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Classified Ending FOUND!


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In order to obtain the ending cutscene to Classified, you need to reach Round 150 in-map. This was found by TheGamingRevolution and his team with custom mutations on that allowed them to get close to R150 without experiencing a crash. Below are SPOILERS of the events that occur in the ending.



We see post-Moon Ultimis in a cage/cell still within Area 51. Takeo says that they saw the Earth get destroyed. Dempsey passes it off as "more time travel BS", then angrily asks how Richtofen got his body back, but Richtofen shrugs it off saying "does it matter?". Nikolai starts drinking vodka making light of the situation when through a portal comes Primis Nikolai and the rest of the crew, belittling U. Nikolai for drinking and instead asks if he wants to make a difference for once. Both Richtofens stare each other face to face with U. Richtofen saying "YOU...oh scheisse". P. Nikolai stands between them and tells Ultimis that all four of them must come with Primis and in time it will make sense. Sirens begin to blare that intruders have arrived on base (them). P. Nikolai continues explaining that there is a war that must be fought. U. Dempsey asks what kind of war, which P. Nikolai proceeds to mention "The Great War". End cutscene.


Some notes about this cutscene:


- Nikolai is running this conversation - not Richtofen, not the other Primis members, but him. We can assume this is directly after Blood of the Dead.

- Richtofen is back in his Primis attire, having discarded his Great War robes. 

- None of the Primis members have blood vials on them, confirming this is post-BOTD.


- Ultimis Richtofen recognizes his Primis self. Likely due to Zombie Richtofen's memories of him. (Recall that Ultimis Richtofen returns because his Zombie self from the comics touches him in Area 51, presumably giving himself his soul. This was found in a radio in Classified.)


- This is the first time Ultimis and Primis have met face to face. There is still the past Ultimis that finishes their time at Classified and go to the Moon; however, the Ultimis locked in the cell is them after Moon. Not sure of the actual time lapse between the events.


This was Blundell's sneaky way of answering the whole "divide the community" comment. This reward is realistically only obtainable by high round players. Clever. Unfortunately, it's near impossible to do given how often the game crashes.

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I'd be mad they have gotten this via custom mutations etc. but looking at the crashing mess this game is... ugh 

Can you imagine how much cooler this discovery would have been with an actual high round player getting it the legit way? 

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I think the "divide the community" thing is also about the Promise crew. Post or pro Blood of the Dead? While I agree with you @InfestLithium that it is post-BotD, I can also see some arguments about it being pro-BotD. For example, why is P. Richthofen in his own suit indeed, not in the Schwarze Sonne/ Ancient Order of the Keepers suit? I self assume this might be post-BotD, but perhaps not directly after it. Maybe a map or certain events happened in between

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Hey, at least the EE wasnt solved before the map came out. *cries in infinite warfare*


Honestly my only hope is that we get a map that has a pool of 8 playable characters. Imagine fighting the great war with both Nikolais, old Doc and young Dempsey. Or any combination of primis / ultimis. 


Definitely seems like primis didn’t teleport directly from Blood to Classified. (the portals you see them exit thru in blood aren’t the same ones in Classified.) plus Nikolai seems to be really leading the pack now, but at the end of Blood he was still kinda like “me? The kronorium?” 


Definitely feels like they’ve been up to some stuff since Blood. Maybe they just went to eat a can of beans in the woods while Richtofen changed clothes. 

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18 minutes ago, Electric Jesus said:

Imagine fighting the great war with both Nikolais, old Doc and young Dempsey. 

Why don't you mention good old Takeo? ? At least I like him more than the over-the-top-cool-hero, boring Dempsey. I'm interested in Takeos background as well. 


Why am I rambling about this...


Still curious why the rifts Primis use now are blue instead of Orange

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As much as I hate glitching, especially to be “Worlds 1st” what can you do.


Activision are the Publishers, I think this can fall back on them. Its like a book that unintentionally has pages missing, yet is released as a final copy. 


I await how Treyarch responds to this. 


PlayStation owners have questions that need to be answered as they are the exclusive/optimised platform. 


I have BO4 on both Xbox & PC and have only had a few crashes/errors from the start. 

They both still have lots of weird glitches that occur, but not outright crashes so often. 



This is what I consider should’ve been the “Cutscene” (not sure who got the highest 1st though)


This is a legit high round player


Player: scottiei3


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What a shame. If this game weren’t so broken Scottie or Steve probably would’ve gotten this cutscene first. I don’t necessarily blame people for glitching considering the state the game is in, but I wish it were someone other than TGR. He’s been nothing but an ass on twitter after the fact.

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9 minutes ago, Spider3000 said:

What a shame. If this game weren’t so broken Scottie or Steve probably would’ve gotten this cutscene first. I don’t necessarily blame people for glitching considering the state the game is in, but I wish it were someone other than TGR. He’s been nothing but an ass on twitter after the fact.

Agreed, this is the kind of “easter egg” that would have been solved by those least expecting it which would have been cool and good for the high round community. But oh well...

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12 hours ago, Spider3000 said:

What a shame. If this game weren’t so broken Scottie or Steve probably would’ve gotten this cutscene first. I don’t necessarily blame people for glitching considering the state the game is in, but I wish it were someone other than TGR. He’s been nothing but an ass on twitter after the fact.


12 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

Agreed, this is the kind of “easter egg” that would have been solved by those least expecting it which would have been cool and good for the high round community. But oh well...


It would’ve been soo good for Scottie or Steve to get that Cutscene.  (Pretty certain they are brothers?)


Steve is a multiple WR holder for NML. A Cutscene at Hanger 4 should’ve been his. Hahah. 

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