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Those days when You can't upgrade a bow.

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21 minutes ago, DilRobskii said:

I seem to always end up getting downed while trying to finish the storm bow. No matter how much I try to be careful, some days I just end up getting screwed no matter what I do.what round do you guys try to get the bow done. And care to explain. What you do? 

Which part does bring you troubles? 

Many people prefer to get a bow done in the low rounds before the Panzer comes around round 12. I just skip through the rounds and end up having a bow around round 25-30. Mostly because I fail a wall run step and come back after a few rounds later. I'm not patient enough to do a proper set-up. Besides, you don't need a bow so early on and you make more points using a gun anyway. 

If you must, leave a zombie alive and don't forget to get Juggernog and a shield. Or even the Gravity Spikes, but I never get them really early on. I don't want to wait for the rocket and die the round after, so I just make sure I'm geared up in one way or another. 

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1 hour ago, Koslans said:

Which part does bring you troubles? 

Many people prefer to get a bow done in the low rounds before the Panzer comes around round 12. I just skip through the rounds and end up having a bow around round 25-30. Mostly because I fail a wall run step and come back after a few rounds later. I'm not patient enough to do a proper set-up. Besides, you don't need a bow so early on and you make more points using a gun anyway. 

If you must, leave a zombie alive and don't forget to get Juggernog and a shield. Or even the Gravity Spikes, but I never get them really early on. I don't want to wait for the rocket and die the round after, so I just make sure I'm geared up in one way or another. 

That is... dont know what to say.... i thought your highest round is 30? If you play normal without saving a zombie you get all 4 bows done till 30.....

But back to topic:

For the storm bow: 

I think you have trouble in getting the shots after the urns are filled?

I never miss a shot in this step - the trick is to get the correct standing position... try every spot to get the correct position and aimpoint... 

E.g i take the "shadow" of a cable for the shot at double tap and aim for the highest red firepoint... at the rocket i use this rails(?) To remember the spot and aim that the arrow and the fireplace line up ...

If you have trouble filling them take alchemical with you... try to stay safe in this part - e.g. in the clocktower: stand on the stair (first 1-5) and dont in front of the urn so you have all in front of you...by the rocket do a full round to train them or use alchemical...

If you die in the last step use alchemical and run around the pyramid and don't stop shooting


If you are not able to wall run.... go back in the menu and do the "bonus" mode to learn how to use the game mechanic

And if you have trouble for ammo use alchemical.... if u are new and dont have access to it... play,play,play... you will get better every game and will understand how to do all this things..


Hope you understand the things i try to explain....

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My problem is always after I fill the urns. I can nail the one closest to the clock tower and the one down at the rocket site every time. But that far away one screws me big time. I've tried double tap area, spawn and even near the clock tower and I always seem to miss it. Even when I start the quest lighting the farthest one has always been a pain.  And I never get the gravity spikes. I cbf to get all the parts lol. I've never had problems keeping zombies alive and my strategy is to always get the shield and jugg by the latest as round 7. Sometimes I just get frustrated with that last bonfire and next thing ya know that last zombie has my shield broke and me dying 

Edited by DilRobskii
Forgot to add something.
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Been a long time since I was downed while upgrading the bows, in either solo or co-op I tend to go for the storm bow but if someone else has called dibs or managed to pip me to the post getting the initial part (after shooting the vane) then I'll settle for the wolf bow. I tend to get it done ASAP but people still suck so much at feeding the dragons that it's quite common to not get the basic bow until round 10 when I play with randoms :lol:

A few tips for the storm bow in co-op, for parts people tend to struggle with:

Always get the shield - if a zombie sneaks up behind you while you're trying to shoot one of the bonfires then you're covered for a few seconds and have time to react.

Practice makes perfect and look for reference points on the bonfires - for example, on the one closest to the KRM I stand in front of the KRM right up to the low wall, and aim to be level with the tip of the mountain just to the left of the bonfire, and with the one that you shoot from the rocket area I stand on the top of the stairs and aim at the tip of the mountain above/behind the bonfire. The one near the clock tower you can just do by sight, easiest one for sure.

With the wall runs, I always start at the entrance to the area (if you were coming from the church) by running up the mound of dirt and jumping off it like a ramp. As you're coming up to a corner turn, it always works better to turn slightly early as this makes you cling to the wall as you go round if you're already facing that direction.


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For the one at the Rocket Test site, stand in front of the truck that has the teddy bear inside of it and aim up at the pyre. Use the inside angle of the arrow, the part just under your hand, and align that with the sloped side of the pyre. 

For the pyre near Double Tap, pull back the bow and walk down to the small courtyard near the broken bridge. Stand next to the KRM wallbuy and aim at the pyre. Move your aiming reticle up so that it is in line with the mountain top to the left of the pyre and fire.

Follow these steps and you won't miss. I can provide photos of where you need aim if you wish. 

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15 hours ago, Nieno69 said:

That is... dont know what to say.... i thought your highest round is 30? If you play normal without saving a zombie you get all 4 bows done till 30.....

But back to topic:


Yes. Thirty-ish, I think it's 34 at the moment. At the time I finally craft a bow it's pretty much end-game for me. 

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9 hours ago, InfestLithium said:

You don't know Hell until you've tried hitting the burning Apothicon symbols with the Fire Bow at least 30 times per game.

At 500 points a pop, you're gonna have a bad time.

I actually enjoyed it. That part at least. Waiting for the rocket or low gravity is pretty boring. 
Jumping all over the map while the rounds skip ain't so bad... Besides, what would you spend all that money on anyway? 

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To save some time, walking, or eventual frustration on the KRM pile shot, you can hit the charge shot from the window next to the workbench. stand far left side of the window and look farthest right as you can. Aim the crosshair center at the spot on the smoke where the red/orange meets the gray. leaving a crawler or slow zombie is recommended because a running zombie can push you into a corner trap on the bench.

Also its completely unnecessary to do this, but in a solo game where you take your time, get a useful double points, the right step sequence, you can have the upgraded storm bow by the end of 6 if you get a round 7 dogs. takes quite a bit of luck and planning but it can be done. its helpful if trying to do ee or something, but rnd 12 is really the earliest before any true ee progress can be made anyways. 

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On 20/04/2016 at 2:47 AM, skywhale0 said:

To save some time, walking, or eventual frustration on the KRM pile shot, you can hit the charge shot from the window next to the workbench. stand far left side of the window and look farthest right as you can. Aim the crosshair center at the spot on the smoke where the red/orange meets the gray. leaving a crawler or slow zombie is recommended because a running zombie can push you into a corner trap on the bench.

Also its completely unnecessary to do this, but in a solo game where you take your time, get a useful double points, the right step sequence, you can have the upgraded storm bow by the end of 6 if you get a round 7 dogs. takes quite a bit of luck and planning but it can be done. its helpful if trying to do ee or something, but rnd 12 is really the earliest before any true ee progress can be made anyways. 

How round 12? I began the Keeper Bow kills on round 11 yesterday, and completed the EE on round 17. Could've done it earlier if I didn't go through rounds for better weapons

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1 hour ago, Greer said:

How round 12? I began the Keeper Bow kills on round 11 yesterday, and completed the EE on round 17. Could've done it earlier if I didn't go through rounds for better weapons

I think he didn't notice the extra Panzer spawning in. The normal one comes around round 12. 

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  • 1 month later...

Randomly added quote deleted...(?)


One trick for that DT2 bonfire: carry the charged shot up to the death ray wundersphere, fling over to rocket test site, shoot from next to rocket pap. Very close, very easy to hit. If you miss, it's annoying, but it's hard to miss from that close. 

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