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Everything posted by zombieman9

  1. Could it be repeating though? Has all of this happened before? In time, we will know...
  2. In the cut scene for Die Rise, Stu says something like,"what do you mean Mend the rift?" As you know, The o4 caused multiple paradoxes and they screwed up the rift or the correct flow of time. I think that whatever was talking to Stu was telling him to fix the flow of time so that everything can go back to normal. In a future DLC, they (lets say) Do what that voice tells them to do and that causes the n4 to fix the flow of time. They stop Kino from happening, "five", CotD, ect. But Richtofen can still do it. He can still cause the WaW outbreak. From there, that "voice" (or the new 4 or something) gets to Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo and tells them to avert this tragedy and stop Richtofen. Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo go to hunt Richtofen and stop him from causeing the WaW outbreaks. Richtofen captures them though and brain washes them exactly before Shi No Numa. They cause the rifts in time thus starting Black ops and Black ops 2 and then it starts all over again. So is this just all repeating? If anyone already made this theory, show me proof and I shall apoligize and give you all credit.
  3. Sorry if someone already posted this in this or another thread, but could the answer lie in kindergarten? blue (Richtofen) + red (Maxis) = purple... Maybe in TranZit the Tower of Babble is a teleporter. But you have to complete both EE sides and thus, teleporting you when everyone gets down. or it teleports you when you complete them both but it leaves you there to play until you die.
  4. Area 51 is said to have been blown off of the Earth and is now floating around the debris of the remains of Earth. They can't go anywhere unless that teleporter is linked to something else... Future Der Riese or Kino anybody? OOT: Maybe the o4 teleport to Call of the dead and see the door open and try to make it to wherever? In time, we will know. Untill then, these "O4 dead" or "O4 alive" Threads are pointless. Even then they're pointless.
  5. I've beaten him before. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy the stay.
  6. after you get the sh*t load of points, get the perks, get a few boxes until satisfied, PaP if you want, ect. I only wish I could've explained this better.
  7. This thread was a tutorial of how to "catch up" after a knock-down and you don't have points. Wtf do you mean?
  8. Not much to go on. there are people crying and screaming, writing on the walls that people think refer to future settings and maps or something. there isn't much going on in Verruckt, except how bad-ass it is :)
  9. Welcome to the forums, dude. Everyone is really friendly here so feel free to make friends, ask questions, and just about anything else. Enjoy your stay.
  10. Tis strat isn't for killing them, it's for the points! Benifits:(I appearently need to do them) 1.Buy traps. 2.You can afford a knock down/death. 3.GET BETTER WEAPONS.
  11. You don't need gold to prchase map packs. Also, you do have enough for the map pack.
  12. zombieman9

    uhh... wtf?

    I like to kill him in the early rounds so I think I might have.
  13. They don't even sound alike but nice theory. Ever since Marlton has came out people started with that theory. It could be him but I see it as just a coincidence.
  14. No you remembered right, Shooter. We all just have to wait...I have to wait longer :evil: .
  15. HOLY CRAP I JUST HAD AN AMAZING THEORY. In another thread talking about a quote someone made about Die Rise, They said something is down the elevator in the spawn room. Maybe the o4 teleported to a new location via teleporter and they popped up somewhere like Der Riese or Kino or something. They did it before! so maybe they popped up near Shi No Numa Due to the 115 meteor radiation and the o4 found themselves in Die Rise, after some traveling; But seperated from the new 4.
  16. :cry: :cry: :cry: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :evil: :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: DX I WANT THIS GAME SO BADLY!!! I don't have any money, i'm in the red appearently and after I do get the game, IF I do, Then I'm gonna need MORE money... Why me guys? :cry: Why me?
  17. It's either by points or it is timed or you have to be the survivor by a certain round to win? We will find out.
  18. hmmm. K, Imma think of some suggestions now.
  19. Did the brains system get corrupted or something?
  20. :shock: *be advised, your strategy chopper has been disabled perminately* All I do in all zombie maps are map loops... :oops: except Ascension, Moon, Shi No Numa, and Five. Also, I don't mean just up to round 20. I mean you can use the weak weapons to shoot at the zombies without killing them instantly and thus getting a sh*t load of points by the end of the round. Or, If you just want to kill kill kill kill, Then PaP the guns obviously. This whole thing was want to give you an awesome strategy and benifit from it too. Points and high rounds. DO I REALLY HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS BETTER?
  21. i already want to make a thriller zombie clip... theater mode will be awesome... :lol:
  22. I would...If i had a job or an allowance :x
  23. I noticed that too. But the actual poster itself has a firehydrant next to abigail. Maybe that is relevant to die rise?
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