's Guantanamo Bay was established in 2002. And do you know what black ops means? Secret operations, there wouldnt be much info on any bases. And its mot like Castro could hear every little noise in the country. Im exaggerating, but you get the idea.
  23. Just to make things simpler, whatever round it is determines how many knife hits it takes to kill a zombie. I.E. Round 1 zombies take 1 knife hit, round 2 zombies take 2 knife hits, round 99 zombies take 99 knife hits.
  24. Because Cuba was part of the Cold War. It wouldnt matter if Cuba allowed it. The Americans occupied some parts of Cuba to use as a base. And why wouldnt there be jets?
  25. Well, he hasnt gone to the bathroom in 24 years. Zombies or not, when you gotta go, you gotta go
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