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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. I think you have to think outside of the box here, as it were. If they are keeping the same classic, 4 player formula that's been in every map since Nacht, then what if, for these other game modes, if they started changing the formula of how the gameplay works for zombies. Such as (and this is merely an idea) having a custom class system, like that of Multiplayer's, where the more you play and the better you get, the more efficient and powerful weapons/perks/equipment you unlock. Or maybe they could even set up an armory type thing in the map, and they give you something slightly better than a pistol to start off. If it's suppose to be the most ambitious zombies experience yet, I think that means they will move beyond than just a survival centered gameplay. This opens up the possibilty for customizable characters, mission based maps, a more competetive style gameplay. The possibilites are endless. While also keeping that core survival mode separate from all this for story and nostalgic purposes.
  2. I think there could be a dead ops game mode, but it will be exactly like the one from Black Ops I. I find it somewhat hard to believe they would make it first person. It would be very interesting to play them in first person though.
  3. Since they mentioned multiple game modes in zombies, I think there will be a mode focused only on our 4 beloved characters, and several other game modes involving other characters, survivor stories maybe? (a walking dead type thing) Just a little idea that crossed my mind.
  4. I think this could be a way to please everybody, assuming they still keep the classic survival that I know people will always want, I see no problem with this. It could only help, not hurt, the experience.
  5. The great minds behind some of the greatest movies ever helped write Black Ops 2? I can die happy now.
  6. I just want a British character who at one point says "bloody wanker".
  7. Agreed, just because there's 4 player split screen, that doesn't mean you have to use it. And I don't know why you would worry about lag, because you wouldn't ever come across them in matchmaking since there is a 4 player limit, and wouldn't there be less lag anyways since their would only be one system connecting to the internet. I too have friends over often who all want to play zombies and no one ever wants to just play dead ops. It would just simply be a neat option to have, especially since it's already in multiplayer to an extenet anyways.
  8. Maybe Sam actually goes out on her own to pursue her own initiatives, while we are introduced to a completely new character who also has the same super soldier capabilities as Tank and the crew.
  9. I think this is a great idea. Maybe each character gets their own unique pistol, perhaps one from each of their respective nationalities. As for Mustang & Sally, just put the M1911 in the box. Or you could just make the M1911 a wall weapon in the starting room at a low cost, like between 100-200 points or so.
  10. Of course Juggernog is the best because it is so vital to the gameplay, but I choose PhD Flopper because it is the only perk that will actually give you another physical weapon that you can use for virtually an unlimited amount of times, unless it does that stupid little glitch thing or whatever it is where it automatically downs and kills you without even giving you the chance to be revived. Other than, it's a pretty resourceful perk.
  11. Well the two maps did take place at the same time due to the red phone easter egg, and I know that is old news. My guess is that's the connecction.
  12. You did make a very convincing arguement, which is what I think you're trying to say. You presented a logical theory with evidence to back it up, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  13. The best explanation I can come up with is if a virus is manufactured that decreases reasonable thought process and accelerates the primal instinct (specifically to eat) in the brain, though I don't think they would eat human brains, that was more of a concept concieved by movies and the mass media. The decaying would occur from lack of hygene, since they would no longer longer think about washing themselves and so on. At least, that's what I believe to be the most realistic probablility for zombies.
  14. I don't think a Zombies Campaign would hurt. Just because there would be a campaign for it doesn't mean they have to take out the traditional survival mode we all know and love. All that would be different is the story would just be centered around zombies and all the characters involved. Personally, I would like to see a campaign with it's own story separate from zombies, but perhaps have a cameo from Dempsey, Richtofen, Maxis, whoever, toward the end or something like that. Maybe even get to fight zombies in one of the levels. Just food for thought.
  15. I'm fairly sure zombies won't be in it. Treyarch was pretty tight lipped about zombies for Black Ops, except for GKNOVA 6, but that didn't confirm zombies till much later on. Black Ops 2 may have been the worst kept secret on the internet, but I still haven't seen a single piece of concrete evidence pointing to zombies being in the game. Not to say that they aren't, they just won't say so until probably the summer again.
  16. I don't think they could summarize the story in a trailer unless they planned on making it like 20 minutes long or something.
  17. I thought that Brock guy from Shangri-La mentioned some kind of date or time period in one of the earlier radios before he got trapped. And didn't Cotd take place in 2013?
  18. What a brilliant idea, I think I love it.
  19. She's going to be in the next map, at least I'm pretty certain she is. My guess is they'll just shoehorn in a new body for her, and just explain either through quotes/radio/loading screen/e.t.c how she got it. Of course I could be wrong and Treyarch is just playing mind games with us at this point.
  20. I don't remember them ever stating when Moon actually occurs, it was just inferred that it happened after some of the earlier maps because of what Richtofen says in the radios on Moon
  21. I know this may just be a theory, but it seems like a real possibilty to me. Bravo for figuring this out.
  22. I particularly agree with the perk idea, but I also think that if they were to allow us to buy every perk with no restrictions, that they should also definitely keep a zombie that could take a perk away (possibly even 2 if you have all the perks) like in Ascension and Moon
  23. I think that it is implied that when the group time traveled that they actually went to a comletely different timeline, and Samantha followed. Because if Moon takes place before Cotd, then surely it would've been noticable if the half the Earth had been blown off.
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