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Everything posted by Tattoo247

  1. Well now we know for sure it's 1918. Taken from Call of Duty Black Ops facebook page "Northern France, 1918. The archaeologists of the Reich unearth an ancient evil beyond their wildest nightmares. Check back next week when Treyarch reveals the opening cinematic of Origins, coming August 27 with Black Ops 2 Apocalypse, first on Xbox Live."
  2. MOTD and Buried are really easy to hit high rounds for me. Die Rise and Tranzit though, I am cursed on those maps for some reason, I always die on 29 or 39, I can never seem to cap it off I really feel like Buried is picked straight of out BO1 map wise, which explains why I can play it so well. W@W and BO1 I can go into higher rounds with less of a problem than when I play BO2. So I would say I am the opposite, I feel good when I get round 30 on Tranzit or Die Rise, otherwise no, rounds 40-50 are impressive on the other maps.
  3. Can't remember if this has been brought up, but if the big guy is in the middle of doing something, you can knife him in the butt to speed him up. The paralyzer cannot hurt the big guy, nor does it make him run to his cell. Also shooting him with it while he is trying to run in his cell will stop him so someone can stand in his cell before he gets there.
  4. Sugar shot! It's written on his knuckles :roll:
  5. W@W- Der Riese, it was just a great map and I think it was the real hook that brought people back in BO1. BO1- Ascension, super open map that made it easy for four players. The EE was cool, but wasn't required and the characters had the coolest costumes. BO2- Buried. Because I can stand in one spot for 60 rounds with out making a crawler or buying ammo/weapons. If I had to choose a map you actually had to try at, I would say Nuke town zombies. We still don't know everything about it, I like the BO1 feel and it's my favorite MP map turned zombies.
  6. They sure picked an awful time to reference their founding year. In a game where time is really hard to keep track of, any date or time period structure should all point to in game references. The homage thing would be more believable if it were in the campaign, or a MP map, I can't agree with the OP.
  7. I don't see the N4 having the lasting power the O4 has, I can still put in W@W or BO1 and laugh my ass off at the same old quotes I've been hearing for years. In a 3-4 hours game of BO2 I may laugh a few times at quotes. They have better (or more I should say) story than the old four, but that could be changed easily. They are not comical enough for me. I can't say for they are dead, but if they are, it won't bother me in the least, even though I thought Misty should survive, she is the only one who looks like a survivor. That's the other thing, not believable that Marleton,Stu and Russman could be candidates for this task, so old and out of shape and Marleton....I won't even start on him. They were ok while they lasted, but I always just wanted to play the old crew, and now I get to.
  8. There should be a grey answer somewhere in the poll. I feel like they delivered a good game, but it is so full of bugs and glitches that sometimes I wonder why I play it over and over. It crashes, freezes, the sound bugs out and sounds so bad, my textures screw up in high rounds, which scares me into thinking I need to suicide to prevent another crash. That last part is something that should never be said about such a big title like call of duty. I spent I don't even know how many hours getting to 60 on buried last night, I wanted to pause, take a break and continue but all the textures on the wagons and the wagon wheels started turning a rainbow color (what does it mean?!?!) so I got worried I would crash and have it not count on the solo boards, so I killed myself when I could have went further. The reason I still play is simple, I want to see the end of the story. I paid a season pass when I preordered the game, I waited and went for the midnight release. I am super loyal to treyarch but they dropped the ball a little with the consistency of the games playability. To put it simple, it's like driving a Ferrari that has engine issues. The car looks great, but runs not so great.
  9. Loved the way you formed the post! And can agree with most of it. I fall in the middle of kiting, yes it's boring, but it's necessary for me to get far, except buried where I just stand in the jug hall, now THAT is easy. And also, what keeps me coming back would be the story, as lacking as it was in the beginning, it's finally started to grab my attention again, after MOTD release. This is one of these stories where someone comes a long and PERFECTLY lays out an explanation, only to have it shattered by the next maps story content, I love it. Story first, the community second, the only two things I appreciate about this game other than the fact that it exists. Without the story, we wouldn't be here, without us (mostly you old timers on the site) there would be no story...I just find the balance to be really special compared to a lot of other games. Anyway, great read, great post, thanks for taking the time to write it. I don't know what brains are or their importance, but you can have mine if it means anything :lol:
  10. I will say one thing Oro, in those high rounds, the Mark 2 runs out of ammo quick...the regular ray gun still have the advantage on that. In the jug hall on the 50 rounds, it would last less than five minutes for me.
