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Everything posted by MF_MaxiMillion

  1. I just got myself a free perk from the ghostly b*tches. As soon as I got in the Mansion, I started punching these women in the face with the Galva Knuckles. Until eventually, I dropped down to the tree-area (on your way to the maze) and one of them dropped a Perk. They also stopped spawning for a while. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but in any case, we now know you get the free perk from going melee on them. (WARNING: These women will take all your money!) Also, I found the NavCard in the Mansion!
  2. I just got it after falling off a high building. I'll test it out on TranZit and Die Rise later!
  3. DOODS! I just got amazing news! People that are playing Buried right now are getting a Green Smoke from jumping off high platforms. And guess what it does? It gives you all the PHD Flopper effects! Proof video was submitted by someone from Youtube, it's not mine and I don't even know this guy so I'm not promoting him either. We need to discuss about this, NOW!
  4. New record is Round 33, guys! Two more days until the contest is over. For y'all that aren't able to download the map pack already, you should consider giving this challenge a try!
  5. 34% in 40 minutes? FML... I hate how my Xbox can't download as fast as on my computer.
  6. Who cares about the Pack A Punch? I just saw my favorite perk Stamin' Up in there! Whoooooooooooooooooooooo!
  7. Sup, doods? Tomorrow Buried is coming out and I'm excited about discovering the new things with you lot. Something that I wanna show to you guys right now are the new guns available in the map. (These images come straight from http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Crazy_sam10/Buried_new_weapons_and_map_load_screens_revlealed_%2B_possible_addition_of_Mule_Kick) In their post they show some interesting images of Buried that were (apparently) included in the PC Update. These images revealed some of the new weaponry: The first one is this Western-looking revolver called the Remington New Model Army, and the other is our new wonder weapon called The Paralyzer. With the return of Mule Kick, I'll be looking forward to have the new ray gun, the LSAT off the wall & The Paralyzer all at once! So what do you think about these new weapons? Does the wonder weapon seem too overpowered to you? I personally think it's what the Jet Gun should have been... Heads up, here's the loading screen of Buried! Seems like the map is placed around the South of Africa, it has Grief & Turned modes and ... is that Der Riese in the corner right of the loading screen?
  8. It's always a possibility that Microsoft screwed you over like that. If in any case, you could try to boot up the local game as you're online and then hit offline when you're about to start. But I'm not sure if you'll still be able to get the Ray Gun that way...
  9. Ditto. Turned would be fun to play if it didn't affect my downs and rank. And inb4 saying the rank isn't important, I'm just saying I don't want over 10.000 downs just from playing tag as a zombie. But I doubt they'll even add anything other than the new Ray Gun & Buried. The addition of the Mark II included in all past maps gives about enough replay-value, to be fair.
  10. All the perks look different. They have all have two background colors now. DT 2.0 has red mixed with orange. Speed Cola has green with dark green.. and so on. They do look better to be honest.
  11. This was just a theory, but it's obvious now that you didn't need the Season Pass to get it. In fact, everyone that updated their game can still get it now if they play offline. You might wanna go and try it if you have this many question about the new gun. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=152&t=33077
  12. Sup, doods? I got some awesome news for y'all who didn't get to play with the new wonder weapon. Earlier today, me and my friends realized that the Mark II must've come within the new update... and that the only thing preventing us from using it now is a hot-fix. Nobody can use it online, however... You know where I'm getting at, right? You can still get the Ray Gun Mark II in Local/Offline play. I just tested it out on most of the maps and eventually got it. Even if it's not online and you can't brag about it with other players, it's still pretty fun to play with it. So here's a SUPER DETAILED INSTRUCTIONAL TUTORIAL on how to get the Ray Gun Mark II for free: Step 1: Log out of Xbox Live Step 2: Go to Black Ops 2 Zombies, play Local and select your map. Step 3: Spam the box like crazy and enjoy. Bam. Free DLC, like it's supposed to be. If you're a PS3 user or you're away from the Xbox right now, you can check out my gameplay video showing off the new gun here. You're welcome!
  13. It's highly likely that we will use the Die Rise NavCard on Buried. Even if the time-frame turn out to be around the 19th century, it's very possible. But... I have this feeling that there won't be another NavCard for the N4 this time around.
  14. I've noticed not too long ago that the new update on Xbox 360 makes the perk icons look different on Mob of the Dead. The most noticeable change is Double Tap 2.0. It has a sort of red glow to it now... Go see for yourself. I doubt its any significant, but I just wanted to tell you doods about it.
