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Everything posted by Caddyman

  1. if your all together on round 40 what do you do? camp? run 4 trains in one area? it is inevitable in later rounds you will have to split up to survive. in die rise though, when moving about the map, it is a good idea to travel in 2's in case someone misses a jump or something.
  2. agreed bobane. when camping the remington room, its nice to have it there in case someone needs anothe gun mid round. pap with dt2 and speed it is a monster.
  3. good points matt, my preferred setup is... jugg, mule kick, double tap, who's who. pap'd PDW - i run the dragon room, i always have ammo. pap'd an-94 - awesome ammo capacity. pap'd hamr - in a perfect world i get this from the box, crazy ammo and decent reload time. strategy, use the an-94 and hamr first, always, leaving the PDW as a last resort should i run out of ammo. if i do, i use the pdw and get ammo if needed, this doesnt happen a lot. awesome players use the ray gun and mustang and sally, im not awesome, splash damage scares me lol, so i dont use them. if you run the buddha room you dont have a wall gun so you need to learn to use that trample steam to get up there and buy ammo....it sucks. well pin a rose on your nose....heheh lol, really though, i don't think i have ever sat up there with a PAP's anything, ever. sounds doable though.
  4. i am not a pro but... play with people you have more confidence in. get who's who, learn the mechanics of how it works. just do it, the more your practice the more you learn and easier it gets. the thing that helped me the most with learning to train is realizing that there can only ever be 24 zombies behind you at one time. idk why but this really helped me calm down and focus and not freak out lol. you can camp with a big ammo weapon up in that no spawn corner, you better have speed cola at least cause you will need to reload fast. but camping alone will only get you so far, for me round 12-15 at max. then you are going to have to train if you're by yourself.* as far as camping though, with speed cola, get a pap hamr, rdp, and an-94 and blow through that ammo, learn to put the trample steam on the broken pillar to fling yourself back up and grab an94 ammo between rounds. these things will help. *depends on how many zombies you get as opposed to the other 3 players, you will have to train eventually though.
  5. kiting/training saves a heck of a lot of ammo. i always train but in the dragon room its tough with the slow walkers, if i try to pick off the walkers i waste a lot of ammo.
  6. DT2 doesn't use more ammo, it doesn't use 2 bullets per shot, it actually splits your 1 bullet into 2 as it comes out. so for all intents and purposes, it doubles your ammo/damage capability. to test buy a sniper rifle and ADS with DT2. shoot 1 bullet. you will have 1 less bullet but see 2 trails from the 1 bullet that left the rifle. see the updated emblem for DT2.0 it actually splits the bullets.
  7. agreed, if you have a bullet gun, double tap is a huge perk to get.
  8. wasn't it said you need to have a team member go DOWN in the buddha room and be revived by the ballistic knives or was that disproved?
  9. it works until your trample steam breaks. i don't like this method cause they will break and if you are not a pro player you will get over run not expecting the onslaught. for crawler rounds, IMHO, it is best to keep a fresh trample and drop it in the middle of your area and run around it. 4 people can do this anywhere, separate or apart, and it's easy. i have learned to not rely on tramples for cutting off routes cause they will break. best camp spot IMO is the remington room all day. 1 main access point with 3 people to cover, 1 person covers the back, have an escape route should things go bad. ETA: if you watch youtubers, like chopper or whoever you see where the good spots are. for 4 players you need to camp all 4, get around 25k points each, hold some walkers, everyone run around, get perks, gets guns, get everything, then go to your spot and kill zombies. then don't stop. then have a PLAN for when someone goes down, how to get them back in the game.
  10. if you run the dragon room the pdw or svu is the best cause you always have ammo. this thread is about the galil, mtar, and an. of the 3 i want the an, more ammo. the mtar is big and ugly, that matters to me haha. the galil is great, but not enough ammo. when im "setup" i have a packed an and a packed pdw in the dragon room. i use the an first until i run it dry should i not get max ammo's. then i switch to the pdw. somewhere in there i should get a max ammo, if not, it's not super hard to get a full train and go buy pdw ammo upstairs. off topic but one thing i have tried and started to notice maybe was i will not get a max ammo unless i really need it, i let them go away/avoid them when not needed. i feel like i get more max ammos later when i do this....probably in my head though.
