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Back...and still a nuisance ;)

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Hello again everyboodddyyyy!!

I am back and my spork is golder than ever!

For those of you who don't know me, I am not new to this family. I just had to take some time away to deal with some IRL matters. As you all may know, CoDZ, and other things can become giant distractions from real life situations that we should be taking care of. Which was the case with me. So I felt it was best to put aside things here and elsewhere for a few months.

But for the most part, the gears are now up and running and I am back. Happy to be back too!

I had envisioned this day, CoDZ, the day of my return, for quite some time. And I am relieved to be here once again with my fellow slayers. I only wish I had something to bring you upon my return other than just this topic...and of course my beautiful face of which you cannot see...And I thought long and hard of what I could bring you guys. Perhaps a new and enlightening post that you all could dive into. But I thought and thought and I realized I must have gotten writer's block or something because I could not for the life of me come up with anything. My apologies guys. However I do have an idea for something of a...written series...so to speak...for you to enjoy. I'll be working on that shortly. So stay tuned! Who knows, i may actually create something interesting for a change. :)

Anyways, not only have I been absent from this community, but also from most of the gaming world in its entirety. For instance, I just became aware of the whole Exo survival thing in AW with the "zombies".

My point: I have been very "out of the loop" for quite some time now so just be patient with my zombies rehabilitation for a few weeks or so. I may say something or ask something that has become common knowledge around here. If that should occur, please don't frown upon me, laugh at me, or kill me. Much appreciated . <3

But no worries, I shall be poking around the forums in search of new information and findings in zombies so I can avoid this.

On another note

Congratulations to our Olympics winners!!!!and once again, I apologize for having to withdraw. Hopefully you guys will do another one so I can participate more fully in it. :)

Thanks for your time and understanding, CoDZ, and I look forward to the discussing, debating, learning, and even just the messing around that this amazing community has to offer.

With blood, brains, and spleens...


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Hi thegoldenspork115,

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  • Have a twitch account? Why not add your own stream
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All the best, the CoDz's forum team.

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