  11. I can use the Mark2, until the early 50s. Even with the overkill upgrade, it would leave their bodies alive after shooting off their head. So to anyone who says claymores are useless in those rounds, they are really good for killing the headless zombies. For some reason on Buried, even if they have no head and are still coming, they wont die with a knife/knuckle hit.
  12. I was told that in buried, you have the least amount of box weapons, so that would give you the best chance in landing on the RGM2 right? I usually get it after taking 3-4 weapons out of the box in a row no matter what they are, you'll get the box upgrade and increase your chances of getting higher quality weapons.
  13. I wish it were like sonic and knuckles, where you could take your BO1 disc, and stack your BO2 disc on it so you could play both games with different characters. Maybe if I tape my discs together, it will reveal the secrets of the zombie universe. Oh, and I don't think maps are coming back, they said this is the final dlc for this game. Final is final, not saying 3arc can't use wordplay, and I'm not even saying they aren't capable of lying but my advice would be get used to not seeing any port maps.
  14. Masvita's younger sister duhhhh....
  15. Would be cool to see Nacht as the missing piece to the puzzle. If it's in the map, that makes three buildings...which is treyarchs favorite number. A lot of governments would build "dummy" locations of a place of importance so their soldiers could practice and get to know the building/area before they were deployed for their mission. Nacht could have had some great importance and we're seeing each country's testing ground to perhaps storm the real Nacht.
  16. You don't get hellhounds in Tranzit, because that would just break the maps experience. Imagine a round starting by accident and you are left in the fog, or the cornfields with denizens and now hell hounds, which run faster, attack faster, and do explosive damage upon death.... And to give my opinion on the topic, if we have a max ammo round whatsoever, it will either be diesel punk oriented, or perhaps we'll have to face off against the opposing army for a round, that might be cool.
  17. I prefer the comic style, still frames with voice overs. It's a dying style these days and they pull it off so well. MOTD had an amazing introduction, but it just goes to show how far off the map is compared to the rest of the game. That, or they were just staying parallel to the COTD cinematic intro. I do think, Origins will have a cinematic introduction just because of the teaser we saw, of the guy running through the trenches and gets crushed. Loving the atmosphere this map is giving, its going to be very WaW feeling I am hoping.
  18. A collaboration between the two would be sick. Let them go back and forth, a battle in the song itself :D
  19. If you are a fan of the band, of course you'll be excited. If not, then I guess you can side with MMX Even if the song was written pre map release, I bet my whole bank that people will be analyzing the lyrics anyway. Like on "Buried alive" song they say "walk through the fire, taking steps until I find solid ground, climbing dreams reaching higher, couldn't survive the fall"....sounds like transit and die rise to me but guess what...this song was release WAAAY before those maps, just an example of how easy it is to over think things.
  20. They really love the color blue and green....everything in this game is green :mrgreen:
  21. Well don't ask me how, but what if Der Riese IS the giant robots? There were three teleporters in Der Riese, three Giants that we can see. But I don't even know if that facility was built in 1917 so I'm probably wrong. But it would be pretty cool to see our old map actually be a collective robotic facility that was alive pre outbreak.
  22. Oh goodness, I had not even thought about the frame rate.... I can't even kill a full horde on buried without holding my breath, hoping I don't kill another teammate or lock my console. Now we have a quite impressive back ground and who knows what else...guess every map needs some food for the trolls :roll:
  23. I thought Der Riese was the second outbreak? Then verruct/nacht, but apparently, Origins being first. I do somewhat like the idea that Rictofen is Samantha, and they went back in time to change something. There are lots of problems with this theory of course, like why wouldn't she just go back in time, and put a bullet in her own head... It's really a headache trying to make sense of it at this point, there just isn't enough for us to go off of yet. I do enjoy all the theories though, some good points and ideas I hadn't considered.
  24. You're right about Nikolia not needing the vodka, he was an unstable experiment and they balanced him with infusing him with vodka, thus he isn't only an alcoholic, he literally needed it to sustain whatever was done to him. I am sure however, that he will have atleast one reference to vodka, it is a popular Russian liquor after all Maxis also studied on human subjects, animal too. Richtofen studied the more electronical aspect of their research, so you sort of have that backwards. Rictofen would torture patients, and had his personal quarters for the experiments, but most human interaction was ordered by Maxis. His alter ego however, was more concerned about teleportation, and the vrill artifacts that he had stumbled upon.
  25. I'm guessing it was only for promotional purposes, to emphasize the fact we are in mid battle, with an Army of some sorts. There was a helicopter on Die Rises poster, yet we never saw or heard of any. If they are indeed put in the map, and are not for cosmetic purposes, perhaps they will give us care drops in the form of perks or power ups.
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