  11. i think my first zombies was five at the end of the campaign or whatever. i have a bad memory lol. i played a few rounds of moon with friends too, i was much more into multiplayer then. when blops2 came out i was still into MP, I am in a clan with 50 people in it, and we play a lot of hardcore tdm. then i started playing zombies, and that is all she wrote, my clan members are pissed lol....no more mp for me, or very rarely.
  12. right, it would almost be worth it to get rid of your pdw, buy it again, and pack it again to avoid getting that annoying MMS sight...lol i hate that thing! i really don't need to see the zombies behind the walls.
  13. i would say 1 of the 3 guns you might have can be packed again. probably 1/2 of the guns in the map can be packed multiple times. it is not a fix, but it is a workaround.
  14. the most common way for it to go away, on xbox, is to get past round 15. once round 16 starts you will hear the "upgrade go away" noise and not have perma-jugg anymore. eta: it will persist through games though if you for whatever reason do not lose it. there may be other ways to lose it like going down X amount of times but the round 15 one is for sure. so really you can obtain perma-jugg in round 1 solo, then quit the game, and start a new game already having perma-jugg.
  15. FTFY I do like camping a lot, especially in die rise. It's great for getting enough points to be setup and once it gets too bad you go to your "spots". That is what we tend to do. thedoubleglock showed my friends the "remington room" which is a great spot to camp with a good team you can go to round 30ish in there. once you are that high you should be setup and be able to go to your respective spots.
  16. whenever i get on a elevator i jump as much as i can, idk if it speeds it up but in my mind it does lol rounds 1-12ish i stack points in the dragon room, then leave and get setup. when i do this, i keep a bunch of zombies alive and unharmed to ensure they dont die off while im running around. by a few i mean like 3 full health zombies at least. also, as far as zombies dieing and such, the crawlers/jumping jacks will not die if you run away, so kill all but one and run all you want, they will just follow you.
  17. yes on xbox samuel hears strange noises sometimes, like zombies robot moaning type stuff.
  18. not sure then. I thought was interesting was this. just tonight I was using sallys to kill them, 4 players, they were all using tramples. I missed a shot, right after I killed 2 with 1 shot, and sure enough we got the perk drop. weird.
  19. Webre getting off topic but there are many bugs. The other night I after round 20 solo whenever I put down a claymore it exploded immediately, like in my hands, but I didn't take damage from it. It was really weird.
  20. The perk requires 100% accuracy, that is it, you must have missed. Mustang and Sally are great for getting the free perks, one shot kills.
  21. had a random tonight go into the buddha room confusion glitch and he stated rictofen pushed him out and laughed at him. confirmed.
  22. it would be too weird playing with another person named Chase -Chase
  23. because of the mechanics of the game it can be hit or miss. let me preface this with saying that since die rise is so compartmentalized the avergae player usually has an "area" they like to stay in. once you are setup with guns and perks, etc, you run the buddha room, or the dragon room, or roof, or sweatshop, etc. if you play enough you learn pretty quick if you go down HERE you will spawn HERE. that said... in solo WW pretty good. game mechanics. you go down, the zombies just kind roam around for a second not sure what to do. this is great because WW will spawn you away so if you spawn and start running/moving away from that horde you will surely be ok. in multiplayer is is not so great. game mechanics. if you go down the zombies leave you and sprint to the next closest player. that path they are sprinting in just may be where WW spawns you, this creates a problem for most people. example: i run the dragon room in multiplayer. if i go down there with WW on with a horde around me it will spawn me toward the bottom of the escalator under SVU-AS and it takes like 3 seconds or more from down till i have control. that is 3 seconds the zombies have to leave my downed self and start running for the next guy. the only way to get there is straight at that bottom of the escalator area, this sucks. the only variance to this is sometimes the zombies will continue to trample your dead body, this happens sometimes, this gives you extra time to get clear. like many of you i HATED who's who, i thought it was the dumbest perk ever, but now that i can kinda predict what will happen it is really great and i get it everytime.
  24. which of the fake loading screens are you talking about, it's ok to name which one.
  25. i thought ninezerowill may have been booted from the site after a post elsewhere here, looks like he is still here. i have played with him a few times and he seems decent to me. what i find funny though is, this thread was started with regard to offending people with the term "rape" and in the post im talking about above he goes apeshit on stop mocking me, cursing and saying some pretty offensive stuff....lol ah life!
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