  15. Definitely not the only one. I believe Buried will be a great map to play on and have many things to offer us (gameplay-wise). It's just that some people really don't know what the hell is up with the storyline. All we've been doing is powering up towers as an Easter Egg and then mess around with these "time rifts". When I first played TranZit, I was worried all the future maps were gonna be terrible since the whole planet got nuked... I, too, wish that they came up with better locations. But it's just not possible after what happened on the Moon...
  16. I heard about this before somewhere... but I doubt Buried is placed in that location. Buried is an underground "Western" town, though. Not a cemetery. The scene you saw in the trailer was merely the graveyard in front of the Mansion.
  17. "In Buried, return to processing." When I think about that, I believe we'll have to return to one area of the map that may be different than before after doing the main Easter Egg? Kind of like Area 51 after the rockets explode....
  18. I understand you completely. But what you have to realize is that none of us can get really excited about Buried when we haven't seen much from it. Mob of the Dead had its own trailer, coverage and gameplay videos up before the map even came available to us. That's how people got excited about that map, yet most of the people I know eventually said that they dislike Mob of the Dead after playing it. The Zombies team know how to keep things a mystery, they don't show any more footage than 30 seconds when revealing their new creation. We caught a glimpse of the new ray gun, ghosts, and a Hillybilly that will supposedly help you out. That doesn't sound appealing at all... But I know there's gonna be a lot more to it, they just don't wanna show it yet. The achievements hint out some crazy stuff like being able to pack-a-punch at Round 1, getting the LSAT off the wall and more. I know that I will have a fun time discovering all of these things, even if the map does look boring. (being underground and all...) My point is that you can't tell if it's gonna be any good unless you've played it, or you've seen the entire map and all its secrets. It just sucks to be a PS3 user because you'll spoil all those things for yourself once people start to make videos about it...
  19. I guess the first thing people are gonna do is open the bank? In the trailer, it did seem like you could get to it pretty early. I'm having this "Meh" feeling about Buried now...
  20. Me neither. Though I'm pretty sure that NEW is just indicating there's something "new" if you rotate the Earth all the way to the left. It's not necessarily pointing at the outer space...
  21. I guess I am the 1% that's still able to get it then? The box doesn't show it as it's rolling, and it's super rare to get it. But it's still there as I had just played another Nuketown game with the Mark II.
  22. Because I'm a die hard Killer Instinct fan like that.
  23. Pew pew pew. That's right, y'all be hearing that new laser gun everywhere now. In case you didn't know yet, the Ray Gun Mark II is available to (I believe...) all Season Pass holders right now. It's in the box, and it's very rare to get. eQK-UZDF-5s So, after using it on a few maps, here's what I think about the new Ray Gun so far: On regular survival maps, getting the new Ray Gun isn't gonna change your game dramatically. I was hoping we could use both the regular Ray Gun and the new one at the same time, but it's not possible. However I recommend you to pick the new one over the old, since it doesn't do the one thing that everyone hates about the regular Ray Gun: killing you. There's no splash damage whatsoever and that's why the new Ray Gun is a great addition, even on the Survival maps and TranSh*t. I can also tell you that the Mark II is more powerful, but uses a lot more ammo since it's a 3-burst gun. If you start shooting the Mark II at every single zombie you see, you can guarantee you'll be out of bullets fast. With that being said, this gun is great for training Zombies. Not perfect though, as you need to line up your zombies close to each other. It's possible to kill an entire horde with merely 3 bullets, but it's extremely difficult to do so and you'll most likely end up using half of your clip. Getting the Mark II on Die Rise and Mob of the Dead was surprisingly easy and does change the game a lot. Combine this gun with the Sliquifier and the AN-94 on Die Rise, and you'll be safe for a very long time. Also in Mob of the Dead (And even Grief: Cell Blocks) the Mark II becomes extremely effective against Brutus. It can also replace the Blundergat just fine, in case your other team mates already robbed you from it. Anyway, that sums up about everything I can say about it. I really wish they put more ammo in this baby, 'cuz I just wanna shred the zombies without running out of bullets so quickly. Let me know what you think of the new Wonder Weapon!
  24. It's true. I've got footage of it, but I'm still making the video about all the new update secrets & Ray Gun Mark II gameplay. This persistent perk you get by spamming the box causes a teddy bear to sit on top of it. Apparently you get better weapons from that moment on.
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